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172693 No.598   [Delete]   [Edit

Hi /x/... I thought this would be the best place for this.

I have been having trouble the last few days sleeping, so I decided to try out some PC games. Of course, I found Yume Nikki. I was brought to this board and I surfed /t/ and /mado/ along with almost all the others. So I decided what the hell and gave the game a try. I got to the end of the game and got all depressed and what not, but overall thought it was amazing.

Anyways, back to the original topic. I haven't been able to sleep, even after that. At first it wasn't really a problem. The lack of sleep didnt effect my ability to function too much.

Three days ago is when things started getting wierd.

The first time it happened I was sitting at my monitor, completely absorbed in my work, when I felt someone beside me. Thinking it was my instructor I turned slightly only to see a large, hunched over figure next to me. He was wearing all black with a pale, pale face. This person was watching my monitor from over my shoulder. For those of you havent already guessed, it was seccom masada. Right over my shoulder. I know how it sounds, but I cant write or even make up stories to save my life. Masada looked so normal and....real, that I didnt even think about it when I saw him. It took me a moment before my body froze and I slowly turned to look at him again. He was gone .

>> No.599   [Delete]   [Edit]
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I have a nasty habit of waking up repeatedly when I actually /do/ sleep and per the advice of my friends, i decided to take sleeping pills (this problem has only occured recently) I will NEVER do that again. Throughout the night, my insomnia -or whatever this appears to be- somehow continuously woke me up, and everytime I woke up, guess who I saw.

He was standing in the corner of my room, just staring at me. In my half awake state, I didn't really care about the fact that this large skinny man was in my room.

The next day it was the same thing, except this time, He was in the distance. But every time i went to look at him, he'd vanish.

This cycle has been going on for the past three days and I don't know what to do. Every night he comes. Every day he sees me. And everyday I try to ignore it. Now I'm even starting to hear some background music from the game...I'm at a loss of what to do.

>> No.600   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Maybe it was lack of sleep.

...Maybe the stars blessed ya.

Whatever it is, at ont point after playing yume nikki my anxiety got bad enough I stopped sleeping for a few days. When I tried to, uboa would be behind my eyelids and I started hallucinating... Then a tall skinny man covered my eyes and I heard a few notes of the echoing piano. I woke up an realized I had passed out just when my eyes were 'being covered'.

EDIT: Namefagging to avoid confusion.

Last edited 10/10/05(Tue)14:29.

>> No.602   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yea, I think the lack of sleep plays a huge part in it. I just found it creepy.

>> No.603   [Delete]   [Edit]

thats..really wierd. I haven't seen uboa, or even anyone else for that matter. I thought I saw Poniko once or twice, but I cant tell yet..

>> No.604   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well I'm pretty messed up as it is. I don't find it creepy as much as I find it soothing in a way whenever I think about it. A hand over my eyes is basically an instant way to calm me down, so I look on the memory fondly, although a bit oddly.

Also, yeah, uboa is scary...

Last edited 10/10/05(Tue)14:29.

>> No.605   [Delete]   [Edit]

I know what you mean. Since Masada wasnt really an enemy in the game, Its not too scary...Its just now I'm startign to feel as though I cant the difference between my dreams and reality.

>> No.606   [Delete]   [Edit]
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OP just needs some real sleep. Hallucinations are a common symptom of an extreme lack of sleep.

Unless this is sum OC?

>> No.607   [Delete]   [Edit]

No this is not bullshit..I really keep seeing him.

Its night where I am...I see him as I type this. I'm being watched...I can feel it.

>> No.610   [Delete]   [Edit]

((I think i'm going to keep updating on here to keep track of things))

Last night I think I fell asleep...but I cant remember. I had to have, its the only explanation.

In my dream I awoke and sat up immediantly, not that I really know why. I walked outside and saw him again, except this time he was very close to me. I was sort of frightened at first, and against my better judegement I kept moving forward. When I reached him he seemed scared to have me so close, almost as scared as I was of him. In a wierd way this was comforting. I can't really remember to much after that, but I do remember right before I woke up, I was walking alongside of Masada near the edge of a lake when he stopped walking and just stared at me. Then out of no where, cold, clamy hands wrapped around my mouth and I passed out...or rather woke up. Everything is so bunched together I couldnt even recall whether or not I collapsed when I passed out in my dream.

When I woke up I was in my room and against my wall for some reason (I last remember being in my kitchen)

The wierdest part had to be how lucid the dream was. When I walked outside, I could feel the cold outside air against my face, and those hands....It was like someone held ice and touched my face. Thats the most lucid dream I've ever had.

More suggestions on what to do would be nice..I could really use it.

>> No.613   [Delete]   [Edit]

Suggestion, you say? Well, you're living every Masada Fangirl's dream. If he gets to annoying you or you just don't want him around, tell him to come to me. <3

>> No.614   [Delete]   [Edit]

Lol, Well I would be fine with alot of this if I could just tell the difference between my dreams and reality.. They seem like such a blur now.

Also, I've given the whole Masada thing some thought... and I've decided that he isnt really that frightening, he actually gives me a strange feeling of comfort... I get the vibe that whats giving me that creepy feeling is whoever touched my mouth.

>> No.615   [Delete]   [Edit]

So I don't get my own Masada? :(

Also, I know what you're talking about. Even when I get good sleep, I still can't tell dream from reality most of the time. I think it's a mental illness. :\

>> No.616   [Delete]   [Edit]

Lol no you cant

Really? I tried looking it up and all i got was sleep deprivation..I'm thinking about talking to my doctor about it..but I really dont wanna try meds again, god thatwas awful.

>> No.617   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yeah. I've had it happen since I was about 13. Like you, I don't want to be put on meds, so I don't even mention it to doctors.

>> No.618   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Lol, I dunno I wouldn't like having strange dreams like that no matter what, besides if Masada was in my dream, he'd die because everyone in my dreams die.

>> No.619   [Delete]   [Edit]

I completely understand that you're seeing him, but you really need some real, good sleep. He's not really there, and the dreams you're having aren't real either. You need to start taking a sleep aid, melatonin or something, and start to sleep regularly and normally. If the hallucinations continue or you can't sleep normally, go to a doctor.

...I seriously doubt it's a mental illness.

You're definitely sleep deprived, and it's fucking you up son.

>> No.620   [Delete]   [Edit]
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I second that...

I tried drugs, They not only make me feel awful and groggy in the mornings, but I still hallucinate after.

It is fucking me up. I feel like a damn nutcase.

>> No.621   [Delete]   [Edit]
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The grogginess is probably either caused by bad quality of sleep, not getting the right amount, or both. Your sleeping schedule is fucked up now, and it's what you need to start fixing. Plan out your sleep, try not to sleep too little, and only oversleep if you really need it and can afford to sleep all day until you wake up naturally. If you're taking a good, trusted sleep aid it should help quite a lot on getting back on a normal schedule so that you can get some good rest. I mentioned melatonin because I personally recommend it. Good luck bro, hallucinations and sleep deprivation is a scary damn thing. And like I said, if everything's back on track and you're still having hallucations, go to a doctor right away.

>> No.622   [Delete]   [Edit]

Last night wasn't that strange..but thing are getting wierder. I think I slept and I think I dreamt, but I can't seem to remember.

Last night I got home and just laid down in my bed. I was exhausted as usual and decided that instead of being paranoid about this whole thing I would just go to sleep. I laid there for at least three hours just staring at my wall not really thinking of anything in particular, when my door started to open. It was him. As soon as he saw me he seemed a bit startled. I guess that I was awake in the first place ((which means in my dreams I sleep but I'm still awake...?)) He sat down on my bed and stared at me for a while. I decided I should try to talk to him ((considering I dont even remember our last conversation..if we even had one)) so I said "Are you really a dream?" He, again, seemed startled but just smiled down at me and started to pet my head. In a way this was extremely relaxing and I started to fall asleep. Before I fell asleep though, I could have sworn I saw someone walking in my kitchen through the open door..

When I woke up this morning I kept hearing footsteps in my house and even a knock on my door once, but no one there.

I have a doctors appointment this afterrnoon, I'll post what he says later. I took the day off so I could catch up on some sleep.

I'll post again if anything happens...please more suggestions on maybe what to do, or say, or..I dont know, something???

>> No.624   [Delete]   [Edit]

Also, when I say I cant remember, I mean I dont remember falling asleep.

Yea, I know what you mean.. Hopefully the doctor will give me something to help sleep. Thanks for replying, I really need a source of common sense here, Its starting to feel so real that I'm starting to lose touch.

>> No.625   [Delete]   [Edit]

Meh, I really don't approve of the idea of going off to get yourself medicated for sleep deprivation. I have bad sleep even when I am on a normal sleeping sceduale due to anxiety. If it goes for this long see what your doctor says, but if it isn't killing you why go?

/anti-doctor, anti-hospital post (sorry, I just really hate doctors and hospitals. Bad memories of being stuck there for weeks...)

>> No.626   [Delete]   [Edit]

This I also agree with.. I should also mention I have a pill phobia ((call me what you will, but i puke everytime)) So pills I may not even be able to keep down, but what if I walk out into traffic during these hallucinations? I moved from one room to another without me knowing ((kitchen to my room in previous post)) whats to stop me from running outside? I guess its mostly for safety and health, sorry your bad memories though. One time I had this god awful kidney infection that wouldnt go away because I couldn't keep pills down.

got stuck in the ER for two days :/

>> No.627   [Delete]   [Edit]

I was stuck there for depression and social anxiety. Someone decided it was a good idea to try and force the reclusive NEET into a room full of people and give a speech. I was hospitalized right after, and they wouldn't let me out in case I tried to kill myself. BOOOO.

But yeah, I dislike the idea of pills and doctors, but if its a safety reason why not just bolt the door to the outside shut? I haven't had any hallucinations so bad I wandered outside, though many times I wander from room to room without realizing it. But if it is really such a huge safety issue for you, then doctors may help... may. I don't really trust them, to me doctors seemed to always want to suck money out of you.

Best of luck, keep us updated!

>> No.628   [Delete]   [Edit]

that sucks, I know a friend who had to go through something similar, he as well just thinks I should bolt up my door or ignore it. I'm pretty much a recluse, but I would like the liberty to leave if i need too lol.

Nothing is happening right now...I'm waiting for the worst.

Thank you for replying as well, I can't really tell my family about this, they probably wouldn't belevie me if I did or they would and kidnap me from my apartment and make me live with them.

>> No.629   [Delete]   [Edit]

No problem. No one else will help those who slip through the cracks, just each other. Besides, I'm very interested in your hallucinations, they seem more mystical than dangerous or even frightening. I'd wish for my sleep-deprived hallucinations to be so pleasant.

>> No.630   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thanks :) well the last one was pretty pleasant, but those cold hands scared me horribly. I dont even know why, I couldnt even see who they belonged too.

>> No.631   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well I could definitely see why. Something coming out of nowhere is quite frightening. I hope you make it through, and whoever owns those hands leave you be. Why not ask Masada-sensei?

>> No.632   [Delete]   [Edit]

I just got back from my doctors office. He said thats its sleep disorder and he'll get back to me. Get back to me? What the hell? When I told him I was too scared to sleep and I couldn't sleep when I wanted too he just told me to pick up some pills and it was probably my imagination mixing with sleep deprivation. If my imagination is this active, I should write books. I can expect little to no help from him, or basically anyone else for that matter.

When I got back home it happened again, except this time masada seemed really distressed.

He looked very worried. Beng still kind of scared to talk to him I tried to just ignore him, hoping he would go away. This just made him more distressed and he sat at the edge of my couch and stared at me for quite a while before I decided to acknowledge him.

After mustering up enough courage I asked him what was wrong and he just shook his head at me. I kept asking but he kept doing the same thing over and over, I said "You can tell me it'll be ok" but that just seemed to make him more upset. I gave up and decided to ignore him.

After a few minutes he seemed back to normal and started to wonder around my apartment ((I was sitting in the living room, so I can basically see the rest of my house))

As I type this he's sitting next to me and watching my monitor. I feel like I've gone insane. There is a fictional character sitting next to me on my sofa as if he were real.

I've had mental examinations, not too long ago infact (( a friend of mine died a month ago and everyone was worried I would do something stupid)) and they said I was just a little deppresed about my friends death, not a hallucinating nutcase....

I wish I could sleep.

>> No.633   [Delete]   [Edit]

maybe I should.. I'm almost scared to know.

>> No.634   [Delete]   [Edit]
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I have a startling feeling that something's bothering Masada. Maybe the fact you left and that the doctor couldn't help you... By the way, can you tell me the doctor so I can hunt them down and (kill/maim/rape/multilate)meet them? I do think they would like to have a meeting with me.

As for Masada, try to get to know him, even if he is supposed to be a figment of your imagination, you gotta at least try. Many things have helped me in my dreams and hallucinations, they've woken me up in the morning when I was about to be late, or saved me from potential dangers.If he's distressed about something, maybe it has something to do with your own distress/worry, or maybe he feels something bad might happen to you...

Also, that bastard doctor...

Maybe ask him(Masada) to sleep with you, or try and help you sleep?

>> No.635   [Delete]   [Edit]

I know, Hes a damn asshole. I could have told myself that, not some guy i paid.

I think I will talk to him.. Somewhere In and out of falling asleep he left, I'll have to wait for him to come back... I know this sounds very strange, but I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. If this is a hallucinaton, maybe hes an extension of myself..?

>> No.636   [Delete]   [Edit]

Tell Masada that if he doesn't tell you what's wrong, I'll send a pack of rabid fangirls after him who will hug him and squeeze him and try to marry him.

Also, -hugs you-

Last edited 10/10/07(Thu)13:58.

>> No.637   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Regardless of whether or not he is just an extension of you, he does seem to want to get to know you. If you have hurt his feelings, try to make it up to him, he may be your only companion in your hallucination world. Especially against those cold hands.

Last edited 10/10/07(Thu)18:40.

>> No.638   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Last nights events were perhaps the strangest so far

I laid in my bed as usual speaking to a friend of mine over the phone. He was trying to comfort me over all the shit that had happened recently, trying to pull me back into reality from..wherever i am. I told my friend to hold on and left my phone on my bed so i could go to the bathroom. When I came back I could hear him talking in my phone. Confused i picked it up and told him I said to hold on and I was going to the bathroom. He said he heard voices over my phone while I was gone.

...what the hell.

After the phone call I laid in bed in a scary silence. I say scary because everywhere I looked i thought I saw something through the corner of my eye. It was completely white whatever it was. I was so scared I actually wanted Masada to come and see me.

After a few moments he did, poking his head through my door as usual. I guess he could tell that I was scared, he had a worried expression on his face as soon as he looked at me. He walked over rather briskley and sat down next to me. At the time I was so scared and angry at all of the shit that keeps happening to me that I just asked "Why is this happening? What did I do?" I felt as though I was on the verge of tears. Let me explain that I dont cry often. I think I have only cried a handful of times and only one of my friends has ever seen me do it. I hate crying and everything relating to it.

Anyways, I asked Masada this and he seemed very upset, immediatly grabbing my hand and trying to comfort me, shaking his head as he did so. I dont know why he was shaking his head, but god his hands were cold. I thought this would be a good time to start talking to him, so I did "What were those hands?" My hallucination seemed very, very upset at this clutching my hand and shaking his head more now, even looking kind of scared.

He did /not/ want me talking about that thing.

>> No.639   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'd also like to say that my friend is a HUGE science nut. He isn't in any way easy to influence, he's even a skeptic of most things.

>> No.640   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Well, as for your friend on the phone, that is a little creepy. As for Masada's reaction... SHIT. Did you try to reason with him? As in, 'you know I don't know what's going on, please help me'. He seems to want to make you feel better. At least ask if there's anything he can tell you about what's going on.

And if need be, do you happen to live in the states? I may be able to call you. BTW. When was the last time you slept?

Last edited 10/10/08(Fri)05:23.

>> No.641   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yes I do actually, florida.

I'm kind of freaking out about my friend hearing stuff...He's so logical, its not like him to say something like that unless he really heard it.

I'll ask him that if I see him again..He usually shows up at night.

As for me sleeping It seems now that I have an impossible time sleeping without at some point in my night seeing masada. And if I don't see him, I start getting really paranoid. I have been sleeping at around 2 and waking up at 6, which is more then I was getting before he showed up. I dont even know how he's helping, all I know for certain at this point, is I for sure can't tell reality from hallucination. I need to get some sleep, or only god knows what the hell will happen.

>> No.642   [Delete]   [Edit]

Not to offend, but this is starting to sound like an alternate view on the Yume Nikki story. For the love of God, don't start keeping a dream diary! D:

-hugs you again-

Hey, I have an idea! If he can touch you and you can feel it, maybe he isn't a hallucination! Try taking a picture of him and if you get it, post it on here!

Last edited 10/10/08(Fri)06:27.

>> No.643   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hmmm. Well, if you like and if you have AIM/MSN I could ask you to share the number with me and call me if you ever need to talk. I have a tendency not to sleep at all for days (my hallucinations are horrifically mean though) and for me talking with someone can help soothe any paranoia when I get the hallucinations.

The body can adapt to a small amount of sleep, so if you spend a few moar days sleeping for only 4 hours or so the body will adapt, it's awesome like that. Anyhow, you should use Masada as a snugglebuddy at night if he seems to want to comfort you, why not let him? (Unless you're not like that.)

>> No.644   [Delete]   [Edit]

lol, I cant write stories to save my life :p I'm horrible at creepypasta, I've only tried to wirte one once....Now i just feel creeped out D: I promise not to jump off of any buildings.

....dont say hes not a hallucination D:) I was trying to avoid that thought track. My friend that was on my phone said the same thing though, he wants me to try and take a picture.

>> No.645   [Delete]   [Edit]

That would be amazing, Can you email it to me?


lol, I don't know how he'd react to that. Since this is all hallucinations, maybe I should just prod around and ask questions?

On a sidenote I wish i had taken my psychology class more seriously.

>> No.646   [Delete]   [Edit]

My internet is being limited atm, I'll try to get to email you when I can. Do you have an AIM/MSN/other IMing system?

>> No.647   [Delete]   [Edit]

I have an AIM, but would prefer not to post it on the internet lol, Email me when your internet is free and I'll give you my IM name.

>> No.648   [Delete]   [Edit]

SureSure x)

I forget I'm on a chan board, I always assume thre is a PM system.

>> No.649   [Delete]   [Edit]

lol, I know what you mean.

>> No.650   [Delete]   [Edit]
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lol, it'll take a while though. I'm still in alternative schooling.

Last edited 10/10/08(Fri)07:47.

>> No.651   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm feeling kind of sick ((a reaction to lack of sleep?)) and no sign of masada.

I'm also pretty sure at this point I hear the faint sound of background music....I don't know if I want to stay here.

>> No.652   [Delete]   [Edit]

Just a side question: Does Masada in your hallucinations have eyebrows/mouth/ears? Does he blip like in the games?

Hmmm, does the background music resemble anything horrific?

If you're feeling sick, be good to your belly and eat light stuff like porridge(not just oatmeal. I have corn meal or rice porridge, but mainly because I'm azn)

>> No.653   [Delete]   [Edit]

yea he has an eyebrow mouth and ears ((though I did notice that sometimes his mouth blends into his face and his eyes wont be all 6_9 all the time, it changes))

Yea, I had some pudding :/ And so far he hasn't made a sound so I dont really know.

>> No.654   [Delete]   [Edit]

He's not 6_9 all the time?! BLASPHEMY! Maybe its not Masada? Ask for his name.

Last edited 10/10/08(Fri)10:57.

>> No.655   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, the only times he wasnt all 6_9 was when he was far away and looking at me. I think I'm going to see if I can make him appear on will.

>> No.656   [Delete]   [Edit]

Go for it!~

>> No.658   [Delete]   [Edit]
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That's it, I'm leaving the house. My parents are coming to get me.

Last night scared the absolute shit out of me.

It started when I decided to go to bed with Masada once again patting my head.When I decided to take the opportunity to ask some questions. I tried to think of the best questions and of course my first one was "Who owned those hands that touched me?" Almost immediately Masada stood up, looking very scared. He just kept shaking his head over and over and waved his hands about. This time I didn't care and I asked again, making him seem only more scared. I was about to get up myself and talk to him, when those haunting hands came again and grabbed me.

This time when I awoke, I wasn't in my home. I was in the middle of no where. There were trees everywhere and strange sounds all around me. The loud music could be heard everywhere I was. In retrospect I believe it was the music when you sit at the desk in Yumei Nikki. I started to run as fast as I could to, anywhere, I had an unshakable feeling that I was being followed. and for some reason my feet felt like they were burning.

This running was endless, I don't even remember when it ended. I do remember waking up though. and what I found scared the absolute fuck out of me.

there was mud on my feet. I don't know where I was during that night...Or maybe it wasn't a dream...? I dont care what it was. The point is i left my house.

I'm staying at my parents house.

>> No.659   [Delete]   [Edit]

OK. I e-mailed you, asking for AIM. >>

Although. hopefully uour parents have internet?

>> No.660   [Delete]   [Edit]

Also, that is scary as crap. Y'think the hallucinations will stop once you're outside your place of residence?I also have a feeling Masada panicked because it was one of those 'you must not mention it' things.

Last edited 10/10/09(Sat)07:28.

>> No.661   [Delete]   [Edit]

I do too...God My hands are shaking. Where the hell could I have gone?!! Also, They do have internet. I just told them that I was feeling sick and needed a vacation...not too far from the truth i suppose.

I didn't get your message :(

>> No.662   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.663   [Delete]   [Edit]

Accidental post caused by being shoved about by an annoying sibling, aaand I don't know the password. :/

It looks like this "Masada" isn't "Masada", but some kind of protective entity that took Masada's form..I'd say a guardian angel, but then I might have to call him Tenshi-Seccom, Masada-Angel or something like that..

Probably can't talk because that....thing that tried to get you will come for him, he's not supposed to be with you in the first place, or his "voice" couldn't reach you.
From what I can tell, something's haunting you. An evil spirit, I think?

It's prolly a good idea to have left the house. What if you become Madotsuki or something. D:

>> No.666   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm schizophrenic. I have to be. its the only explanation. /x/ I'm scared out of my mind, I dont know what to do anymore. Running didnt help. Running only made things worse.

I didn't post anything this weekend because I tried to stay out of the house, I tried to avoid ever being in one place.

At my parents house for a while everything was fine, My parents had talked me into beleiving that it was all a dream/lack of sleep. God I wanted to beleive them.

Anyways, for a while all was good, until saturday night, when I saw Masada again. He looked very worried, he didn't even bother to stand around, as soon as I saw him he sat next to me and patted my head again. This time though, I could swear I heard something outside of my room. When I tried to get up to see it, Masada shook his head and blocked the doorway. This time I took his word for it.

On Sunday I started to see Masada /everywhere/. Everywhere I went I saw him in the distance. It didnt feel threatening though, It almost made me feel safe. Other then that the day was basically normal.

On sunday night though, things got...I dont even know the word for this. When Masada came in to sit next to me like he always does, I heard footsteps right outside. I KNOW I heard them. Nothing can be that real and be fake. Masada even heard them, except he seemed really frightened. I had enough and decided to go past Masada and see exactly what the hell this was. In retrospect I was really just fed up and wanted to prove to myself everything was fake.

What I saw was so fucking horrible, so..I dont even know, That everything goes black after I leave my room. Pitch black. I only remember waking up on my couch for some reason or another with Masada rubbing my side and shaking his head. He won't acknowledge me anymore.

I'm at a loss...someone tell me what to do..

>> No.667   [Delete]   [Edit]

A week ago I would have just rolled my eyes at something liek that...But at this point I'm willing to beleive anything.

If this was what Madotsuki went through, jumping off a building was a good idea.

thank you for posting...I feel so fucked up..

>> No.668   [Delete]   [Edit]

Don't you dare jump off a building. Like I said, take a picture of Masada and see if he shows up. The more real this becomes to us the more we can help you.

>> No.669   [Delete]   [Edit]

Drugs, seriously. I've had schizophrenic relatives and I borderline on it myself ( I only just realized that my 'waking dreams' are really more like hallucinations ) and meds really, really help. I still have my really weird, off days but the only things that really help me are my medications, writing down the weird shit I 'see', talking to my SO about it and meditation.

Drugs aren't always the answer and definitely not the ONLY answer, but they help get to a point where you can stabilize yourself.

>> No.671   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm not seriously considering it, but I'm so damn tweaked out.

I've had mental examinations before, very recently, and I came out fine...they had to have missed something..theres no way this is real. just no fucking way.

>> No.672   [Delete]   [Edit]

Masada wont look at me anymore. I tried to speak to him, but he just isnt listening. Why is he doing this. What did I do wrong?

The noises are getting louder and I have no one to protect me anymore. I just sit in my old room, feeling like a child, with the blankets wrapped around every part of me and my back to the wall. I feel so alone and..fake.. I wonder if this thread is even real?

>> No.673   [Delete]   [Edit]

He's suddenly ignoring you? Maybe he's scared that you've been taken by the darkness or something outside your room. If he's still there he may still be protecting you, whether or not he aknowledges you doensn't mean he still isn't trying to protect you. If he can disappear at will, then if he didn't care for you anymroe he would've disappeared entirely.

>> No.674   [Delete]   [Edit]

I miss him... I don't feel safe here..maybe I shoukd just go back to my apartment? The move didn't change much..

>> No.675   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286916060248.png -(1003.8 KiB, 582x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, I'm creeped out. Were I in your situation, I'm not sure what I'd do... (aside from possibly fangirling.)

Try keeping your thoughts on positive things. Listen to cheerful music, play some fun video games... Maybe go out and be with friends, too. Just, please, don't become a terrified shut-in. <:(

>> No.676   [Delete]   [Edit]

That might do something, depending on if you can go out.

>> No.677   [Delete]   [Edit]

He just wont look at me anymore...

I'm sorry for whatever I did, just please acknowledge me.... I feel so alone... I haven't slept in almost three days. I don't want to eat. I just want to see him...he's the only one that can protect me. The noises are changing every hour, from stomping, to knocking, to talking. I haven't seen Masada much...and when I do, he just ignores me.

I don't want to pack my things to go back into my apartment, I dont even want to leave me room.. I have no idea what the hell is out there..My parents have tried coming in, but how do I know its them? How do I know those things aren't behind them?

I'm stuck here, with nothing but a computer to keep me company. I just want to sleep again...thats all I want, I just want to sleep and make this all go away.

>> No.678   [Delete]   [Edit]

You've been unable to sleep because of fear, right? Wel think for a moment: They ain't comin in. Whatever it is, they /cant/ come in. If they could they would've by now. If you got some headphones, drown out that noise with some music and try to calm enough to sleep.

>> No.679   [Delete]   [Edit]

I dont know /why/ I'm not sleeping. The lack of sleep has always been there, since this thread began....No sleep. Only Masada could help me, but hes gone now.. I found the courage to leave and go back to work, but I crawled out of my window to do that, I didn't even open the door.

>> No.680   [Delete]   [Edit]

Slight semblance of normalcy, yay? I guess there's no one you can talk to at work, huh...

>> No.681   [Delete]   [Edit]

yea, and no I can't..I dont want them to know something is wrong. Though I'm usually very happy and talkative person, today I've tried to keep up appearances, but I dont think I'm doing well...I hope they dont realize something is wrong.

>> No.682   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yeah I know the feeling. If it seems obvious something is wrong you might have to tell them... not everything, but something to satisfy them. Otherwise they'll pry and prying sucks ass.

>> No.684   [Delete]   [Edit]

I feel so tired..I finally feel so tired. The lack of food is taking its toll and I'm sleepy again.. Though I had something to eat yesterday at my job, again to keep appearences, my body is just caving in.

I don't think I'm dying or anything else so radical, I've had this happen before when I had the flu and didn't eat, I was just like this..

Still no masada.. I think he abandoned me. Not that I can blame him, I would too. Who would want to be around a mad man? Even my own hallucinations...if thats what they are...dont like me. I can't live like this.

I think I may open the door.

>> No.685   [Delete]   [Edit]

Open the door, but take something with you, maybe both a cross and a knife/gun and make sure the thing behind the door isn't a real person before you shoot/stab.

>> No.686   [Delete]   [Edit]

best if luck! don't die!

>> No.687   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287074786607.png -(142.2 KiB, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

oh hi OP.

Last edited 10/10/14(Thu)10:05.

>> No.688   [Delete]   [Edit]

After thinking about it for a while, staying up all night and thinking of the consequences, I'm doing it.

What other choice do I have? I can't eat, sleep, dream, or anything. I'm better off just opening the damn door. This is all fake anyways. All of it isn'trealy. this is just sime horrible hallucination I need to get over.

Thank you for all your help, I'll try to report back.

>> No.689   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287155201943.jpg -(497.9 KiB, 1500x1149) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't die.

>> No.690   [Delete]   [Edit]

Good luck OP

>> No.692   [Delete]   [Edit]

You still alive, OP?

>> No.694   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287365674821.jpg -(247.7 KiB, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.696   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287458875024.png -(240.3 KiB, 530x385) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread
>> No.697   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.699   [Delete]   [Edit]

OP's dead, or hospitalized. Best of luck, afterlife or otherwise.

>> No.701   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287506048824.jpg -(196.1 KiB, 750x750) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.




>> No.702   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287508353456.png -(4851 B, 167x167) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.703   [Delete]   [Edit]


Calm down. I'm just assuming that s/he's gone an died or is hospitalized.

Seriously, am I the only one who saw this coming a mile+ away? Stop crying, if s/he is back soon then we can celebrate. Until then don't start crying like it came out of nowhere.

>> No.704   [Delete]   [Edit]


I saw it coming too, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried.

Also don't say s/he's dead or hospitalized for certain if you're just assuming; that doesn't help.

>> No.705   [Delete]   [Edit]


>>Seriously, am I the only one who saw this coming a mile+ away?


Op is probably in a coma somewhere,

>> No.706   [Delete]   [Edit]


I'm worried, but I'm not baaw'ing.

>> No.711   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287597659235.png -(10.9 KiB, 679x427) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.714   [Delete]   [Edit]

You bitch, you told me you wouldn't jump off a roof! :(

>> No.715   [Delete]   [Edit]

here i am reading this entire thing getting creeped out thining... this chick/dude has got some SERIOUS demons attatched to them. what i would do to just tell this person about jesus :'( my pastor knows someone that was skitzo and is now completely healed by god. no more scary crap at all. my advise to this person is to /please/ look to god.. please.

>> No.716   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287818950496.gif -(3803 B, 344x326) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.717   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm the only one that thinks that this isn't real?
BTW, poor Op.

>> No.718   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287930550422.jpg -(165.2 KiB, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.719   [Delete]   [Edit]



That's what I saw.

>> No.720   [Delete]   [Edit]

I has a sad... :(

>> No.721   [Delete]   [Edit]

I has a contemplative.

>> No.722   [Delete]   [Edit]


I'm 'OPs' sister......my sister is gone..

No one has seen her since she locked herself up in her house almost three weeks ago..God I miss her so much...

The police managed to break through the bindings of her door when my parents finally got the balls to call the cops...She wasnt anywhere to be seen....The only thing not destroyed was her laptop.. This thread disturbs me beyond any and all words.

My sister talked about 'leaving the house' and going to my parents house....that never even happened. She never even left her apartment...matter of fact she got fired from her job because she wouldnt leave her room..

The apartment was a mess..the windows were taped shut.. her phone was off the hook and her clothes are everywhere...the closet door was ripped off of its hinges...and the only door open in the apartment was the one too her bedroom.

...God dammit...

she kept leaving me voicemails...asking for help and about a wierd game....Theres no way I'm the only one who would have taken it as a joke..

My sister is ill...very ill...She needed help and I left her there...alone...Now shes running around somewhere completely incoherent.. I spoke to her 4 weeks ago and she sounded fine...I should have known better.

I miss my sister so much... If I find any details for you, I'll post...Its the least I can do for you guys...You were there when I wasnt.

In the mean time I'm going to badger the shitty police force and go through her computer..

>> No.723   [Delete]   [Edit]

-insert sad face here- D: !!!

>> No.724   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288027707427.jpg -(114.9 KiB, 662x807) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Maybe OP is just asleep. With all the crazy hallucinations, maybe when they opened the door, they collapsed into a huuuge nap. Maybe when December of this year, or February of 2011 comes along, they'll come home from the hospital and necro this thread and either no one will care anymore, or everyone will be overjoyed and want to know what happened.


>> No.725   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288040114160.jpg -(85 KiB, 600x848) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yeah i dont really beleive this person. OP can't be this persons sister if OP is a MAN.
im pretty sure this person is lying

>>684 here OP reffered to himself as a MAN.

>> No.726   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288042016732.jpg -(332.8 KiB, 600x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Please be safe, OP.

OP's sister, if you come across a game in her computer called Yume Nikki... Don't play it.

>> No.727   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288060105786.jpg -(63.9 KiB, 225x242) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is some really quality creepypasta

>> No.728   [Delete]   [Edit]

Madman =/= male

By the OP's feelings and actions it would not be off to see OP as a girl or a guy. Also, OP's e-mail sounds a lot like a girl's.

Regardless, be safe OP, and if you're dead, enjoy the afterlife and hope Masada'll be there.

>> No.729   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well my sister was ill... And i think she used 'mad man' as a phrase..I dont know.

Anyways, I went to badger the police more and they told me to basically fuck off. Nothing much new has ahppened, but I'm staying at my sisters hosuse until she comes back..theres no way shes getting away from me when I see her again. I wont be like my stupid parents and just put it off to "dramatics"

Im looking more into her laptop and I keep seeing a picture with some guy that has googley eyes? After looking it up I guess its the masada guy she was talking about

I actually did find that...why not? I know thats what her opening post has in it, but do you think the game has something to do with it? I know 'masada' is from the game..

>> No.730   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yume nikki is about a girl who shuts herself in and explores her dream world. The googly eyed masada guy is supposed to be the caring, nice character in the game or is at least depicted as suchvia the fans. He is the only character in game who reacts somewhat rationally to you, and tried to talk to you, though he makes a noise that is between a chirrup and a bleep when he tries.

>> No.731   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288124660755.png -(2518 B, 183x168) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


pretty much this, i'm sorry. how would her sister have found this board.

>> No.733   [Delete]   [Edit]


Browser history, perhaps? If OP's sister is looking for a hint at what happened to OP and where she's gone, it wouldn't be unreasonable to look there.

Though if this is creepypasta, it is indeed good pasta and I'm not going to try to poke holes in it.

>> No.744   [Delete]   [Edit]

I spoke to my sisters co workers... They dont know anything.

Though I think I have a lead.. My sister talked about a 'forest' ? Where we live there aren't many, and the closest thing I can find is only a mile or two away...I'm thinking about going to visit

admittedly I'm pretty nerve racked by this whole thing..

When I opened the laptop it was set to this page.

>> No.745   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288353928047.jpg -(29.6 KiB, 600x475) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Be careful out there, OP's sis. Good luck!

>> No.748   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288462447867.jpg -(226.6 KiB, 850x651) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think OP's subconcious was trying to protect her, or soothe her with a familiar sight.

whatever's really going on,
I hope OP is alright.

don't give up hope, OP, we're all rooting for you!

>> No.751   [Delete]   [Edit]


This is either really awesome creepy pasta, a sick joke, or trying to freak us out. Isn't there a way to track IP if they are the same I'm pretty sure OP and OP's 'sister' are the same.

If all of this is true, good luck Op's sister.

>> No.752   [Delete]   [Edit]

I decided to spend the night in the forest.

After alot of forethought I think if I spend the night there, I would have more time to look for her...It the only place I think she would go and I'm not giving up until I find her.

I will most likely be updating frequently tonight..unlike the rest of the week. I've been kinda avoiding coming back to this site. Its just too much to look at..I cant stop reading her posts. Its seems so hard to beleive she would type something like this. She was always such a laid back girl..

I will start posting around 6 or 7. Wish me luck.

>> No.753   [Delete]   [Edit]


Be careful, okay?

Best of luck, hope things turn out well

>> No.756   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288649521243.jpg -(102.6 KiB, 600x398) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Inb4 no response

>> No.757   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288652981874.png -(1.5 MiB, 1000x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

post post post post aaaagh

>> No.758   [Delete]   [Edit]

Sorry for the late response, getting out here took longer then I expected...finding signal was even a bigger pain in the ass...

Nothing yet, Im gonna get up and search. I wont stray too far from my tent and hopefully not get lost..

>> No.759   [Delete]   [Edit]


Good luck! Hope you find OP.
What's your name, OP's sister?
And OP's? Cause I don't think she mentioned, just curious :)

>> No.760   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hints: Hope your sis doesn't go to a road. Look for her there, she may be looking for shitai san. Hope your sis doesn't try to go in the sewers. She may be going to god knows what. Hope your sister doesn't go into a lake. Hope your sister doesn't look for large bodies of water. Hope your sister doesn't look for a large patch of nothing.

And pray your sister hasn't died of hypothermia or something, because it can get real cold.

>> No.762   [Delete]   [Edit]

....... I have no idea what to type here now.

I just...I dont even know what to say.

....I'll start off by saying that the night I was supposed to spam this thread with posts about what was happening, I got lost. And by lost I mean I dont even think I was in the same forest anymore.

The trail of yarn I used too keep track of where I'd gone seemed endless...There was no way I had walked that much. After what seemed like hours of walking the forest I was in turned a pitch black...I'm guessing it was night, but I saw no moon..

The last thing I can recall is me walking about and hearing a wierd noise that sounded like something coming, but then would be silent...There were no crickets or even birds chirping... It was like my ears could only hear that sound.

Im back home now.....With no sister to be seen... I feel like a failure.. but I'm not giving up yet.

Should I go back? I'm kind of scared too, but I feel like I should.

>> No.763   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288802786806.png -(19.6 KiB, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Go back, but take a search party. Friends, family, bloodhounds, ninjas, whoever you can grab. Don't you dare go back there alone, OP's sis; there's no way that is conducive to you continuing to live.

>> No.765   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh god, Op's sis. DO NOT GO BACK THERE ALONE. Take a knife, at the very least, and have your cellphone and one AT LEAST one other person with you, and don't split up no matter what. Safety in numbers, man.

>> No.766   [Delete]   [Edit]
>take a knife

oh god.

>> No.767   [Delete]   [Edit]


Last edited 10/11/05(Fri)13:39.

>> No.768   [Delete]   [Edit]

Creepy pasta is annoying.

>> No.769   [Delete]   [Edit]


Your annoying

>> No.770   [Delete]   [Edit]

I started to believe this until "OP's sister" appeared and he/she started coming up with the whole forest stuff.

It was entertaining though, man. Good job, good job. Awesome creepypasta and all that.

>> No.772   [Delete]   [Edit]

OP's Sis hasn't come back.

OP's Sis probably died.

If any of this is real.

>> No.773   [Delete]   [Edit]

Probably... else we would have got a response by now...

>> No.774   [Delete]   [Edit]

I haven't been on here for a while and I get on and read and OMFG CLIFFHANGER! OP's SIS, YOU'D BETTER GET YO ASS ON HERE NOW!

>> No.775   [Delete]   [Edit]

Why is SS always the first to assume death?

Maybe he's/she's their long lost brother/sister gasp

>> No.782   [Delete]   [Edit]

Read this all and it's probably all a lie, but for some reason my body believes that all of this is true.

I'll keep rooting for you OP's sister.

Well. If your still alive.

>> No.785   [Delete]   [Edit]

.....why are none of the updates I put on here showing? It says I havent updated since i was thinking about going back....?

Please tell me..you guys saw my posts

...I wrote entire paragraphs worth of things about everything..????

With the disappearing man, the maze I got lost in, and that damned forest...Are any of you guys seeing what I posted??

>> No.786   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290033483839.png -(282.3 KiB, 433x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Aren't those all places from yume nikki?
Also, pic unrelated.

>> No.787   [Delete]   [Edit]

Probably not real, but it don't care this is entertaining.

>> No.788   [Delete]   [Edit]

Dont care if real or not,
Keep posting Op's so called Sister!

>> No.789   [Delete]   [Edit]

No. I think something went and possessed you.
Try posting something less detailed.
Try not to aggravate whatever's hunting you.
Or you'll die faster.

>> No.801   [Delete]   [Edit]

FUCK I wish OP was a tripfag, this would make things so much easier.

>> No.806   [Delete]   [Edit]

OP. live. >:'C

>> No.838   [Delete]   [Edit]

Okay, i'm not gonna be soft here.
I'm a detective from Florida's head Police Department.
Neighbors to this house have been complaining about bad odor emanating from this residence. Once we entered the apartment, we found two dead female bodies, in advanced state of decomposition; apparently the older of the two; who has hanged herself, killed the younger female. the attacking weapon was a knife, judging by how deep, and how precise the cuts on the neck, waist and back were. oddly, some were shaped in a pattern which, according to one of our forensics is an "a" in japanese dialect.
Apparently, they were sisters. DNA is in progress to confirm this. On the walls, there were pictures of a white and black figure. the whole room is filled with them. there's also a suicide note on a desk. Its contents shall not be published.
we also found a notebook, still plugged in, with this page open. some of the number keys are gone, and the touchpad is stained with blood.
we're using external devices for preserving evidence.
we haven't touched anything aside from two USB ports to write this after reading through these series of messages. apparently this "OP" is our perpetrator.
Family history talks us about cases of Schizophrenia on both sides of the family.
If you were close friends to this person.... we are really sorry for your loss. we are further investigating this case.

>> No.840   [Delete]   [Edit]

The story doesn't add up if it's cold. Bodies don't decompose in a smelly way if its damn cold. Unless they live someplace warm and sunny, then ok.

Regardless, they're all dead, and struck down by Uboa. Hey Police people, you won't let us know the letter and everything? Hahahaha.

>> No.841   [Delete]   [Edit]


I call bullshit(obvious to all), but it'd make for a great creepypasta.

Last edited 10/12/08(Wed)15:52.

>> No.842   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1291859950481.jpg -(152 KiB, 850x554) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I liked it before this part.
pic unrelated

>> No.843   [Delete]   [Edit]

well now we know it's either total bull shit or someone is giving us a ending to this prematurely.
it's been a nice run OP but unless it gets reported on the news then retry your ending, it's way too abstract.
i mean leaving it to hang would have been so much better.

>> No.844   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well done on messing up the crime scene by fiddling about with evidence.

Also, I want to make a film about this.

>> No.848   [Delete]   [Edit]

i'm >838.
it's made up bullshit, i was bored...
(altough on the inside i did want it to end, it was just too sad for me.)

>> No.849   [Delete]   [Edit]


It was a good effort.

>> No.850   [Delete]   [Edit]

I figured you were bored. It wasn't sad, it would've been sadder/better/more intense if you involved some torture stuff. Like blood everywhere. Organs in some places. I could imagine torture would be suitable.

>> No.852   [Delete]   [Edit]


>>I'm a detective from Florida's head Police Department.

god dammit. Guess who lives next to a big-ass forest, in Florida?

>> No.853   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.854   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.864   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1292461119473.jpg -(56.6 KiB, 586x446) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.866   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hi again /x/.

Don't worry about me too much. The sister thing wasn't related to me. All of this happened in such a short period of time.

I called a crisis hotline and said that I didn't feel safe anymore. I keep wandering around and I wake up in weird places i.e. in the middle of fields or woods.

I begged them to let me go to the psyche ward because I wanted to die at the time, I wanted to walk into traffic and I just didn't know what to do anymore. They let me go in for a little bit and I've been trying to avoid the computer when I can. I've been told mostly that computers and televisions can effect the way you dream and even what you see in hallucinations.

I had to just get away from anything that could connect me back into that world. They weren't able to give me meds for being schizo because all they could really find was symptoms of severe insomnia.

God, I wish it was schizophrenia. I hope it is. I keep feeling these prickly, cold hands on the back of my neck. It's getting colder outside. I'm trying to block my door and windows to keep myself from wandering.

I'm still scared /x/. I told them about everything in the psyche ward but I'm still terrified.

I'm going to add a tripcode (if I can) so people can know it's me.

>> No.867   [Delete]   [Edit]

Wait... Are you saying the person posting as your sister wasn't actually your sister?

>> No.868   [Delete]   [Edit]


OP oh my goodness we were so worried ; 3;

>> No.870   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it was just some random anon fucking with you all.

I saw Masada again since coming back home, but he looks how I feel right now. I was watching TV a few days ago, nothing weird, just a game show because tehy're mundane. Looked over and he was just standing there with his back to the wall and arms around himself like he was cold.

I tried to talk to him but he just got this guilty look and wandered off. Like it was his fault I'm all fucked up right now or something.

I've been trying to use the light sleep meds I got. I still feel like shit when I wake up but I don't see anything anymore. Sometimes I still feel the cold hands though. At night I reach back sometimes to cover the back of my neck. One time I called out for Masada but he didn't show.

>> No.871   [Delete]   [Edit]

damn, well atleast your okay for now OP.
it makes sence that your "sister" was a random anon trying to keep up the tention.
masada, probably does feel guilty, he probably wants you to move allong with your life now doesn't he? i mean with what happened he wouldn't want to cause you any more pain.

>> No.875   [Delete]   [Edit]

I really hope to see more, op. But becuase of the fakesister, we have to know... are you a man or a woman?

>> No.896   [Delete]   [Edit]

Talk to us, OP >:'(

>> No.897   [Delete]   [Edit]

op?? why dont u post ;__;

>> No.901   [Delete]   [Edit]

I have a feeling Masada felt like he should've protected you from the hospital/wanting to die/etc.

>> No.902   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1294618754608.gif -(40.9 KiB, 438x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey OP, I don't mean to sound rude when I say this, but... Have you ever tried killing him? Or at the very least, harming him in any way? Although, you may have to be careful of this, as you may wake up with blood on your havds or something.

>> No.906   [Delete]   [Edit]

i knew the whole sister thing was crap from the start. now assuming OP is in fact legit and not just coming up with a freaky story with us eating it all up like tacos, i will give my advice/input. do with it as you wish.

OP you have some serious demons attached to you. i advise you to look to God for help. go to a local pastor and tell them whats going on. i know my pastor has cast out many demons. the only way to win against evil is to fight with something stronger, and the only thing stronger than satan is God.

im just trying to help like the rest of us. so you can take my advice or leave it, its up to you. you're in my prayers OP.

i am still wondering... OP are you a man or woman?

>> No.907   [Delete]   [Edit]

Honestly, if this is all legit, I think OP might have a brain tumor. This girl I knew had one that gave her such intense and vivid hallucinations that not only would she believe she was walking through a forest instead of her house, but she'd feel everything. The grass under her feet, the wood of the trees, etc.
I get you've had bad luck with doctors, but try to find a good oncologist and get their opinion. Even second opinions are good to have, just in case. And there are numerous ways to treat brain tumors, so if it is that, don't think it's the end.

And in regards to the anon above me... some of that can be legit. Most clergymen don't know how to perform proper rituals, though, and usually the piece of mind is enough for people, so they don't question it. For me, associating myself with angels was enough help. To learn to do that, just go to the New Age section at Barnes and Noble. I suggest looking for a book on Raphael, since he can heal people.

Clearly Masada is there to protect you. Have you tried having just a regular conversation with him? Like, "So... we've been with each other for awhile... what do you like to do?" or anything casual that you'd say for idle conversation. Try to stay off topic about the hands, since that freaks him out. Just see how he reacts to you wanting to be friendly with him.
If this is all a tumor, then once it's taken care of, Masada will be gone. So try to enjoy your time with him.

>> No.908   [Delete]   [Edit]

firstly: what the fuck >>906 what the fuck.

and secondly: >>907
ditto, i second this motion.

>> No.909   [Delete]   [Edit]

if Masada isn't telling OP to sacrifice animals, kill virgins, drink blood and draw pentagrams, I don't think we have much to worry about from that standpoint.

Last edited 11/01/15(Sat)16:47.

>> No.910   [Delete]   [Edit]

I really don't want to try killing him. I'm scared I'll hurt myself, or someone else. Plus if he's trying to protect me as >>907 suggests it would be backwards to try killing him.

If it is a brain tumor I almost don't want to find out. There may be a lot of ways to treat it but... that's a pretty scary prospect. How do I know it's not fatal?

Anyway, I guess I should update everyone. I've been having blackouts, but thanks to blocking my doors and windows I haven't been going too far. It's not too bad outside, but the cold feeling at my neck and back now gets more and more pervasive every time I feel it.

I had a nightmare. At least, I really hope it was a nightmare. I was floating around in a big ocean of ink or oil with only a little bit of light to see by. There wasn't a sky, or maybe there was but it just didn't have stars, or something. Anyway, there was this shifting over me, like some of the oil had come loose and started float up in the air. It just hung there until I drifted underneath it, and then everything stopped. The oil started to feel more like a bed. The floating bit though kept moving. It started to change. The light caught it and spread across its face. By then I was pretty much terrified. Well it turned into a face, and it looked familiar, but I didn't hear screaming or anything. I probably would have screamed but I was paralyzed. I didn't sleep for a while after waking up from that.

I've tried talking to Masada. Normally all I get are strains of very faint piano in response. Maybe that's how he talks. I managed to keep him in one place for more than a few minutes a couple of weeks back, but he fidgeted like crazy. He looked sort of guilty, kind of scared, especially when I told him about the nightmare. He ducked his head and curled his hands around the back of it like I was gonna hit him. I layed down after telling him about everything. He was staring at my computer when I looked up from the pillow. Do you guys think he knows I'm telling all this to you?

>> No.911   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm pretty sure he knows about us by now. Maybe he knows we're trying to help you, too. So he looked at the computer as a way to tell you to tell us something. That's just my idea though.

Going back to the brain tumor idea. It could be benign now, but if left untreated it will eventually become fatal. That's why I urged the multiple opinions thing, because it's a pretty big deal. And yeah it's scary, but not as scary as it would've been 10 years ago.

Now what did that familiar face look like? Was it FACE?
And I like that Masada at least tries to talk to you. His reaction to your nightmare is a bit unnerving, though. Again, try to keep the conversations simple at first. Try to ease his guilt, if you can.
If this all is a brain tumor, Masada represents a piece of your mind. It might help to just make him feel good and comfortable.
Also, if you can describe your dream in as much detail as you remember, I could try to analyze it and see why Masada reacted the way he did.

>> No.912   [Delete]   [Edit]

Are you really seriously asking how to know if a tumour is fatal?
quit sitting around talking to a bunch of self-proclaimed psychologists and go to a doctor. Go tell the doctor you've been having mental problems. He may say you need time in a mental hospital or medication, but whatever he says, he probably will know a smidge more than these people do. Quit attention whoring and go get real help.

>> No.920   [Delete]   [Edit]

I did. I believe we established this earlier in the thread. That's why I vanished for so long. Learn2read.

No, it wasn't FACE. Might have been comforting if it was, at least I'd know what the fuck it was...

I haven't seen Masada since the first time I asked him if he knew about you guys. He got this sad sort of look and nodded his head. Will update later. It's 4 am. I haven't slept.

>> No.921   [Delete]   [Edit]

you obviously need more help then. if you really are experiencing this level of instability then it will take more than one or two stays in a mental hospital/ward (which you didnt exactly do if I'm reading correctly)
I really doubt with your symptoms they said you just had "severe insomnia" you're full of shit and i really hope no one is taking you seriously.

>> No.929   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.931   [Delete]   [Edit]

yes i am mad. I actually had to deal with this kind of shit and i am sick of hardxcore kids trying to glamourize something that is painful and miserable, or people like OP trying to trick people into giving a shit about them by lying about this kind of thing. If OP actually had any problems they wouldnt have posted here, they would have immediately gotten help. I was okay, I thought this was just someone making an interactive creepy pasta before until people started acting like it was real, and then OP started acting like it was real.
sorry if i fuck up saging but whateveR.

>> No.935   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1296923633603.jpg -(411.7 KiB, 904x1129) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If you don't like the thread scroll past. I think it's interesting. Here's a form where you can issue a formal complaint for your butthurt mister "baw I had to deal with it IRL."

EDIT: Oops. Meant to sage. Too late.

Last edited 11/02/05(Sat)08:34.

>> No.936   [Delete]   [Edit]
>just someone making an interactive creepy pasta before until people started acting like it was real, and then OP started acting like it was real.

you sir are a Danish swirl, GTFO my internet please or culture some braincells.

>> No.938   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.943   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1297818030419.jpg -(28.8 KiB, 240x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>921 onwards, can we stop this and just get back to pasta? Even if OP isn't serious, it's still a good story. And stories are often about things that people experience irl, so that the audience can relate. What's offensive about that?

>> No.944   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.945   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.946   [Delete]   [Edit]

im sorry for being a shit
i'm actually kind of jealous and bitter because people didnt give me nearly as much support as they are giving the OP who is most likely just writing a creepypasta. and to be honest it took the therapists a while to believe me and actually treat me. they thought i was trying to get attention since you know being young = having no authentic pain or feelings
it's a cool creepy pasta op, im sorry for my shittiness, plz come back

>> No.948   [Delete]   [Edit]

OP, you still alive? :(

>> No.974   [Delete]   [Edit]

I agree with you bro. I hope you don't have to go through anything like anymore, and if you do, I hope you get plenty of support and help.

>> No.1137   [Delete]   [Edit]

NO OP, COME BACK. I just found this thread!! Please be alive, OP; come back to us and give us an update! ;A;

>> No.1143   [Delete]   [Edit]

Is poor OP dead? D:

>> No.1144   [Delete]   [Edit]

Don't you guys realize? OP CAN'T come back. That would ruin the uncertain feel of the story and that flip-flop "oh god i can't even tell if this is fake or not" spice it had.

It'll just be way too obvious if s/he came back all "lol, ok, imma start the story again no harm done c:".

That angry person unknowingly ruined it for everyone and we'll never hear the rest of the story.


>> No.1145   [Delete]   [Edit]

but but-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! ;~;

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