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108538 No.2611   [Delete]   [Edit

Hey guys,

I have a bit of a problem in Yume Nikki of a technical nature. Whenever I get to this part in the snow stage, the game stutters and jerks. I think it has something to do with the sound, but I'm not sure.

Anyone have a similar experience and/or a solution?

>> No.2613   [Delete]   [Edit]

What are your specs?

>> No.2614   [Delete]   [Edit]

Athlon 64 3000+ (1.81ghz)
1.5 gig ram

>> No.2616   [Delete]   [Edit]

I had the same problem, but turned the volume down on my comp and was able to deal with the stuttering gameplay. I also had the same problem in either the candle world or the lamp/puddle world, can't really remember.

Fucking annoying, I can't even play GBA games without them stuttering on me.

>> No.2617   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, I discovered it was something to do with my video codecs. FFDShow kept on popping up at certain instances, and then it bombed out.

Switching to Dolby Decoder helped alot with the stuttering, although the sound is still really fubar.

Otherwise, I'm thoroughly enjoying Yume Nikki, although I'd love some dialog from some of the characters you meet.

>> No.2654   [Delete]   [Edit]

I had the exact same problem, OP.

Here's what to do. You need to take the following BGM's and convert them to .wav files.


There are other mp3 BGM's in the game, but those four are the only ones that should give you trouble.

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