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748550 No.6787   [Delete]   [Edit

Hi everyone. I wasn't sure where to post this, so if it's in the wrong place, please tell me.

I like to make AMVs with images I find, and I've already done a Yume Nikki amv that can be found here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bqjjmf6iG8

I want to do another one, but I'm stuck on deciding for a song. I have a list, so if anyone is interested in that list to help me choose or has other songs to suggest, please tell me.

>> No.6788   [Delete]   [Edit]

The songs I was thinking about are :

Hatsune Miku - fuse : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO0hvraGIGo
Miku - kuma kage tristesse : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTcCLXlXU1c
Miku - outro : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC8Wr3oiqGI
Miku - Pilom-san : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itgdEqiJKlI
Miku Append - Zetsubou Game : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-InHb9510YQ
Miku - ruin : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irTruYghZsQ

>> No.6791   [Delete]   [Edit]

Fuck Vocaloids.
Thinkn of something different already, shitfaggots.
How 'bout Cannibal Corpse instead, huh? Can you make an AMV with THAT? Like, Make Them Suffer.

>> No.6795   [Delete]   [Edit]

How about use a song from the game- possibly a remix or arrangement? It would be better to stick with the game's music, since a lot of people don't know about it. Using other music might be a little confusing (like using a lot of vocaloid music might make people think there are new vocaloids or something goofy like that.)

>> No.6803   [Delete]   [Edit]

I didn't think about that, I'll check it out thanks. As for the first comment, I could have considered it if you were more polite but hey, I'm on the internet, what did I expect.

>> No.6804   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hey, nothing wrong with vocaloids.
Outro is my favourite from the ones you linked, it's such a beautiful song, and I think it captures well some of the lonelyness Yume Nikki has.

>> No.6838   [Delete]   [Edit]

From the ones you posted I'd say I like Zetsubou Game the most, mainly because of the nice quiet sections, which harken to the game's soundtrack. However, if I may make a recommendation, how about Nemu from this album? http://bunkai-kei.com/release/bk-k_000/ It's all right there in the lyrics. Some of the other tracks might be of interest too.

>> No.6839   [Delete]   [Edit]

well, it's a start...
i would suggest something simpler like something from the 24 EFFECTS album.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcRXO5vVcRg - 9am
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_zKf8QHf-I&feature=related - the day the diary was closed
there good songs to play with and they bring great emotion.

>> No.6860   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you all very much for the suggestions, it made me discover some new stuff, and they are some pretty neat songs out there. I'm still not sure what to pick, but when I finish the amv in a few months perhaps, I'll probably post a link here.

Last edited 11/08/21(Sun)03:09.

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