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File: 1311315518823.png -(10.6 KiB, 456x441) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10818 No.6689   [Delete]   [Edit

Sex with birdgirl. I know it's tempting, but don't do it.

>personality of college hipster whore
>talks loudly and only of herself
>the sex isn't very good
>after it's over she teleports you to the middle of a forest without your pants
>your wallet was in your pants
>you realize this was her plan all along
>> No.6690   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1311336238904.png -(59.8 KiB, 310x233) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's nice

>> No.6691   [Delete]   [Edit]
>after it's over she teleports you to the middle of a forest without your pants

And that's why we use a condom folks.

>> No.6694   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1311365794560.jpg -(22.5 KiB, 272x217) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>has an idea
>lunatic toriningen need to touch you with their hands to teleport you
>you grab them first
>they're actually quite weak
>fuck a lunatic toriningen while holding onto her wrists
>she stays lunatic but moves along
>fap to the thought of that
>cum buckets
>> No.6696   [Delete]   [Edit]


>handcuff her
>put leather bondage mitts on her so her hands can't touch you by accident
>fuck her in every position in the book and, with the help of buyo buyo, some not in the book
>missionary while staring into those wild purple eyes
>> No.6697   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1311423290797.jpg -(10.8 KiB, 341x330) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

post number is in your favour, bro


>she likes it

..but can't express it for she is lunatic.

And hope you're in an enclosed area, where not other lunatic toriningen could show up ( in hell for example ).

>looking into eyes

hell yeah.
i always wondered how kissing a toriningen would look like. I mean, there's a beak in the way, isn't it?

>> No.6720   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm guessing the beak is sorta fleshy, so they can talk, smile and frown, etc. like a human.

>> No.6721   [Delete]   [Edit]

now, for the lunatic ones, is it blood or a tongue?
this is essential for my theory of kissing them

>> No.6725   [Delete]   [Edit]

I've always seen it as a tongue.

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