Decided to finish recreating o-man/e-man/tokuto's posters so I can hang them on my wall and be as cool as the three of them put together.Here's o-man's poster.I'll do the other two in the very near future. Last edited 10/06/23(Wed)05:47.
Decided to finish recreating o-man/e-man/tokuto's posters so I can hang them on my wall and be as cool as the three of them put together.Here's o-man's poster.I'll do the other two in the very near future.
Last edited 10/06/23(Wed)05:47.
I still love this one but now I need that oneThe last one is a drooling mouth thing like Monoko's right?
The drooling mouth poster has some indistinguishable writing on it.
I felt like doing the mouth poster, if you don't mind.
>>3792 Awesome, printing as I type :)The gibberish writing was a big dillema for me which is why I left that poster for last, but now I don't have to do it at all. Horrah.There's still one left, Tokuto's poster (the one on the right), which has more gibberish... So I'll probably tackle that the way >>3792 did.
>>3792 Awesome, printing as I type :)
The gibberish writing was a big dillema for me which is why I left that poster for last, but now I don't have to do it at all. Horrah.There's still one left, Tokuto's poster (the one on the right), which has more gibberish... So I'll probably tackle that the way >>3792 did.
Actually...Posters are cool sosewer pictures in high res y/neven though tracing them and/or having them on your wall might fuck you up forever.
Actually...Posters are cool sosewer pictures in high res y/n
even though tracing them and/or having them on your wall might fuck you up forever.
>>3794Fuck. I swear the first time i saw that i shit an entire brick house.
>>3794I'm sure they'd be perfect for halloween. Last edited 10/06/23(Wed)15:08.
I'm sure they'd be perfect for halloween.
Last edited 10/06/23(Wed)15:08.
>>3792 That one looks more moe than it does creepy/unerving like the original... Needs more detail to me but I still like it alot.>>3794Oh gawd If you are going to do the Sewer Images can we also do the ones from .flow! I hand drew two with pecncil, but I only had Red construction paper at the time... But is it really necessary to make them? Cant we just take to original and resize it? Dunno maybe I'm just lazy but if someone makes them I will surely cover my walls with them...EDIT:>even though tracing them and/or having them on your wall might fuck you up forever.I did not see that part of your post... Last edited 10/06/23(Wed)17:24.
>>3792 That one looks more moe than it does creepy/unerving like the original... Needs more detail to me but I still like it alot.
>>3794Oh gawd If you are going to do the Sewer Images can we also do the ones from .flow! I hand drew two with pecncil, but I only had Red construction paper at the time... But is it really necessary to make them? Cant we just take to original and resize it? Dunno maybe I'm just lazy but if someone makes them I will surely cover my walls with them...
>even though tracing them and/or having them on your wall might fuck you up forever.
I did not see that part of your post...
Last edited 10/06/23(Wed)17:24.
>>3788I was digging around in /c/ last night.
>>3798I... really need to play .flowThe bit about fucking you up forever doesnt seem to concern anyone... seeing how we're playing and enjoying these games in the first place.I also feel like redoing >>3788, made it all jittery for some reason but meh.
>>3798I... really need to play .flowThe bit about fucking you up forever doesnt seem to concern anyone... seeing how we're playing and enjoying these games in the first place.
I also feel like redoing >>3788, made it all jittery for some reason but meh.
Some details on this one were just too... ambiguous for nice vectory lines to handle, hence the sketchiness.
>>3806The jittery style is good.
Been messing around with it. Too mutch?
>>3814Oh my, It looks even better! some parts did have alot but I'm not gonna be a goldilocks and complain. This one is definitely going up on my wall.>>3806what are you doing not playing .flow, its the best thing to happen to RPG Maker since Yume Nikki. imo...
>>3814Oh my, It looks even better! some parts did have alot but I'm not gonna be a goldilocks and complain. This one is definitely going up on my wall.
>>3806what are you doing not playing .flow, its the best thing to happen to RPG Maker since Yume Nikki. imo...