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File: 1289583808380.jpg -(4449 B, 200x162) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
4449 No.5054   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Does anyone know where I can find Yume Nikki doujinshi? :/ I've been trying to find some, but with no luck at all.

>> No.5057   [Delete]   [Edit]

if you can read fapanese go to pixiv.net that place is crawling with that doujinshit stuff

>> No.5062   [Delete]   [Edit]

I can't read japanese, but that's better than nothing.
Thanks man!

>> No.5064   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289645249858.jpg -(821 KiB, 776x3249) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

imo, those are way too short to be called doujinshi

There IS a doujin, though...I remember someone posting about it a while ago.
pic related

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File: 1243271988540.png -(247.1 KiB, 628x3551) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
253060 No.644   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

i have 2 questions
1) could someone get me a printscreen of the car accident scene in YN? (my pc erefuses to load rm2k :/)
2) has anyone got any more of these things?, ill post the couple ive found

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>> No.722   [Delete]   [Edit]

I miss that dude, the stuff he drew was epic.

I will do this meme soon.

>> No.5039   [Delete]   [Edit]

Your character starts with five doors, new doors appear when the areas they go to are reached.
The five main doors represent Joy, Sorrow, Anger, Fear, and Love. When all five emotion eggs hatch, a sixth and final door appears which represents Truth.
When the Truth egg hatches, the six lights form into a vortex which your character falls into.
The end screen shows the main character sitting at the bottom of the pit, and text above their head, what it says depends on how many of all the effects you have found.

>> No.5042   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'd like to try this! but I may be a douche and just use sai instead of..what it is that people are using for theirs. seems like an oekaki thing.

>> No.5052   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289538557118.jpg -(1.5 MiB, 628x3551) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

the part where im facing myself, I'm trans, that's why "myself" looks a little more feminine than the player character version of me... but yeah

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File: 1289537856111.png -(34.9 KiB, 627x478) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
35713 No.5051   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

When I press space in front of one of those ghost-y things, it starts to flow and waver on my head and goes with me. And if I press space on another it changes into that ghost-y's look

Pretty cute c:

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File: 1272821886984.jpg -(213.6 KiB, 534x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
218732 No.3253   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Where is Kikiyama? It's been a while since he's been heard from or any news or updates have been made. :s

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>> No.5010   [Delete]   [Edit]

Because Japan is kinda big. I really doubt we find him... but, what the hell, count with me (?)

>> No.5013   [Delete]   [Edit]

There can't be that many people that go by his name and has done what he has.

>> No.5014   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289371874180.jpg -(14.9 KiB, 303x520) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ok, heres what we'll do. Imma call Kikiyama and tell him he's one the most-fucked-up-games of the year award. And then i tell him he has to go to the empire state building to claim his prize. We'll all meet there and push Kikiyama onto the elevator. Once we are at the roof, we'll threaten to push him off untill he gives all his secrets.

Totally legal, right?

>> No.5037   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289438311197.jpg -(37.7 KiB, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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File: 1285993923325.jpg -(108.9 KiB, 475x380) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
111535 No.4636   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

someone has to make it. example. you're sitting at your computer, lurking uboachan. phone rings, you go to pick it up and have delightful chat. you go back, SHIT BRICKS.

basically, takofuusen flies across your computer screen.

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>> No.5003   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289339566128.jpg -(101.5 KiB, 424x470) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.5028   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289418551046.png -(656.9 KiB, 900x599) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As an amateur photographer I can say with confidence that it's a photograph with minor tweaks done in Photoshoppe.

>> No.5031   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289422756060.png -(92.1 KiB, 352x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pixels flixes! It's clearly a real photo and the original version proves it.


>> No.5035   [Delete]   [Edit]

As I looked at that, I really wished it was a joke.

Then I looked in the gallery... Mother of god, it made me cringe so much.

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File: 1288584309705.jpg -(10.9 KiB, 176x183) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
11160 No.4910   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

So I was poopin' around in the new Minecraft world, the Nether, and I see THIS GUY! They look like my namefag-sake, no?

Anyone else find anything in other places or games that look like YN-type characters?

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>> No.4948   [Delete]   [Edit]

Not yet, as all I've done is the front and sides. Anyway I'll probably make a thread for the discussion of a Yume Nikki Minecraft mod, this ones been a bit de-railed.

>> No.4950   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288894610831.jpg -(17.9 KiB, 305x396) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


There are more obvious ones.

>> No.5025   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289413319897.jpg -(427.4 KiB, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.5027   [Delete]   [Edit]

As was said in another thread: Lots of things from Yume Nikki are inspired from Japanese folklore.

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File: 1239401304077.png -(19.3 KiB, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
19810 No.237   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]




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>> No.4945   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288824490600.png -(181.6 KiB, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There was a thread for this, but it's pretty dead. continuation thread go.

Last edited 10/11/03(Wed)16:04.

>> No.4949   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'd seriously love to have dat Poniko. <3

>> No.4959   [Delete]   [Edit]

Seriously, I downloaded a pack of mods and not one contained a simple jumper. Therefore she's wearing a night dress that had a kind of coat thing on it.

>> No.4993   [Delete]   [Edit]

Has this still not been released? If so, can has be directed toward download, kaythx c:

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File: 1289227268899.gif -(1180 B, 48x58) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1180 No.4985   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

So I read somewhere about a year ago that Kikiyama said he was going to continue working on the game...

So uhh...

Any updates on that? :P Has all contact been lost? Will there (n)ever be a 1.0? D:

Picture unrelated?

Last edited 10/11/08(Mon)06:42.

>> No.4987   [Delete]   [Edit]

I think someone managed to email him and get a reply, it was about Masada but Kikiyama wasn't giving anything away.

>> No.4990   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, Masada and the place where you get poop hair were only added in version 0.10, so that makes sense.

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File: 1289072631136.png -(2671 B, 198x234) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2671 No.4970   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

I think this effect is a reference to Zelda,
Zelda has these hand enemies that don't kill you but send you back to the start of the dungeon,
Just like how this Item sends you to the Nexus.

>> No.4975   [Delete]   [Edit]

You should have posted here...
Why hello there, welcome to uboachan, is it your first time here? <:

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File: 1288895575391.png -(305.1 KiB, 856x482) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
312435 No.4951   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

So, as I created the basics for a Takofuusen in Minecraft's "The Nether", I figured I could go for a full overhaul with a Yume Nikki theme.

It's actually an idea i've been throwing around for a while now. But I just get stuck on what to remake the terrain as. Ideas are welcome.

Edit: The Nether will most likely be the monochrome desert, due to the appearence of Takofuusen.

Last edited 10/11/04(Thu)11:41.

>> No.4953   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288913172686.png -(257.8 KiB, 853x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wat do for lava?

>> No.4969   [Delete]   [Edit]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlxJkBRpjp8&feature=related lava should be black with white bits (see link.)

Pigmen should be the guy at 43 seconds, that or the eyeball guys.

Torigan should be creepers.

Uboa slimes.

Replace sun & the moon with rave monkey.

There had better be neon world stuff too.

Last edited 10/11/06(Sat)11:13.

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