I was just revisiting the sewer today when I noticed the graffiti reminded me a lot of an abortion tool I saw in a book once. And, she encounters a faceless ghost later. Probably a coincidence.
Later you see this on the wall.
You get swallowed up by a giant red thing and then in the background you have a big menacing amoeba thing which might also be a fetus. The way I interpret it, she felt fear and loathing for the baby she aborted in the past but she kind of regrets getting rid of it too. The fucked up drawings are the fear and loathing, as are the sewer monsters, but the faceless ghost is regret. The fact that the fisherman here takes you to a deathlike docks place with lanterns and stuff might also be regret.
Sorry if this has all been pointed out before.
>>1923The resemblance strikes me as extremely superficial.>>1924Looks to have clothes, wrinkles, and balding hair. Limbs are far too long for any sort of infant anyhow.>>1925The docks have always been one of the most serene places in this game for me. Also fetuses and amoebas have essentially nothing in common. The general shape of that slightly resembles the fetal position, but the details just don't match up.
>>1925Doesn't this area also have spinning "propeller blade" things that also kinda look like the thing in the OP pic?
This all seems pretty grasping-y