My mother's best friend is psychic. Between me and my brother, there was a miscarrige. So, one night when my mother and her friend Lori were chatting about stuff, and Mom heard a little boy saying "Mom." like he was missing a sock. Thing was, my brother was sleeping on the couch, only being 3 at the time. Lori sensed the presence of the boy. Then a year later, I was born. Ta-daaaaa. Mom said that if the baby between me and my bro made it, I wouldn't exsist.
Okay, now, go back like to when my brother was a baby. He would sit at the bottom of the stairs and just giggle and laugh, like he was trying to have a conversation with something. When he learned to crawl he sat at the top of the stairs and played with noone. Dear Lori came by and visited. Said it was a little boy, once again. An angel, if you will. Dunno if he's around or not...
SKIP TO LIKE TWO MONTHS AGO FROM NOW. I live in my uncle's house for school, and then I go back to my dad's for the weekend, since my uncle lives in a tiny little town. ANYWAY I was just minding my own business as I slept while Mom was working the night shift. About 12 AM my bro, who is older than me, comes up like "I HEAR A MAN TALKING TO ME" so he gets the gun and sleeps with it. He tells me before the bus came for me that he tried to move things with his mind. I know he has a few mental issues so I leave him alone for a bit. The next night, same thing. He comes in and sleeps on the floor. We're both alone with each other, and I notice at 2 AM he's crying. I ask him what was up. He said it whispered in his ear, the voice. I shook my head. "Bullshit, Tyler." I told him. "You're dreaming." but he was awake. He went home with me later in the week. The weird thing is, that house has a bit of a, ahem, history, if you will. Lori doesn't like it much there, she's been there much more than one time. And everyone there always seems to be negative towards one another.
But I don't think that's paranormal. My uncle can be a dick sometimes. My mom hates living with her brother. Me and Tyler both think taking orders from a stranger is bullshit. Even our cousin Derek really doesn't like living with my uncle/his dad. /shrug
Anyway I have a few more stories. I obsess over a lot of paranormal things, it's a freakish hobby of mine. But GOD is it FUN~!