We should adapt Yume Nikki and its fangames into iPad apps. The music would have to be as loud as a PC to grasp the feeling, and really good sound quality. I can't make apps, but I'm sure that several other Anons can!
You'd move Mado with the touch screen, the same way as in Pokemon Ranger. If you touch Mado, you wake up, and on the upper left corner of the screen, there'd be a little button saying INT, short for Interact. Next to it, a little button saying FX, which pulls up the effect menu. Next to it, a little button saying ACT, which does the effect action. Next to that, a little button saying POP, which pops the midgets. Next to that, a little button saying DROP, which drops effects. The different buttons could alternatively be in all four different corners, with POP next to ACT. As long as they're not too big or too noticeable.
When playing NASU, there will be a different interface.
Also, it's not too different from playing it on PC if the sound is good and loud and you're playing with it close, but not too close, to your face, and at night, alone.
This should also be done with fan games like 2kki, nisshi, LCDDem, and .flow. But all these iPad apps have to be free because the originals are freeware.
I want this to be made so we can play it in bed.
Last edited 11/01/22(Sat)21:08.