Hey! Look what I found on the not completely dead Mikuchan topic! ...And Sorry for not knowing how to quote stuff properly.
"He wrote a story, which apparantly won some amateur writers contest in Japan.
this is what i can remember of it (according to a 2ch anon)
he, as a child, for three years (7yrs-11yrs), he lived next to this half asian girl, they were more or less best friends
half asian girl was bullied for being half asian, and also for having a fairly loose grip on reality, apparantly, eg, invisible friends, believed in faeries, frequent nightmares
at the time, he pretty much distanced himself from her to avoid himself being bullied
so more or less, after 3 years of being friends, he started to ignore his neighbour
one day, her parents went on a trip, intended to leave her alone for 3 days or something...well, a length of time
he was still ignoring her at this point, apparantly he could hear her screaming at night (nightmares i assume), but he didn't do anything
half way through the second night, screaming started again, but stopped
next day, it's found out that she jumped off the balcony
that said, my theory is he made this game as a tribute to her, assuming this story is true.
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