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File: 1287641411204.png -(253.4 KiB, 638x416) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
259447 No.4744   [Delete]   [Edit

Hello uboachan. A while ago I had this idea for a novel-like portrayal of the Yume Nikki story, and have finally put the first part into writing (except it's online, on an image board.). I'm sorry if this should be in /lit/, but this sort of seemed to fit better. This may anger people, but I'm trying my best to make this as non-descript as the game it is based on. If everyone thinks it's shitty, I'll stop posting forever, deal?


In my hands is the diary of Madotsuki Niigata. Believed to be a Hikkimori, she spent her days in solitude, closed off from the outside world. Her apartment seemed rather untouched except for her room. Her room was tidy, but there were traces of her all over. She had a simple bookshelf, stocked with books about lucid dreaming, and how it works. There was a TV next to the door, although no channels came through. Connected to the TV was an outdated Famicom, with a game titled "NASU" inside. Despite being very mindless and simple, it seemed very worn out. It seemed to be her only means of entertainment. The view from her balcony was very beautiful. It was morning when I investegated, so the sun was only rising now. It rose above the hilltops, swirling the clouds and creating a yellow and pink masterpiece. I investgated her bedside next, which is where I found this dream journal, tucked away in the cabinet under the desk.

While Madotsuki Niigata's past is unclear at the moment, we can learn alot about what she was like with what I have with me now. I will not take this to officials until her story is told.

This is the dream diary of Madotsuki Niigata.

>> No.4809   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288052959434.png -(259.7 KiB, 560x660) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh! I love it! It's not crappy at all! I love the picture too. it adds to the mood somehow...BRAVO!!!

>> No.4817   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, it DOES belong to /lit/ to be honest.
But, concerning the quality of the piece, it's decent enough to post on there. All it needs is more length, though, but the people at /lit/ might help you with it.

>> No.4823   [Delete]   [Edit]

where did the last name Niigata come from? just wondering iv never heard the name before. its very good! please continue! ill definately read it! :D

>> No.5000   [Delete]   [Edit]

You put a lot of short sentences after each other (example: "Her apartment seemed rather untouched except for her room. Her room was tidy, but there were traces of her all over. She had a simple bookshelf, stocked with books about lucid dreaming, and how it works."), which makes it sound a bit staccato. Flesh some of the sentences out with more descriptions to contrast the ones you want to keep short, and it will flow much more nicely.
Other than that I really like this! I want to read more!

>> No.5061   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thank you for the positive feedback. :D I picked the name Niigata out of a list of common Japanese names, so it wouldn't surprise me if you had heard it before.

Yeah, I kinda realized that after reading it a second time. :\ I love hearing how I can better my writing though.

I have the first (second?) chapter mostly written out, all that's left to do is review and edit before posting, so stay tuned. :D

>> No.5067   [Delete]   [Edit]

i'll be looking forward to it!
i hope it'll be epic and better ending

>> No.5107   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289948711882.jpg -(6392 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Today, I begin my journey into the deepesft crevices of my subconcious mind. I leave my outside world and its inhabitants, for a place solely of my own. I have mastered the skill of lucidqity in dreaming, and I have created the world of which I will spend my new reality. My door is now locked from the outside, so I will not be tempted to escape out of fear. This is my dream journal; it is where I will keep my memory for future documentation. Today, I create a new life of my own.

Dream 1

As I awaken to find myself on my balcony, I aquire a tingling sense of excitement. The door which I had previously locked was now open, and it opened to a small circular room with neumerous doors, each with defining characteristics. The door of purple, I decided on, opened to a bizzarely colourful (albeit darkly lit) world. I gazed upon the floor to see it had been littered by strange tiles that made squeaking noises when stepped on. Undefinable faces surrounded me as I futily tried to make sense of it all. I spotted something in the distance; a figure with two wheels, it seemed. I made a beeline for the object, walking as fast as my mind would allow me. My assumptions had been correct, it was the bike I had owned from early childhood. It even made a familiar ringing noise as I hopped on the seat.

As I made my trek back to the door from whence I came, I noticed an elevator like entrance. I figured it would take me to somewhere of interest, so I rang the elevator up, and entered the very bright door.

I exited in my usual quiet, careful way, to a lobby with two escalators. The upper one was being blocked by a pylon, and I decided that it would be in my best interest to simply take the down escalator, in hopes of the upper one becoming opened later. I stepped off the non-moving stairs to see a blank faced woman walking in circles with no discernible direction. She was holding something... a phoone, perhaps? I began to approach her, but that only began to reveal her true nature. Her stomach began to creep open, seeping with blood as she made a terrible groaning noise. I could only watch in horror as the blonde woman began to run spactically, spraying the terrifying liquid everywhere with every step she took. I became mortified, and the only thing my mind could think to do was wake up, so I pinched my cheek in an attempt to wake myself, and it worked.

Today I make a note in my journal to forget her, and continue on without objecting, no matter the trials.

Also, the story looks alot better on my blog:

But if you like it here, that's fine too

Last edited 10/11/16(Tue)15:09.

>> No.5108   [Delete]   [Edit]

i think the door in reality wasn't locked, it'll be better
if she really doesn't want to go outside because a trauma of her life she had
and who's the girl with the phone and bleeding stomach? i never see such a girl

>> No.5158   [Delete]   [Edit]

Please continue writing this please!

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