I looked at the folders and...here it is... it was in the charset folder. They can't open it? I sure can open it. There are also midi files (called äùÃÂãÃÂÃÂçÃÂé1, äùÃÂãÃÂÃÂçÃÂé2, äùÃÂãÃÂÃÂçÃÂé3, if these were what the message was indicating I think it would have had the number next to the name) and I don't see any problem with them either.
In fact none of these files strike me as something that would come up a horror game.
Edit: I think I found something, when I tried to import that image into the game using RPGMaker, it says it can't. It doesn't say why, I still can't see any difference bwteen ä¹ÂãÂÂç© to every other images.
Edit2: When I try to import it a second time, this time only ä¹ÂãÂÂç© shows up for some reason I have NO IDEA about. What the heck...?
EDIT3!!! I see the problem! Of all things it was the NAME of the file... when I tried to import it, one of the text becomes a '?'(it's a chinese symbol that isn't used often) So I'm guessing that I need to FINALLY fix this stupid text scrambling thing in the RPGMaker. How...?
Edit4: Now the INTERNET EXPLORER cannot recognize the characters TOO!!! What the hell?! I messed around with the encoding but I can't fix it. It was ok just a while ago! Wow... (I mean just the chinese symbols, foreign language being scrambled into wierd symbols has always been a problem to me for some reason.) Can anyone else read the letters?
Last edited 10/09/29(Wed)04:27.