is our Japanese counterpart with tons of fanart.If your unicode isn't Japanese it will display Mojibake.It seems like "windows" is a joke. Probably because Madotsuki's (Mado means window, tsuki means moon) name and the operating system it needs to run on. Last edited 09/10/10(Sat)21:48. is our Japanese counterpart with tons of fanart.If your unicode isn't Japanese it will display Mojibake.It seems like "windows" is a joke. Probably because Madotsuki's (Mado means window, tsuki means moon) name and the operating system it needs to run on.
Last edited 09/10/10(Sat)21:48.
Site doesn't load for me ;A;
Oh hey what's th-OH FUCK
,. -- 、 ,. --r ‐、 __/ \_____/: ヽ、 / ⌒ヽ \ ` } / ヽ \ \__ / / / / /Yヽ , │ ',. ヽ  ̄ ̄ フ / / / ,' i'´ `| | | ! ト. / / | , '| | ||│ | ハ ∧ ヽ│ │ / / |,/ | │ | |ィ|′ j'ナ|十|‐ | ,. / / 、 | | /' | |,.=i ィj/=iハ | / / / |\ | | |│ V化j 辷ン | || | ハ ,' / | \ ヽハ ゝ// , ////ィ |∧! ,/ i: :{ | ヽ | | ハ r‐'⌒ヽ / | /ィイ { 丶_______.ノ } ヽ |ゝ \ ー‐‐' | ,く,. ''.: / \ ` ┬ ' |/ \ ________イ Y イLr'「 | , ─r ' j / `ヽ こ、これは乙じゃなくてポニーテールなんだから 変な勘違いしないでよね! Damn, doesn't work.
,. -- 、 ,. --r ‐、 __/ \_____/: ヽ、 / ⌒ヽ \ ` } / ヽ \ \__ / / / / /Yヽ , │ ',. ヽ  ̄ ̄ フ / / / ,' i'´ `| | | ! ト. / / | , '| | ||│ | ハ ∧ ヽ│ │ / / |,/ | │ | |ィ|′ j'ナ|十|‐ | ,. / / 、 | | /' | |,.=i ィj/=iハ | / / / |\ | | |│ V化j 辷ン | || | ハ ,' / | \ ヽハ ゝ// , ////ィ |∧! ,/ i: :{ | ヽ | | ハ r‐'⌒ヽ / | /ィイ { 丶_______.ノ } ヽ |ゝ \ ー‐‐' | ,く,. ''.: / \ ` ┬ ' |/ \ ________イ Y イLr'「 | , ─r ' j / `ヽ こ、これは乙じゃなくてポニーテールなんだから 変な勘違いしないでよね!
Damn, doesn't work.
>>2196That's pretty freaking awesome.