Today, I begin my journey into the deepesft crevices of my subconcious mind. I leave my outside world and its inhabitants, for a place solely of my own. I have mastered the skill of lucidqity in dreaming, and I have created the world of which I will spend my new reality. My door is now locked from the outside, so I will not be tempted to escape out of fear. This is my dream journal; it is where I will keep my memory for future documentation. Today, I create a new life of my own.
Dream 1
As I awaken to find myself on my balcony, I aquire a tingling sense of excitement. The door which I had previously locked was now open, and it opened to a small circular room with neumerous doors, each with defining characteristics. The door of purple, I decided on, opened to a bizzarely colourful (albeit darkly lit) world. I gazed upon the floor to see it had been littered by strange tiles that made squeaking noises when stepped on. Undefinable faces surrounded me as I futily tried to make sense of it all.
I spotted something in the distance; a figure with two wheels, it seemed. I made a beeline for the object, walking as fast as my mind would allow me. My assumptions had been correct, it was the bike I had owned from early childhood. It even made a familiar ringing noise as I hopped on the seat.
As I made my trek back to the door from whence I came, I noticed an elevator like entrance. I figured it would take me to somewhere of interest, so I rang the elevator up, and entered the very bright door.
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Last edited 10/11/16(Tue)15:09.