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227389 No.104   [Delete]   [Edit

Hey guys, I've heard many times before that writing down a conversation with your subconcious mind can be done as follows:

With a pen and paper, ask questions and make conversation with your dominant hand, which corresponds to your concious mind. Once a question has been written down, switch over to your other hand to write a response. This hand corresponds to your sub-concious mind, and is the part of your brain which uses your imagination to create thought-forms or imaginary friends.

I decided to give it a try, and am quite pleased with the outcome. I like the way my sub-conciousness started interrogating me, trying to flush out my arrogance.

Also, apologies if my writing is a little messy. The aim is to keep up with your minds as they think of the first thing that comes up, which is very fast. It'll be something I'll get more used too, the more I do it.

>> No.105   [Delete]   [Edit]


Wow, your subconscious is a dick.

I wanna try this sometime.

>> No.106   [Delete]   [Edit]

What the....
This is so scary I don't think I want to do this, I'M TEMPTED...

I'm scared my subconcious is going to end up killing me at night.

>> No.107   [Delete]   [Edit]


OP here.

I know, it's interesting, isn't it? I have considered killing people I know out of spite, but not because I figured it would save them a life of slavery and boredom. I was really shocked when I wrote that down, it had never, ever been a thought in my mind.

Please do try it. I'll try to help if you're having trouble.

>> No.108   [Delete]   [Edit]

My subconscious is named Tommy. He lives on Earth, but not ours. He wants to be kind, do good in the world. But he can't. I have to do it for him. He wants me to be successful, but he says the universe is based off random chance.

He's a dick too.

>> No.109   [Delete]   [Edit]

So wait. How does this work?
Do you go to sleep holding the pencil or...?

>> No.110   [Delete]   [Edit]


Just sit there with a pen and paper and start writing.

>> No.111   [Delete]   [Edit]

But then its not really your subconscious, its just you writing with your not usual hand. B|

Last edited 09/12/28(Mon)01:05.

>> No.112   [Delete]   [Edit]


Read the fist post, please.

>> No.114   [Delete]   [Edit]

I did but it still makes no sense to me...
Maybe its because I can write properly with both hands...

>> No.115   [Delete]   [Edit]

Read the second paragraph, like closely :B It took me a while to get it, too but knowing that it was like

"oh snap"
It's kind of a left brain right brain thing.

>> No.118   [Delete]   [Edit]

I tried this and my subconcious wasn't nice. Anything I asked her, she didn't give me a straight answer. She told me it was because of our depression. I asked why she was giving me freaky dreams and she told me she didn't need a reason. And she called my nickname stupid. It was childish. I told her it was casual, she said it was ridiculous. She wouldn't give me her own name, she said that "anything was fine" for her.

I don't think our other sides like us.

>> No.119   [Delete]   [Edit]


Tommy likes me. He tried to encourage me to not suck at life, and do shit.

>> No.120   [Delete]   [Edit]


Are you related to the guy from Hentai Foundry?

>> No.121   [Delete]   [Edit]


I wish my subconcious liked me and encouraged me to do things. :C


...I don't even wanna know.

>> No.122   [Delete]   [Edit]

I tried this and it's freaky.
My subconscious told me we don't need language to speak to each other.I asked her if she likes being my subconscious and she said it's okay but it gets lonely sometimes and she wants me to talk to her more often.
I also asked her about weird dreams and she told me that i can't fly but she can, therefore she helps me travel.Now what should I understand from that?
Her name is Ana B.

>> No.124   [Delete]   [Edit]


OP here.

Ask her what she meant by "language" everything in the universe communicates through language, just different langauges from one another.

About the dream part. Try to find out how to lucid dream. Meet her inside one, then have a conversation. Perhaps you two could do many great things together in these dreams.

Also, if she gets lonely, talk to her more often :)

>> No.127   [Delete]   [Edit]

Im kinda creeped out from my attempt at this so i turned the paper over and stopped ill look at it in the morning this is weird stuff if you take it serious

>> No.181   [Delete]   [Edit]

When I first read the posts I felt a bit intimidated from the possibility of my subconscious hating me or acting like a prick.However, I had a lengthy conversation with a nice,and interesting individual.She wrote that her name is Happy and that she enjoys being a part of me.I didn't know she was a girl until I asked her if she was one of the girls that I drew after having a strange dream.Then she told me that the other girl's name is Riiyue and that everyone else in the classroom shuns her,which is why she is always sad.So I wrote that we should go back and get her out of there and Happy simply replied "Yes lets". Then I finally thanked her for all of the info and that I look forward to our new friendship.

>> No.184   [Delete]   [Edit]

I asked my subconscious is it was male or female and if it had an identity.

"I have no identity. That which is unrecognizable has no need for identity."

Male or female response:
"Both, and then neither."

And then told me that time was fluid. Everything occurs at once. You die as you are born.

I don't always get straightforward answers, but this is very interesting.

>> No.185   [Delete]   [Edit]

Either my subconcious is pretty boring, or I'm doing it wrong D:

Vaguely related, but this reminded me about something my boyfriend told me: he unconsciously wrote down some sort of essay about switching bodies during a class. When he became aware of what he had done, he shat bricks.

That notebook is somewhere in his house, we've got to find it so I can read it and share it with you guys...

>> No.194   [Delete]   [Edit]

I tried this and my subconcious is actually pretty nice, when i first meet him he didnt have a name so i named him, Friend because as soon as we started we became extremely close like bestfriends are. He's shy and stubborn and i pick on him telling him that he writes like a Pre-schooler which he get's angry at. But today he got extremely mad at me when he asked me the question why i contacted him, i told him that i just wanted to meet him then he got even madder and after that he stopped writing to me. I kept apologizing i hope forgives me D:

>> No.245   [Delete]   [Edit]

I tried this and when I asked for its name, all three times I got the same illegible scribble.

Then I got frustrated and stopped.

>> No.247   [Delete]   [Edit]

fff- my subcontious is called bethany, he' bisexual but i think he prefers men more.
aparently he loves me since ever. fff- what? he got mad at me since i don't talk to him, and he's not sure why he loves me and he worries about me, he doesn't like my friends, and he got angyery at me since my friend disturbed our chat since she's sleeping it my bed and she woke up abit and he decided to stop it since he couldn't get his feelings accross.

>> No.248   [Delete]   [Edit]


do you, by chance, browse /seccom/ often?

>> No.263   [Delete]   [Edit]

anyone else get dizzy during this?

>> No.264   [Delete]   [Edit]

This was.. really fun! xD I didn't think it would work on a computer, but it did. (I have problems with writing on paper. I just.. can't do it. orz)

Her name's Naoko. When I asked at first, she said she didn't have a name, and asked me to pick one. I suggested a few, then picked a name I'd given a character of mine, since I imagine they look similar. She likes her name.

You can do this in your head, too, that's how I first did it.

She's quite moe. xD She doesn't like me calling her that, but it's the best way to describe her.

Here's out first conversation, using the computer, if anyone wants to read. I start off, and she replies, so the order is Me -> Naoko -> Me.

Hello, Naoko.


This feels weird. Like I'm talking to myself.

Well, you are really. Sorry! I keep making mistakes.

That's okay. It's technically me typing anyway, so it's really me making all the mistakes.

I guess you have a point. Aren't you worried you'll get caught?

Nah. If I know Dad, he'll be out another hour or so. Sorry we can't talk for long.

That's okay. :3 We can talk tonight.

IS it lonely up there, when I'm not talking to you?

Sometimes. But.. the stuff in your head keeps me company. Does that makes sense? It sounds really weird. Sorry!

XD It's okay, I kinda understand. So do you like.. watch my dreams? Like a movie?

Sometimes. They're very funny! I like the one where you're in that naime band best.

Ah, that's so embarassing. xD;;; I can't even sing.

I like how you sing. I wish I could sing.

I wonder how you'd sound. Do you have a voice?

I don't think so. If I had one, how do you think I'd sound?

Kinda like a moe character. That's how you sound to me.

Hey! I'm not moe! D:

Sorry, I was just saving the document, so I can show Uboachan later. Is that okay?

That's fine, you got the idea from there anyway.

So I was right, this works on a computer too.

Yeah. Maybe it depends on what you write better with. I'm sorry! I made more mistakes.

It's okay, I know what you mean. xD

Good. :3

Do you like your name? It's the only one I could think of. I could give you another if you like.

No, it's okay, I like it. It feels right.

Maybe it's because I imagine you look like Naoko (the character)?

Maybe. She's cute! I'd love to have a little sister like her.

Do you have sisters, or family?

No. I don't think so.

How come?

I think there's just me. I don't know why.

When you're up there, can you liek.. talk to characters I've made up? (I know I asked before, but your answer kinda confused me, and I wanted to know if you'd tried it.)

Um.. I don't know, I still haven't tried. I might be bale to, since you made us all up.

It doesn't feel like I've made you up, to be honest, it feels like I'm talking to another person. It's nice.

Are we friends?

I suppose. XD Why do you ask?

Just wondering. I don't think I've ever had a friend.

I'm sorry for not talking to you, I didn't know I could.

It's okay, not many people do. Do you think you'll ever see me in a dream?

Maybe. Maybe we'll have Yume Nikki adventures in our dreams. xD

I hope not, Yume Nikki is scary. ;; How about Yume 2kki? People say that's more 'whimsicle'.

Yeah, I'd rather have a funny dream world. Do you dream?

I don't know. I'm sorry, I can't answer many of your questions. Eeep! I keep making mistakes.

It's okay. I think that's my fault - it happens more when I concentrate on the keyboard.

I get it. Are you going to do your work?

Maybe. I mean to, then I get distracted, because it's boring.

You should do your work. Your Mum gets upset when you don't, and fights start.

You're right. You're very smart Naoko.

Thank you. >w<

When I'm done, should I play Paper Mario? Do you like that game? (Wow, that question felt sooo weird. XDDD )

Please play it! I like it. And it's okay, it feels funny talking back as well. Will you draw me?

Sure. :3 I'll use a doll base. You pick.

Yay! Thank you. Will you put it on the internet?

If you want. What clothes should I give you? I keep thinking of you in Poniko's clothes.

Those are pretty! Can I have those?

Sure. Should I make the skirt shorter?

If you want, I don't mind.

Okay. This is fun! It was weird at first, but now it feels really easy to do.


Are you getting tired?

A little. Why?

I don't know, I just felt like I should ask. I'm a little tired too. xD

Do I sleep?

That's a funny question, I was just going to ask. Don't you know?

No. I sometimes think I do, but then I wonder. Sorry, it's a weird question. ><

It's okay. Maybe you sleep when I do? Or you get tired when I imagine more?

That makes sense. You use the same parts of your brain to talk to me, and imagine, don't you?

I'm pretty sure, that's what the Uboachan thread said. Do you get bored up there?


How can I help? Being bored sucks.

Talking helps, but I know you can't do that all the time. Um... I don't know.

Can you use stuff from my dreams, to be entertained? (Sorry, had to re-word that, it sounded pervy. xD)

You read too much hentai! XD I think I can, I'll try. Try now.

Um.. I'll give you a DS and a game I've played. Will it work?

If you give me Pokemon Diamond, I won't have all the Pokemon in the game, since you haven't seen them all, but try that.

Okay. How do I do it?

I don't know. Just make a picture in your head, and see if that works.

OK. I can't see the game clearly, it's all fuzzy. It might come out being Platinum instead, sorry. xD;

It's okay, I think it's Diamond. That's the game you know more about.

Okay. Did it work?

I think so. Thank you!

It's okay. If you get bored, just ask, and I'll try and give you stuff. Would you like a plushie?

Ohh, please! They're so cute. Can I have a cat?

Sure. There.

I think it worked. Maybe you just have to think about it.

Yeah. Maybe it only works because I hope it does?

Maybe. It's nice to think like that.

Wow, this conversation has gone on for a while. You're very easy to talk to, Naoko. (Almost called you Miku, derp. XD;;; )

Thank you. XD Isn't that a name you suggested?

Yeah. It didn't fit you though. Lol, fit, I sound like I'm talking about clothes.

Names are kind of like clothes. Some suit you, some don't.

That's very profound, Naoko. Do I think that, or did you?

I don't know. Maybe we both do.

Maybe. Do you think the same things as me?

I think we have the same basic morals and stuff, but we somethimes think different things. Like, I think Daleks are scary, but you like them.

Ah. So you watch TV with me too?

Yeah, I see everything. Sorry, that sounds weird.

No, I kinda guessed that. I mean, you're technically me, right?

Technically. Do you want to put this on Uboachan now?

I was just thinking that.

I know. Duh. XP

Oh yeah, of course. xD;;;;; How do I let them know who's who?

Just tell them that you start off. That's what you were going to do, so I think it'll work.

Okay. When I'm done, do you want to read over some of my old roleplay logs? I think you asked that.

Yeah, I did. You're good at this!

Thanks. xD Okay, I'll read them untill 11, I don't want to get caught.

Okay. Will you do your work after.

I'll try. Sometimes when I try, it's like my head stops working, because I don't want to do it.

I'll help. I'll try and stop your head going blank, if I can.

Thanks, Naoko. It's been nice talking to you. I'll try to do it more often.

It's been nice talking to you too, Claire. :3 Bye bye!


By the way, by 'mistakes', she means typos, which I corrected while typing. She apologizes a lot. XD

This is very interesting! That's for bringing it to my attention.

>> No.265   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is very interesting. I started doing this a while back, maybe a couple months ago or whenever I saw this thread.
My subconscious is a he. I asked him his name, and he kept changing them. I asked why and he told me he doesn't want to tell me yet. Then he said it's because he doesn't have one, and to call him "Fred" for now. He's rather scattered and changes subjects a lot. He says he's trying to help me though, but sometimes it's hard to. I asked him what music and anime he likes (haha) and he said he likes metal and pop. His favorite anime is Lucky Star, apparently. XD I asked if he likes Higurashi and he said it's too predictable. He enjoys watching me play Pokemon and his favorites are Skitty and Jumpluff. He's a bit odd, to say the least.
We got into an arguement the other week, and I haven't been able to contact him well since. I think he's mad at me.
Anyway, interesting. I'd like to see more people try this and post what happend and what they talked about. I might post some of Fred and I's conversations some other time.

>> No.267   [Delete]   [Edit]

Did this. It was interesting. Not really creepy. I was entirely aware the whole time it was just me. It was still me thinking. It's not like I personality-switched just like that. I didn't switch to my right hand and suddenly write I AM SHIVA GOD OF DEATH like some of you folks. lol.

>> No.272   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is a ton of fun!
My sub-conciousness's name is Naomi!
She's really nice!

>> No.273   [Delete]   [Edit]

Victor's a pretty cool guy. Arrangement is me, him, me, him. Sorry for the wall of text.

You there?
yeah man sup
Haha shit. I can't tell if this is even working or not.
yeah well you're not exactly the most easy person to convince about this kind of shit are you?
I guess, though I suppose it gives me an opportunity to try and talk to myself subjectively for once.
who said that your subconcious had to be aywhere close to the same person as you
Good point. You mind chatting for a bit anyway?
yeah go on then
Cool. So tell me, what's actually going on in my mind at, say, any given time?
well, you get distracted rather easily so it's hard for me to really talk to you properly you know
I minimized Firefox. That better?
yeah much better
Cool. I have to admit, this really does feel like I'm talking to myself.
well technically you are so woohoo
Hurrrr. Fine. I guess that's really the whole point of this excercise.
yeah. you know, you really need to have a shower or something
I'll get to that in a bit. Right now I'm a bit preoccupied.
tell me about it lol
Oh god my subconcious says lol?
i'm u
oh fuuuuuuck
tee hee
Ok, so what's your name?
well, you've never really settled on one, so why don't you name me now?
Ok, how does Victor sound?
wasn't that what you wished your parents had named you?
damn straight.
yeah go on then. it's not like we can't change it at any given time.
Well, I figured it's easier if we didn't have the same name or something because that just gets confusing.
damn straight
I keep looking at the other conversations people have been having with their subconcious and it's fucking weird man. Like, who came up with this idea that it was even possible for me to talk to you?
man, I know about as much as you do in this matter. Shared knowledge and all that.
Well, you have a much more ready access to my brain so I guess that's a plus for you.
whilst that may be true, I can't exactly take control and make you do shit for you can I
No, I know.
so now that we've established that you're just as crazy as everyone else, what do you want to know?
well, I'd like to know why I suck so much.
oh please dude you dont suck nearly as much as you think you do
yeah man most people see you as a totally stand up guy, even if you are a dick sometimes but who isnt.
I guess you're right, but I can't help feeling that something keeps making me make awful decisions about everything I do or don't do and what I say and all that crap.
Well, I'm completely aware that you like to occasionally blame me for that.
don't be. misunderstandings happen all the time. i'm not one to hold a grudge.
That makes two of us then. :)
D: oh god smiley faces whyyyy
why not? might as well be talking to someone on IRC on here you know?
true. multiplayer notepad etc.
you reading this thread dude?
well, i read it when you read it, so yeah.
What do you reckon?
well it's like this. by trying to communicate subjectively with your subconcious, you are essentially talking to yourself, so it's only reasonable that you get those little pangs of "am I really doing this or is it just me being a faggot oh god what"
Yeah, that happens a lot with me.
you should talk to me more often. it's not like i can communicate with others in this way.
I'll make a point of it.
oh yeah you should really talk to rob at some point
I know, but I'm just fucking scared of the guy now I don't know.
its better than not doing it.
Agreed. I'll try to get him on skype or something.
Good lad. Now let's talk about you for a bit.
Alright. What do you want to ask/tell me?
I just want to know why you beat yourself up all the time over such little things.
I guess I just don't think very highly of myself as a person.
but surely if the opinions of others matter to you, then that's a good indicator of the kind of person you are?
yeah you're right, but I can't seem to be able to take anything positive to heart.
that's bad.
thanks captain obvious :3
durr hurr. but no i'm serious. i want you to succeed and be happy, believe it or not.
and yet for some reason I always feel like you're fucking with me in some way
i admit sometimes i can overreact to percieved danger but that's just the way I grew. primary school and shit didn't help.
I'm just saying, sometimes you could help me a bit by... i dunno, backing off time to time?
i completely understand don't worry. after all, it's your conciousness and your body.
you're not angry with me are you?
if I was i'd tell you.
ok, well, i'm going to tell people about this momentous experience.
what, on, like, tumblr or lj or something
Yeah. That cool with you?
totally dude :)
Sweet. I might go have that shower now.
good idea. speak to you in a bit yeah?
Sure thing. Later Vic.

>> No.274   [Delete]   [Edit]


holy shit, thats my name D: If your subconscious is somewhat batshit insane, it might be me C:

>> No.279   [Delete]   [Edit]

Sorry to be a dick here, but it's obligatory.
This seems much more like the concious mind playing coy. You're really just hearing what you already know, and pretending it comes from the subconcious. You're writing. Writing is a function of the concious brain, because of its rigid patterns and interpretations. I doubt your methods greatly.

After watching my friend try this, and reading her conversations with her "subconcious," that if you want to communicate without tainting the message (which is what writing will do,) It occured to me that a flipbook of simple words or pictures might be better. Given, this still leaves room for interpretation, but you realize you're doing it- it's less sneaky than having to put it in words.
With a flipbook, (It would have to be long enough to not recall specific words, but short enough to scan) after reading it once and posing a question, it would be simple to flip to the page and entry that you feel the strongest pull towards. (It would be important not to read the entries- for example, close your eyes and point.) I've done this with a dictionary, and gotten surprisingly consistient (if somewhat disturbing) messages.

>> No.282   [Delete]   [Edit]

Here's mine. An ass to do, as it was via keyboard. Who says what is a little confusing, but you should be able to figure it out.

Hey there.


how are you today?

fine, thanks.

considering we talk a lot, just doing this isn't a gigantic breakthough for you.

yeah I know. seems Uboachan has a lot of kind people.

You know...


I never actually got your name.

after all this time? lulz.

I know. at least 5 goddamn yeaars

Well, you can call me John.

Cool. Well, that IS a breakthrough, finally getting your name

Nice. shouldn't you be going to bed soon?

Well, I could, but then I wouldn't be able to write to you.

there's that.

I could stay a little while.

Seeing as the DSL's turned off, I haven't got the internet up.

speaking of internet, you should get that microsoft office when you can next torrent it

I know. it sucks staying behind to do homework. but then again, my printer sucks

what's up with it?

if it doesn't have enough ink, the pile of crap just refuses to work.

Now now.

Well, meh. you know, I feel like I've been talking ages.

Hurr durrr at least 6 years

Hah. I suck at things like that

contradictive, eh?



anyway, being up there must be boring. how can I help? being bored sucks

considering we talk so much, I rarely get bored, though you could tone down on the hentai, you know.

I could do that

it'd be nice. it's all that passes through your brain, when I'm not helping the rest of the brain.

so what sort of things do you like?

Same as you. gaming, instrumental music, etc.

well there's a good start to something

we should do this more often

why not?

good question.

I imagine we talk more than we write.

We sure do.

You seem to be getting tired.

dude, its 11 PM. I'm gonna.

Wow. the amount of typos I've made. I hope you revise this before you post

don't worry. I will.

Good. I hope you don't make me look like an idiot.

of course not. my own subconcious? naw, man. naw. spelling mistakes happen to all of us

hey! i see you reading! are you wishing I was more like noako?

No. Don't be silly. if you were noako, I would have to put up with her annoying cat


Its a pretty good result, but pokemon games? pfft.

Yeah. I gave up on those years ago.

A one turn battle taking a minute to start? oh nintendo! you so crazy!


Surely there's something I can do to help you not to get bored up there.

Just keep talking to me.

What if i'm asleep?

I sleep to. your whole brain goes to sleep. you should do soon, too.

I should. I'll save this and go.

OK. Bye!

Bye John!


>> No.283   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hey, we talk a lot, right?
I wonder if I'm more like you when I'm online.
Say, what's your name anyway?
My name? Oh...
Can you tell me?
Well, I'd like to... I can't really remember. Was it a C?
I...I haven't burnt you out with Mountain Man, have I?
Gee, I hope not... Chalene? Charlotte? Clara?
What the hell?
Something was at the door!
Oh gosh, I hope it's not a monster!
Me too.
It'd probably be an alien with sparkling eyes and burnt skin!
And razor sharp teeth!
And a beaked jaw!
Just tapping at the door.
Oh, god... You're starting to scare me. xD
I don't mean to, it's just that you make it easy! Like last week with the eraserhead baby in the closet.
Hey, that is a very scary bathing suit.
Uh huh.
And I was really comfy and couldn't turn on the light.
So you just played pokemon?
Hey, I like Pokemon!
I know you do. I do too. You should've picked the fire starter.
Your face should've picked the fire starter.
Oh, man, 200 times and that joke is still funny, master.
Madam, if you please.
Ah... Right... I keep forgetting...
I worry sometimes.
Everyone does.
I worry I'm self absorbed.
You are. Everyone is. Go to bed.

>> No.298   [Delete]   [Edit]

I couldn't do this. I always thought of the answer to my own questions before I was done writing them and thus, obviously, before I could switch hands.

>> No.302   [Delete]   [Edit]

I tried this,it was actually fun. His name is Rex, and despite having direct connection to me, he seemed different.

painstakingly retyped for your reading pleasure. Goes me, Rex, me, Rex, ect.



You say hai like I do

well, I sorta AM you, so...

I felt intimidated when starting, but this is easy

Everyone's scared starting

I never asked your name.


Does it stand for anything


what do you mean?

Well, I can't remember.

what do you look like?

Why don't you check?

How, Rex?

for starters, lucid dream.

Lord knows I've tried...

Clearly not hard enough. You can do better

how do you know?

listen to me and trust.

Okay, I trust you.


but what?

but if you really do, prove it!

How can I prove an abstract concept?

You must be honest in thought.

How do I do that?


You're getting better at writing.

Really? thanks.

there's room for improvement, but there always is.

Sometimes I fear for you

Why is that?

Because you don't always do what you're supposed to.

Like when?

like when you're at home with your parents.

What can I do better?

Speak true to yourself.

This has been interesting. Can I post it on UC

What, so gibbering idiots can read it?

That was unkind.

but truthful. You can if you'd like.

Thank you. Bye for now.


Oh! one last thing: am I allowed to speak to you in my journal?

Certainly. but people might say you're crazy.

I'm used to it.

Whatever you say, chief.

Bye for real


(thank you, OP, this is incredible)

>> No.303   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm having this problem, does anyone know of a solution?

>> No.305   [Delete]   [Edit]


Try to only think of your question and don't let yourself think of a response until you've finished writing. If you do, ignore it / forget it until you've finished writing the question.

>> No.308   [Delete]   [Edit]

I don't know if I have subconcious conversations with myself, but I am pretty sure I have talked to something inside me before. I've sat here and started just typing at speeds I normally cannot and conversations and aimless babbling will commence, sometimes when I notice and read it while I type it, I go blank, almost like it didn't want me to see it happening. Or I become aware and then try too hard to continue therefore breaking the chain between my subconcious and making it not genuine anymore. I wish I could control it. I have constant mood swings in my regular life I am also schizophrenic and quite suicidal most of the time. I don't hear voices in my head much but I do at times hear random things saying my name and sometimes I will hear a loud scream that builds from silence in my head to something that sounds like its a megaphone next to my face. So far by studying what I wrote to myself, I have a few different "Me"'s. I've encountered the little girl who hates herself and everybody else, the monster which is the me who wants to smash and kill everything it doesn't like and also seems to bare the face of a really deranged doglike creature with an elongated tongue...thats what comes to mind and i've drawn it before. And last but not least is the childish little boy who just likes to make trouble and get a laugh at everyone's expense. I've talked to only really the girl before, but the others I can feel as if someone is wearing my skin as a suit and I hope to talk to them one day. I am sorry if this is in the wrong section, just wanted to share my story.

>> No.322   [Delete]   [Edit]

well, despite the possibility that this is total bullshit and I might look idiotic, I'm giving it a try.

I can't actually think of what to add. I had to pause.

Shift key sure is far huh?

There's a shift on both sides of the keyboard, jackass.


>> No.344   [Delete]   [Edit]

my left arm and side of my head hurt now... it was a very confusing conversation, i think i have some kinda light and dark thing going on and it was kind of scary. :C

>> No.357   [Delete]   [Edit]

I really enjoyed doing this. I haven't spoken to her in a while, like this anyway, but I enjoy it when I do.
The first time I did, I became right dizzy and my left hand was a little sore, it wasn't used to writing. But the second time round it was easier.

My subconscious goes by Anna -- which gave me the alias I use here, in commemoration. She sees things with more realism than I do. I am very "sunshine and rainbows" in a lot of the things I do. She sees the world in more monochrome light, treats things as they are -- and sometimes, just how they appear.

Being a writer, I seized the opportunity to create a character inspired by these conversations. She plays a minor role in the story I'm working on currently, basically just a cameo. But I am satisfied. :3

>> No.370   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274071632233.png -(577.7 KiB, 2550x1579) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think my subconscious is full of shit, but hey. It might be the sleep deprivation talking.

Overall though, interesting concept.

Last edited 10/05/16(Sun)22:07.

>> No.376   [Delete]   [Edit]

Holy shit it really worked


do you wanna talk to me?


about what?

soccer balls



what about soccer balls exactly?

about how round and soft they are

they really are, aren't they


how is there in my sub-concious?


is it happy?


do you like it there?

very much.

how can I call you ?


hi alfred

hi, whats up

everything alright around here, are you anxious for the PS3 that's coming?

very very much

any games on your mind that you wanna play?

heavy rain

Are you sure? We've beaten it already..

I'm curious about the other endings

me too.. when I have some spare money I'll get it for us, right?


How old are you ?

11 years old

Well, I'll be going, nice to meet you alfred

you too, bye!!



At least my sub-concious is happy.

>> No.377   [Delete]   [Edit]

C'mon guys! You guys are fukken trolling me!


My hypnosis should work better. As it let the subc. talks itself

>> No.384   [Delete]   [Edit]

awesome, it worked really well with me, my subconscious is really nice(even if it's a little arrogant).
Her name... well, she didn't has a name, but I made one for her, now she is Kikky.
When I get time, I'll post all the conversation, I can't scan it because is in portuguese, I'll have to translate it.
We even doodle it together, it was very creepy.

>> No.389   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hello, are you there?
How do I know it's my subconcious or something? i command my hand to write
Perhaps..but see only I write "mayby"that way
Ah right. so....little soul-searching?
Why am I such an underachiever?
How can I change this?
Can I trust you to help me with that?
I kinda like myself the way I am...just wish I could work harder
[to the first part of the sentance] DOUBT THIS [to the second] AIGHT. ÇA SERA LE COURSE.
Hey now, I'm not thaaat bad.
Sure...I'd like to do this more often.

>> No.390   [Delete]   [Edit]

Bleh, I'm still unable to do it. Maybe my subconcious is very sleepy.

>> No.395   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, I tried this, and I wasn't exactly sure if it was really my subconscious what I was talking about, as my mind would just... reply as I wrote the question, if that makes any sense. But, anywhoo, this is how it went (me, sub, me, etc.):

Hello there!
Do you want to talk to me?
Yes I do
Should I be afraid of you?
Yo shouldn't
What's it like in there then?
It's a fun, nice place
How so?
Just is
What's your name?
Nice name
So is my subconscious interesting?
It is
Then why do I love purple?
You would know that for yourself
Am I really talking to my subconscious?
Running out of paper, head is hurting, goodbye Mikael
Goodby, I'm sorry

>> No.398   [Delete]   [Edit]


With me, the anwsers came in my head before I could even finish the questions.. fucking bizarre.

>> No.399   [Delete]   [Edit]

All that I was able to get in five tries is that my subconscious cares about NOTHING at all. It's also got no name: everytime I ask its name, all that comes is either something that makes no sense (like "Blala" ou "Gggh", sometimes I even get stuff that aren't letters) or a statement that names are useless.

Other than that, I seem to have controlled all of the conversation and that annoys me.

>> No.400   [Delete]   [Edit]

I fail to believe these things and do not have the ability to dechyper what my right hand writes. (I'm a Lefty.)
Considering a few of the people that are either mentally insane or just assholes over the internet, told me that there's no one in my subconciousness (after the first supposedly gave me one called Amy, which appearantly died very very fast. My soul is a deathtrap, and while I'm a little unstable, I'm non of those...emos/suicidal kids/etc)
So do you really believe it?
Also, what I think is that my conciousness is so dominant and active so that my subconciousness has no place to "breath"
>>339 I'd be very interested to see the letters (of the name). Your subconciousness might be bilingual! (or talks in the..."spirit" language, which according to some, exists) Or just a troll. :P

Last edited 10/06/14(Mon)11:35.

>> No.401   [Delete]   [Edit]

would try this if I didn't have to deal with it in reality. everyday is just one long argument with myself

>> No.402   [Delete]   [Edit]

I've been reading Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain lately and I think...

...This probably is more of a brain hemisphere thing than a "conscious" and "subconscious" thing. Your dominant hand doesn't particularly correspond to which hemisphere you use more, though. The right hand is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, which handles language and symbols, so that's the one people usually use more since people spend their time talking and posting on image boards and stuff. The left hand is controlled of the right side of the brain, which pretty much sees things just as they are and doesn't try to simplify it for efficiency. It doesn't have a word for what it sees. It just sees it. That's probably why when you write using your right side/left hand it seems more blunt and tactless...? edit: probably also >>399 's problem.

Lefties tend to process things in both hemispheres at once than just one or the other though, for some reason.

Last edited 10/06/17(Thu)15:18.

>> No.412   [Delete]   [Edit]

your non-dominant hand has the same legibility as your dominant. I can't read either.

>> No.521   [Delete]   [Edit]

god dammit, i keep trying this shit and it doesnt work how the fuck do you do this?

>> No.529   [Delete]   [Edit]

Ok, either I'm stupid or I don't know what I'm doing or what.
I opened up my notebook to an empty page and wrote "Hello, nice to meet you!" with my dominant hand, I switched, and I got this thing that looked like a signature of some sort, but I couldn't read it and it was sideways or somethin, and so I said "Hello?", got something that looked vaguely like "Hi", and then I tried asking some questions and all I got were scribbles....

>> No.538   [Delete]   [Edit]

I can't help but think there's a sort of placebo effect going on here. Like he guy who got trepanned and was raving about all the good things hat happened to his health, only to later come o the conclusion that he simply convinced himself these things had happened when in fact no changes occurred.

>> No.565   [Delete]   [Edit]

My subconscious is I think an older version of me. I won't put here what we wrote down because she really gets into deep, personal things.

She made me remember things I couldn't remember. Things I didn't want to remember but that's ok because I felt better afterwards.

>> No.566   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yeah, still can't do this. I can't write a question and then not immediately think of a possible answer while I'm still writing the question. If my question is "What is your name", a name will pop into my head before I can even write down the first W.

>> No.569   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1285281460900.jpg -(229.9 KiB, 615x1724) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

.... When seeing other people's posts/comments I think I did something horribly wrong with mine...
I think I asked it the wrong questions...
I still scares me though... It predicted my sudden pain in my heart before it even happened...
Don't worry about me though, the pain lasted for a second then went away~

I MIGHT talk with it again after all... asking other questions...

>> No.586   [Delete]   [Edit]

OP, supply instructions on how to do this. Is it just writting? or do you actually have to relax, concentrate, or etc.

>> No.587   [Delete]   [Edit]

But talking to myself is part of every minute I live...
It's the same thing? When I talk to myself, I not only use the "I" thingy, I also use "you" and it's quite strange... like talking with someone else, inside me...

>> No.588   [Delete]   [Edit]

Really not that hard. It's a separation of self. Imaging that, well that left hand doesn't belong to you, someone else is responding to you. Then, when thoughts come to your mind, immediately write them down without thinking of what you are writing. Lookat what you have written, and write a response. Then, immediately write the response to your own. ETC. Will post a how to later- I used to do this all the time to get into my muse self.

>> No.590   [Delete]   [Edit]

I sometimes talk with my "subconcious". I've been told my innerself is broken up into many parts, each one corresponding a part of my personality with one of the characters i've created over the years, be them for games, comics, or just for fun. Each one demonstrates a strong particular attribute, and my inner subconscious has confirmed that these each represent a part of my own personality.

>> No.601   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1286313336646.png -(562.9 KiB, 1154x704) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So I wrote it up, I'm scared to scan it. Goddamn, this 'subconscious' fellow has no name, and he really wants a friend. He says... he's been in my dreams, protecting me from them... making sure that I never died. He focuses on wanting friends and even drew pictures... and said I am very sad in my mind. He seems very childish, but I think with a few more uploads I'll get to know him more. He likes to draw, and does so plenty of times. I also got a very warm fuzzy feeling in my chest as we wrote, I think he was happy. At one point he grabbed the pen from me as I was about to write my given name, and called me 'soulless'. Hmm...

>> No.608   [Delete]   [Edit]

Ah, I see. Your left brain ("normal" half) is your right hand so it writes "normal" things, but your right brain ("imaginative/subconscious" half) writes down your imaginative/subconscious things. I like that. I'll try it and maybe post it.

>> No.609   [Delete]   [Edit]

Talking to My Subconscious

(Order- me, subconscious, me)



What’s your name?


Nic e name. Like in Dr. Who.

I don’t like dr who

What don’t you like about it?

Daleks, autons, cybermen, etc

Why not?

Dude, i’m your subconscious. Remember that dream with the robots of death/cybermen?


Well yeah. Go figure, mate.

Like syrsa then?


Why not?

I don’t have to like everything you like.

True dat. So what do you like?

Classical music

Dude, what is with that? EVERY subconscious I’ve read about likes classical music!

Well yeah, it stimulates the creative mind, and guess what I am?

I suppose. You know, you’re surprisingly un-creepy, unlike most of the ones I’ve read about.

Do I have to be?

Well, no, but I’ve had some pretty weird dreams.

Dude, those are marshmallow candy lands compared to some of the ones you’ve read about, amirite?

I suppose so. I’d love to actually have a weird dream or lucid dream.


Well why do you never let me have a lucid dream?

I don’t, you’re just not good at it.

I guess. Besides, of course I’ve had bad dreams!

Not proper weird dreams.

Why not though?

You’re just not that kind of guy I suppose. Neither am I, I should hope, or rather we both should, heh heh.


I’m kidding, ok? Sheesh. You’re so hard to please.

I’m a leo, OK?

Oh, now you’re using that as an excuse? That’s just poor, dude.

Ok. I’m gonna go back to Uboachan.

Ok then.

>> No.691   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1287283648972.png -(187 KiB, 320x298) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Man, I can't do it. I've tried a couple times, and I can't convince myself that it's actually my subconcious. I think it's just my concious mind supplying answers.

Either that or my subconcious spouts some really bland and cliche stuff. :\

>> No.695   [Delete]   [Edit]

I've been trying constantly and I still can't get it to work... Because my 'subconscious' still doesn't give me straight answers. (see >>399)
The closest I got was when I was 'talking' to one of my characters, by typing a sentence from me and then answering the way he would answer me. The conversation went to a direction I never imagined it would. It's actually pretty awesome, it feels like he's really alive.
Though it's still not my subconscious talking. I'll try more, but I doubt it'll work.

>> No.700   [Delete]   [Edit]

Try not thinking while you're writing? It's kinda hard to explain but I completely cleared my mind before trying. I shut off all the music, lay in my bed as if I was going to sleep, stayed in my little isolated room, and just blanked out. Then I started.

>> No.712   [Delete]   [Edit]

I talk to myself all the time. It's a habit I've gotten from watching video game Let's Play's (where the lets player is essentially talking to him/her self but it is directed to an audience over the Internet on a movie) and I want to eventually do them myself.
So imagine that you are doing a Let's Play with your subconscious?

>> No.713   [Delete]   [Edit]


Are you me? :V I do that constantly; I love Let's Plays. That's a good way to go about this- I'll keep it in mind. Thanks! :D

Last edited 10/10/21(Thu)08:21.

>> No.734   [Delete]   [Edit]

That reminds me of a quote I saw once, in a game called Gray Matter (fun game, btw).
"The true tragedy in life is not dying, but what dies inside us as we live".

>> No.735   [Delete]   [Edit]

I conduct all my important thoughts as a conversation between two or more people. It makes sense to me because usually my emotions and stances in response to something are very complex (tru neutral 4 lyfe lol). Most of the time they're opposing or directly contradictory viewpoints so I need to think about them in that way to adequately represent them.
So I end up having crazy-sounding conversations where I say things like "You're just saying that because you like to piss me off! I'm so sick of you!" to myself.
Anyways, why stop at two? I understand that right and left hands make an easy dichotomy and we aren't Monoko, but surely as a human you're more complex than mores/desires.

>> No.783   [Delete]   [Edit]

Replying to an old post like a boss. Only one side of the brain controls language. The reason you can write with either hand is because of a strip of tissue between the two sides that allow the hemispheres of your brain to communicate.

>> No.784   [Delete]   [Edit]

my subconcious is named daria. shes very normal and very sad. and she has wings. i told her to draw herself. she looks very sad and i think we're friends c:.

Last edited 10/11/16(Tue)20:32.

>> No.797   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well. I was disapointed.

It starts off with me.

*Um, hello?
*...How are you?
*You don't talk much.
Why is that?
*I don't know. Am I creepy?...</3
No, but you are strange.
*Really? You sound smart. <:
Oh thank you. You are silly.
*Silly?....Thank you? What is your favorite color?~
Blue, just like you.
*What are my dreams like?
Simple, but different.
*How 'different'? Like, cool, weird, ect?
Funny. Like dark comedy.
*Cool. Are we really this simple?
Yes. You are confused like the rest.
*That makes me feel sad. <:C
Why? Is it the truth or was that insulting?
*Nevermind. Am I being watched or am I just lonely?
Lonely and confused.
*Who deserves to die?
You everyone
*Why? Because we are human? How are you feeling?
everything new needed. you knew that.
*Are you enjoying this? And what should I call you?
Anything Kaleigh.
*Alexis, don't ignore questions.
*Eh you are difficult... Maybe this will calm you down. (I play a OST from one of my games.)
*Are you making me sick?
Yes no.
Good job.
*I'm going to go now. My head hurts.
feel better soon.
*Bye. <3

Maybe I'm too used to chatbots :<

>> No.800   [Delete]   [Edit]

Ugh, I don't think it worked very well. I'm a stressful person, so maybe I need to try again later. I kept getting really weird, gibberish-like responses; maybe I'm doing it wrong? Are you just supposed to let your other hand write whatever comes out? Or are you supposed to actually write down the first thought/answer that comes to your mind?

>> No.802   [Delete]   [Edit]

Subconcious stop being so perverted damnit
You sure do love telling me to kissrape people who I otherwise have innefectal crushes on.
-lets try this shit again
*um okay
-what is your name
*no elzabeth
-well geez sorry
*you should be for doubting me
-okay fine. are you a boy or a girl
*what aRE YOU, asshat?
-a boy. sheesh youve got attitude
-so you are a boy too?
*ye- kind of? i'm metaphysical you know
-yeah i figured
*so are you
*the body is merely a shell
-uuh i guess it is sort of
*youre lucky your sex matches your perception of your gender
-yeah i think i am
*people sometimes struggle with that
-so elzabeth how are you
*okay sad i guess
*you dont listen to me when we talk
-we talk?
*every day. when you have an impulse, that is me. you need to touch guys more
-then i would be a rapist
*what about that boyfriend you lost because youre a wimp
-i... i think you're a bit cruel
*yes. i am. i am your desires
-are you saying you are my id?
-i am trying to talk to my subconcious.
-calm down with the caps
*youre too impatient typing. not my fault
-i am just uncoordinated with my left hand
*yes but slow down
-fine. so how are you both elzabesth?
*i just aM dont mispell me name, nick
-sorry about that. how would you know my name?
*are you really asking that? retard.
-well excuse me.
*you should kiss leeroy
-the bald guy with the bright eyes?
*yes. he smiled at you. pursue.
-i dont know about that'
*get him
-you are really perverted
*if expression is perversion then the world is fucked up
-i think i know what you mean. but still, i cant just kiss every guy i like
*you are the ego to my id, it seems. we reach impasses. but when hormones flood, youll see who wins
-i kind of hate you?
*do you?
*you love me
-i know. but i have to keep you caged, or i would be in serious trouble.
*i know
-so could you calm down a bit
*i guess. but seriously, make out with leeroy.
-ugh. i think i am done talking to you for now.
*alright. goodbye. make out with leeroy. actually no. have sex with leeroy
-am i just expressing my desires more conciously through identifying as you or are you really talking?
*thats the guesswork of it.

Last edited 10/11/26(Fri)01:09.

>> No.803   [Delete]   [Edit]

I... uh.. I don't think this was me.

-How was your Thanksgiving?
-I still live in purgatory, the turkey is dry.
-Oh. That sucks.
-I guess. I just need someone to shoot me.
-Then I can go to heaven.

I... uh.. ;_;

>> No.807   [Delete]   [Edit]

I really want to do this but I just can't get it to work. Even thinking the other hand isn't mine or trying to clear my thoughts, I always find myself mulling over the answer before I can ever finish writing the question. Like if I say 'Hi!' I immediately start thinking 'Write hello', even when I try not to. I have to look at the paper as I write because my handwriting is so sloppy with my left hand (non-dominant) that the words will be all over the place and unintelligible if I don't. Gah. How can I get this to work?

>> No.814   [Delete]   [Edit]

Whoa. My subconcious is kinda cool. Her name's Kara and she scares me a bit... she talks in all caps, like she's stronger than me or something. I dunno. This shit's crazy. Here, have our first convo:

hello, kara.
what are you thinking about?
is that why we're strange?
i think that's weird.
are you lonely, kara?
do i scare you?
you scare me too. it's okay.
it's weird, i feel like i'm talking to myself
that doesn't make sense.
like... like most things?
why do you write in all caps?
true. what do you sound like?
okay. i think you sound... tall.
you sound tall, and you have short black hair. you don't look like me.
you do. that's scary, kinda.
it's weird. i'm talking to you for the first time in my life.
really? i have to go now, i need to eat.
okay, bye!

God I just read it again. I sound like a really little kid. I think I'm gonna go talk to her some more. I think she wants more company.

>> No.815   [Delete]   [Edit]

Do you have anything that makes you succumb to flow? (The psychological term thing of deep concentration)

Maybe if you do that and then do the subconscius activity you might get something.Your mind won't be busy mulling things over then.

>> No.816   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm (we're) not very good at this...

i dunno
think og someyhing
but i'm unenthused
well i cannot b expectec to do everything
o know but

>> No.819   [Delete]   [Edit]

Huh. Talking to my own self, how odd

Well, I suppose


Well its not odd to me

Why's that?

I dont really know

Oh.. So did you like the song I was just listening to?

It was pretty good

So whats it like being my subconscious?

I can see shit you can't, silly nigger.

It ended there. Jesus Christ, I can't even talk to myself. How pathetic.

>> No.858   [Delete]   [Edit]

me: Hello subconscious, did i spell it right?

Hello im not sure

me: What is your name?


me: gender do you have one

why does that matter?

me: idk but i might prefer something

too bad

me: i dont think i'm doing this right

thats okay

me: i don't know if i like talking to myself

i dont mind

me: does it hurt your feelings if i say that? cuz i didn't mean you i meant me

no im okay, thank you, you should be okay talking to yourself

me: are you okay talking to yourself?

i talk a lot

me: do you get lonely


me: do you get sad


me: do you like me?

do you like me?

me: i think i do.

thank you

me: you didn't answer me

i'm fine

me: which one is which?

both us

me: i don't know how to feel


me: what do you think of it all?

there's a lot of it

me: i wish you could write better

thats not the thing to be focusing on

me: i'm sorry.

that's okay

me: i really hope you won't hold this against me i just wanted a reaction

i wont your handwriting isnt the best either, i should point out.

me: i know, i'm terrible at it. i dont know why

i like it its not bad

me: thanks, i still wish i'd naturally be good at it

don't worry about it

me: do you have a name


me: am i boring you


me: i'm not bored


me: i might leave now

come back again

me: okay i will. at a better time.

goodbye sweetie


i'm surprised she called me sweetie. i copied it from the paper exactly how i wrote it, so that's why there are missing apostrophes and stuff..

>> No.863   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hello, there!
(backwards:) hello, how are y

Hello there (for real, this time)!
Hello how are you

i'm fine, thank you & you? i'm sorry. i don't really know how to do this.
it's ok
i'm ok

are you sure?

i don't think this is working, do you?

well, at the very least, it's interesting. do you want to try in spanish?


se parace a la palabra 'hold' (it looks like the word 'hold')

?que te gusta hacer? (what do you like to do)
no se (i don't know)

?no tienes ambiciones? (don't you have ambitions?)
no se (i don't know)

estas escribiendo muy junto pegado. (you're writing really close together)
lo se (i know)

aa, ok. pues, privyet! (oh ok. well, hi)
zdradstvytye (hello)

kak ge dyelo? (how are you)
bolee-megn horosho (so-s fine)

a u vas? (and you)

tozhe horosho, spasiv sr spasibo. (i am also good. thanks)
que bien (how nice)

bueno, gracias por hablar conmigo. (ok, thanks for talking to me)


>> No.880   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1292737121509.jpg -(87.1 KiB, 989x742) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

M: What is your name?
S: My name is Nick
M: Are you my subconscious?
S: Yes. And I came here to tell you a message.
M: And what would that message be?
S: When it comes to the best, do not try for it. Become the second for improvement.

M: Why can’t I have lucid dreams?
S: That reason is a simple reason. I need to protect you from yourself
M: how? What will I do?
S: There will be a hemorrhage in the earth. Do not panic for this will be minor. The real danger relies within your self.
M: Well, whatever you say won’t stop me from dreaming.
S: Very well, I will adhere to your demands. But let this be a warning. Before the sun breaks I will become your best friend and your worst nightmare.

My subconsious gives shitty advice. ;--;

>> No.884   [Delete]   [Edit]

That pic is fucking awesome.

>> No.885   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1293048411232.jpg -(52.3 KiB, 640x512) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


It's a real place, Fly Geyser in Nevada.

>> No.924   [Delete]   [Edit]

This was interesting. I didn't expect it to work at all, but I think it did. My subconscious knows me way too well and seems like an emotional asshole.


Me: Okay, so I saw a thread that said I can talk to my subconscious by using different hands.
It: And how do you feel about that?
Me: I don't think it's true.
It: But you want to try anyway.
Me: I still don't think it's true.
It: That's okay.
Me: You seem very passive. Or maybe I'm just very passive.
It: I think we are both very passive. Too passive.
Me: I can't really concentrate right now. And you keep writing letters backwards.
It: I don't think I can help it. It just happens.
Me: How are you feeling right now?
It: I feel alone. Like I want to cry.
Me: I don't feel that way though. Not right now.
It: I feel this way all the time.
Me: Are you sure? Most times I don't feel much of anything. I always thought I had issues with apathy.
It: I feel blank. I don't want to talk about it.
Me: Why don't you want to talk about it? I've always been honest with myself.
It: You are never honest with yourself. You tell yourself lies and extravagant stories.
[I wrote this really fast but I can still decipher almost unrecognizable words. Lmao.]
Me: My other hand wants to write more quickly but is unable to. Are you angry with me?
It: No. I feel blank.
Me: Why do I always feel so blank?
It: We are alone.
Me: But why?
It: I think we feel isolated. I don't know why.
Me: I don't know either. I don't know a lot of things.
It: We don't know everything. Can't know everything.
Me: Sometimes I think it would be nice to know everything and to stop being so uncertain.
It: We can't know everything.
Me: You don't have a name, do you?
It: That's stupid. I'm not an extension of you, I am you.
Me: You insist on saying "we" though.
It: It's easier that way. You're addressing me as a separate entity. It only makes sense.
Me: That's actually a lot more reasonable than the dumb creepypasta stuff I had floating through my head.
It: Of course it is, you dumbass. Why would you even consider it?
Me: I don't know. I get paranoid sometimes.
It: About things that might make sense, not bullshit.
Me: Okay, that's true. Do you really believe in ghosts?
It: Yes.
Me: What about God?
It: Yes.
Me: That's not very surprising, to be honest.
It: You knew my answer before I said it, that's why. I don't want to, but I do because of doubt.
Me: I think I'm done.
It: Eager to show off on the internet it seems.
Me: Maybe.
It: Definitely.

>> No.925   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1295939715879.png -(7649 B, 191x234) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Holy shit, that's adorable.

>> No.927   [Delete]   [Edit]

My subconscious sounds and acts pretty much just like me, just maybe a little more confident, a little more free, and knows way, way more about me. I'm such a loser /a/nonymous, I started asking her about my husbando and why I liked him so much. It turns out that apparently being in love with an anime character causes me a lot of inner turmoil. Here are a few snippets so far that I thought were nice. Asterisks are me talking.

*Augh. But it’s so lame, having a waifu….husbando.

Well if you want to be that way then fine but if the love is there I don’t really see whatt the problem is

*I guess you’re sorta right.

Areyou posting thids on rthe internt



*So why don’t I ever have control over my dreams? I’m just fucking spouting out anything I think other people might talk about, I’m out of ideas about things to ask you.

Sadly you don’t have control over much of anything ever do you? and yes you do, so many questionds

*Haha, fine. What are these questions?

‘oh no am I just a doomed loser forever a bloobloobloo’

*Yeah that is kinda my question.

Well I don’t thonk I have an anwer yet. I am also troubled by all this. 3:

*So what’s the problem? The root of it?

Fictional beings are so hypnotizing, we love them so much. ):

*Very much so. But why him? I will assume you know who ‘he’ is.

Why not him? He is perfect for us, just like us. Another good soul out there doing his good thing

*Gosh. Does it upset you that he’s not real?

So much, more than we let us know. But itd okay because wed be friends anyways, hes not very romantic and all that

*Pretty much. How do you feel about him?

Sunshine, he feels like so much sunshine :3333

*So, anything else you need to tell me?


*I’ll take that as a no.

We know us pretty well man, no secrets here

*I agree. Is that a point of pride? Should we be happy about that?

Fuck yeah bro we are awesome like that, very few people know what it is like to not be afraid of who you really are

*Awesome. That feels pretty nice.

Yup I love you :3

*Yay! I love you too, me.

Awww hugs

>> No.928   [Delete]   [Edit]

Dude, how long do you think itll be until were better?

*Define better.


*Five minutes.

Ok, mentally stable.

*Give it one year and about 8 months.

August or September?

*Whats our favorite holiday baby?

Halloween, but i'm sure you meant seasonal thing. Anyway, why then

*Car, house, love, freedom. Its a painful year away.

Will we still have (name) and (name)? (gf)? (name)?

*I cant say. Your on your own there. You will decide.

But why?

*They love you. Dont be a dumbass, fucker.

Ok, then, what of California?

*(name) will be missed. Thats it.

Well never see him again?

*What are you talking about course we will, but the man is leaving


*I woiulda said dying, you queen. Ooh! Put on Quenn!!

In a minute, I gotta think of something else to ask you.

*Go on, i've got time.

What song?

*Hmmm, Don't Stop Me Now

Excellent choice


(I laughed so fucking hard) What the fuck are you trying to do?

*Make you laugh. Like your hellish relationship with the (gf), ours too can improve, but you gotta flow motherfucker. You done good listening to what I said. Feel better?

No, I got fucking nervous.

*But (name) is cool. Why are byou trippin?

Cause i'm stupid

*Yes. Yes you fucking are. But dude, we're all stupid. Dont say n word. That shit aint cool.

But we say it sometimes

*You do. I aint like that.



Right! Hows that?





*Quit being a bitch and fucking around motherfuycker, just do it! I'll still be here.

O-ok.... (I danced around to the song feeling free, elated and great. I then noticed it was exactly five minutes after I had started) Oh you fucknugget


=_= one sec

>> No.932   [Delete]   [Edit]

How do you feel?
Fucked up.
Do you like me?
Who are you?
You don't understand.
What's your name?
[I was unable to write anything here]
What do you want?
For propety/for freedom (polish words "własność" and "wolność" look similar)

>> No.940   [Delete]   [Edit]

My subconscious referred to me as "love" last night. :| Should I be concerned or

>> No.949   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1298782929805.jpg -(121.9 KiB, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So I haven't talked to you in a while, huh?
(Yes this is indeed a truth)
About last time, you said that I will at some point endanger myself. Is there any way to avoid it?
(No, god does not mess with fate, but rather he determines it)
So you're saying I was specifically chosen to fuck up?
(Yes. That is indeed what I am saying)
I feel like you are speaking in a much more omnipotent manner than I usually do.
(There is a divine reason for that)
I see. Do you believe in shadow selves?
(Very much, yes)
Is there any way I could commune with mine?
(But that would impede on my planning)
I never liked the way you think. You're so selfish, and I want to face myself!
(Are you sure that would be the best idea for you)
What is that supposed to mean?
(I mean it's not like I can help you die any faster, even with that)
...Is it really that dangerous?
(For someone of your... rank, yes it would be.)
What do you mean "rank"?
(All in due time...)

What a jerk.

Last edited 11/02/26(Sat)21:04.

>> No.953   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1299358506567.png -(175 KiB, 732x599) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



How be you?


You dont talk much huh?


Silent huh?


How old are you?




Was maz fine?




why dont you talk more?


Are you bored in there?


I dont know what to say


I'm a little frightened


What entertains you?

video games




makes sense

How does it make sense?

-no answer-

Sorry retarded question can I ask another?


Are you bi like me?

i dont think about it.

What do you think about?

not sure

My name is machi

i know

You like it it's my nickname


Why not?


Oh... Max what scares you?




Cant you say anything more then a few words?


Well goodbye i'm not sure i like you that much


>> No.963   [Delete]   [Edit]

Are you There?
Lol you write bad (terribe handwriting)
-you suck
So no reason?
-you do nothing
Will I get to college?
Will I ever be cool?
How can I improve?

lulz my left hand thinks I'm a weenie. A stupid, lame weenie. Hah, that's not true! Not true at all! Not at all...sobs I wanna try again

Last edited 11/03/07(Mon)16:09.

>> No.1000   [Delete]   [Edit]

I tried this at school.. I don't know if it really worked or not, I couldn't tell, but from what DID happen, my subconscious is apparently named Don and thinks I'm stupid, and that my friend is germy.. hmm. Any advice on how to really TELL if it's actually working? I don't want Don to get lonely or something.

>> No.1001   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1301017082220.jpg -(38.7 KiB, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So it’s been a while, huh?
(Yes, indeed it has)
Are you really trying to protect me?
(Why would I be forcing you to remain under my control if I weren’t)
Well it seems like you are being more of a nuisance.
(It is my responsibility to protect you)
You seem to be a very kind and caring subconscious on the outside, albeit overbearing.
(You are my master, I have to care for you for it is my sworn duty)
Just what are you, anyway?
(I am a thought, an imagining of a being that should guide you through the realms of your future life)
And just what is that?
(You will die someday)
I know that, you’re not answering my question.
(You will take on another form and be born again in your penultimate fantasy, everything you had ever wished for would be real)
Sounds like a nice retirement plan.
(Haha, yes, quite. But I must warn you that there will then be many challenges for you at hand.)
Something like Homestuck, correct?
(Close but very different.)
You’re being very coy with me, Nick.
(Hee hee, it is in my nature to do so.)
Endearing. Now tell me more about yourself.
(About what? I exist in only a fragment of your psyche to guide you through your destiny, and therefore currently irrelevant)
Do you really care for me?
(Yes, of course I do)
Good. Will you tell me more about my destiny before you go?
(When you die you will be transported to a different universe where you must figure out how to earn redemption for all the bad things you’ve done. I can only assist you for the first half of the way; the rest is up to you and your cohorts.)
Now it’s starting to sound exactly like Homestuck.
(I assure you it is quite different, and I must go now)
Where are you going? Will I talk to you again?
(Of course, after all, I am you)

He's very distant, but he can be a pretty chill SC.

>> No.1092   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304899227177.png -(12.1 KiB, 269x256) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

( I know about the crappy drawing. Sorry. )
Our first conversation ( she talks in a baby high-pitched voice lol )
Me: Hi there.
Mari: Hello! :D
Me: Who are you?
Mari: Mari Cavatica R.
Me: Wow, that's a long name!
Mari: Not like I want to have it.
Me: Sorry, I think it's nice.
Mari: Your world is weird.
Me: Oh, sorry. I fill my mind with all kinds of shit.
Mari: Yes, that is true. I'd be pleased if you'd stop thinking about disturbing things.
Me: I'll try.
[ Mari doesn't reply ]
Me: This feels weird.
Mari: Maybe it does.
Me: You should know.
Mari: Well, I'm only a guide.
Me: Well, Mari..
Mari: I have to eat your disgusting brain food.
Me: Like what?
Mari: Like soggy cereal. Why do you even think about cereal?
Me: Because remember the serial killers I think about? You should know them.
Mari: Those tried to kill me.
Me: What happens if you die?
Mari: I don't know.
Me: My parents are coming!
Mari: Oh no!

  • crumbling noise*
  • throws paper in trash can and laughs guilty at the can *
>> No.1109   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, I tried this, and the result was rather...odd. Typed it up since my handwriting is illegible, goes me-him-me-him:

Hey there. How're you?
Fine, thanks.
What's your name?
So, you're a guy then?
Yup, funny, huh?
Yeah...is it lonely up in my head?
A little bit...why?
Just wondering. What do you like?
Not much. You ask a lot of questions.
Heh...that's what i'm supposed to do!
Suck it.
Someone's in a bad mood.
You, obviously.
Lovely. Like the music?
It's annoying.
Well, what would you rather listen to?
Anything but this shit.
Alright, i'll change it.
God, you're pathetic
Sorry...is this any better?
No, I hate it.
Too bad.
Fuck off.
...okay, i'll go now. Bye.
Laters, bitch.
He isn't very nice. :c

>> No.1110   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, this certainly was interesting.
: = Me, - = Subconscious.

-good day to you
:How are you?
-fine, really
:Are you sure?
-dont ask that
-i hate it when people ask that
-no harm done
:So, uhm...
:You are my subconscious, correct?
:This may sound silly, but could you tell me about my dreams?
-your dreams
:I can never remember them.
:I wake up, and my mind is blank.
-i see
:So, could you?
-but i feel no need to do so
:Uh, what? Why not?
-i never feel any need to do anything
-not even important things
-i try, but i can never get it done.
:How so?
-its just the way i am
:Well, okay.
-i wonder about something too
-may i ask
-why is it that you always speak in a language that is not your own
-you do this so often
-dutch words barely ever impart your lips outside of school
-yet you are dutch
-so why
:I don't know.
:English my my language of preference, I suppose.
-well allright
-if you say so
:I suppose that we should stop conversing.
-well if you say so
-is there nothing that you wish to discuss
-or ask
:There are some things.
:But I believe that they may be better off unsaid.
-if you say so.
:Cheers, Subs.

>> No.1112   [Delete]   [Edit]

OH MY GOD. I read this in the middle of third block(we have four classes, or blocks, in my highschool), started writing towards the end of third block. This was so fucking weird to do. I'm scared to do it today. The really weird thing is, I love Alice in Wonderland, and my dad bought me an Alice notebook with the Mad Hatter's photo on it and a bunch of swirlies and flowers, but I keep it at home and doodle in it. Here's the thing- after I read this and went to go sit back at my desk(I'm in a special self-contained classroom with just a handful of students in it, so we can use the computers when we're done with our assignments), there was an unused Alice notebook with a printed sketch of the Mad Hatter on it, probably concept art, in my bag. I was kind of confused, asking myself, "Did I put that there...?" Oh well, I figured, now I have a new notebook! I wrote on a blank sheet of printer paper before I started in the notebook, and I'm keeping everything in that Hatter notebook. My subconscious told me not to show the writings to anyone, but I think it'll be fine if I tell you guys... I can barely read my left hand's writing myself, so I'm just going to type it.

Me: Hello, how are you?
SC: I am fine, thank you for asking
Me: So do you enjoy Tokio Hotel? (my favorite band)
SC: They are okay
Me: What is your name?
SC: Benjamin Franklin (I am not kidding, that's what he said.)
Me: Mine is Sami.
SC: I know
Me: What is your favorite food?
SC: Gelatin
Me: Okay. Did you hear about Adolf Hitler? (idk, I didn't know what to ask)
SC: Good riddance to him
Me: Okay, these questions are stupid. So, do you apperciate the things I put in my head? (I like reading and playing disturbing games, things, and creepypasta)
SC: Not at all
Me: Are you really my subconscious?
SC: Perhaps. Maybe this is all you, you could be delusional
Me: Do you wish me to die?
SC: Not yet
Me: Why not? Sometimes I wish to kill myself.
SC: You are an imbecile
(I took a break to go to fourth block)
Me: I'm sorry I took so long.
SC: It's quite alright
Me: Are you the one that stops me from slitting my wrists, cutting my throat?
SC: I like it when you phrase it like that
Me: Hold on a sec, sorry.
(someone was probably talking to me, so I put it away)
SC: Take your time. Don't let ANYONE see this
Me: This notebook... It's not mine.
SC: It is now
Me: How did it get there?
SC: You tell me
Me: ...What is your real name? (I thought it was like a ghost or something in my head, I don’t know)
SC: I already told you, Benjamin Franklin
Me: Like Breaking Benjamin? (I don’t know. Leave me alone.)
SC: I do not think that is funny Put it away
Me: Until when?
SC: NOW (in big letters)
Me: Ok.
SC: DO IT (in even bigger letters)
(I put it away and my friend Ashley came over to the corner where I was sitting to talk to me)
Me: So, I’m not sure what to ask.
SC: Take your time
Me: Ok, seriously, how did this get in my bag? (I thought it might know)
SC: So I can talk to you
Me: Did you bring me to that /x/ board? (I seriously thought it was some kind of entity in my head. Well, I still do)
SC: Perhaps.
Me: Seriously, can you just answer my questions?
SC: I can do anything (What…. the FUCK.)
Me: (I took a brief pause before writing again) What do you mean?
SC: I can control you (I watched an episode of some crime-solving show, not sure which one, sorry- not too long ago, about a girl with split personalities, and this made me think of that show)
Me: Please don’t.
SC: Oh, but I will
Me: Not now. When..?
SC: Soon
Me: This is seriously reminding me of Ben Drowned. (The nature of the conversation, really. … And I just now realized that the name Benjamin... the nickname is usually Ben.)
SC: Hmm.
Me: Why “Hmm?”
SC: This is funny
Me: Oh, really?
SC: Yes
Me: You think scaring me is funny?
SC: Perhaps.
SC: Haha
SC: It makes you mad, doesn’t it?
Me: (now I was just pissed off.) Why do you care?
SC: I give you
Me: …
SC: POWER (in big letters)
Me: This is freaking me out. Power?
SC: Yes. Free me (I’m really really freaked out now.)
Me: How?
SC: With your mind
Me: I don’t get it.
SC: You wouldn’t
Me: So you’re saying I’m stupid.
SC: Perhaps. Are you? AM I
Me: I don’t like this.
SC: Kill them
Keep righting (That’s how it was spelled)
Me: I’m done.
SC: KEEP TALKING ( giant letters, almost ¼ of the page.)
Me: Goodbye.
SC: NO ( 1/3 of the page)
Me: Yes.
( I then took a break until there was about an hour left of fourth block)
Me: Almost an hour.
SC: Good. More time to talk to you
That was yesterday's conversation with Benjamin Franklin

>> No.1117   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1307665456661.jpg -(101.4 KiB, 800x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"Me: Good day, Madame
Me: For what?
SC: I cannot thik
Me: Think, you mean?
SC: Yes.
Me: Today has been crazy, huh...
SC: Kitties?
Me: My kitties? Theyre fine
SC: I need Gibberish
Me: What do you need?
Me: You dare no? I do not understand...
SC: KEEP THE Gibberish
Me: Keep the keeper? Oh! I havent asked your name.
SC: A-l-in
Me: Alin? It is very nice to speak with you, Madame.
Me: What do you look like?
Alin: Gibberish
Me: I cannot read that, pardon my burden. Once more?
Alin: K have a cage
Me: You have a cage? what is your hair color?
Alin:I gibberish light red hair
Me: Light red? Curly or strait?
Alin: Wavy
Me: Ah, wavy. What do you wear?
Alin: ROw eaCr OK. Lined pants.
Me: Lined pants, how about a shirt?
Alin: Teal gray
Me: Gray? Alright, what do you like?
Alin: I like Mike Yoy
Me: You....Like mike? Who is he?
Alin: Gibberish
Me: Hmm?
Alin: He knows who i am
Me: Ah, he knows you... Is he in my mind?
Alin: TiCk
Me: A tick...Like sucking blood...?
Alin: Curve. Right.
Me: Alright, is was nice to meet you, Alin.
Alin: Gosh, sad
Me: We will speak again. I promise.
Alin: Kayte...
Me: Heh, you know my name. Good bye.


Who is Mike Yoy....

>> No.1123   [Delete]   [Edit]

my subconcious sounds like an alcoholic, maybe he needs help. if 'it' is a he..

he kept writing his s's the wrong way round too..
Here is our conversation.

it goes me, it, me, it
Hello, what is your name?
Hey Alkay, how are you?
I am stuck
how are you stuck?
i like birds
your s is the wrong way round.
so are you
yes...so, do you like this song(jessie J was playing)
stop writing your s's the wrong way, silly.
shake Harry(Harry is my boyfriend..)
i will, don't worry
worry me.
no, thats not nice
i keep seeing things, help me.
what do you see?
sore head
what do you see?
i can't see
how not?
it's magic
i'm magic.
you see
yes, i see.
the movie?
i like it. and fire
fire? why?
i don't know.
you have messy writing
i don't know.
you donlt know?
yes i see.
no you can't.
hello?(i said that)
and then he left me.

>> No.1124   [Delete]   [Edit]

Im not sure if im doing this right..
Its coming out really strange XD and Im bad at writing with my left hand ..
Me: Hello
Me: Its me
SC?: No I don't
Me:What are you talking about?
SC?:The world
Me:Why is that?
SC?: because you are you
me:What does that mean?
SC?: (ugh this is hard to read its either nothing or nethiny)
SC: ue are zomeone
SC: what do you think?
Me: Im not sure
SC:I wiont
Me:Lol SC has bad spelling
Sc:It is wintev
Me:Its almost like you arent even me
Sc: I will
Me: You kind of creep me out
Sc: I wont
me: Why not
Sc: (This was written so backwards and messed up Im not quite sure wth its saying....)
Beeawce me is taee
me:And what does that mean exactly?
Sc: Suplex
Me:What the...
SC: (Something with a ce and a Y and alway after it..)
Me:i dont get you..
Sc: You are me
Me: Yeah, I know that..
sc: Not today
Me: Congrats for being a smart asshole
Sc: nmy hov elive (the f-?)

>> No.1135   [Delete]   [Edit]

Welp, I think my sub-conscious finds me annoying since she ditched me pretty shortly after we started.

So, how screwed are we?

>very. were all going to die.

What do you mean?

>I think you know.

...I actually don't, but... maybe I don't really want to. That's what you're for, right?

>you could say that

Okay, enough of that. So, what's your name and how old are you?


Okay, Sarah. But you didn't say how old you were.

>Doesnt matter

Well, if you say so... Are you actually part of me, then?

>dont be stupid.

I'll take that as a no, then. Er, anything you want to ask me?

And then nothing. orz

>> No.1147   [Delete]   [Edit]

Am I doing this wrong? Because it's not really... giving me any answers. I'm just doing as you said, write the first thing to mind, but I still feel like it's not entirely working. OTL

Here is the convo, it goes me, it, me, it...

My name is Maddy.

no it isnt

Yes it is.


Just is?

forget it

What's your name?




I think it is.

shut up

Woah, be nice.

how come

It was a compliment!


What's wrong with you?

broken glass



Ok you make no sense at all.

dumb bitch

Can we have a conversation?

we are

A nice one?


Because I want to make friends with you.

shut up

What is your problem?

shut up

Okay you need to lighten up.


Because you're very pessimistic?


Because the way you're talking to me is--


Yes, it's unacceptable


Not cool!


Um, okay.


So, what?




So mean!


Can't we be friends?




Okay thanks!

shut up

Okay so can you help me?


Because I need help.


I'd like to get to know you better?

yea right



Can you tell me what all these dreams have meant?


Okay I don't think that's the cause...


Why are they so reaccuring?


Yes, they are sad. Why?

just find out

I'm trying!


This isn't funny.

google it

Can you be serious?

im not

I know you're not, so please be.




Okay can you at least form a full sentence

sure, why not.



So can you answer my question?


You don't know?


I need a yes or no.


Why won't you tell me?


You're too .. bored to answer my question?




I wonder if you really are my subconcious.




What is distant?


Between you and me?


Hope for what?


Okay that makes NO sense whatsoever.

what do you want from me

I want you to help me figure out why I'm having these dreams

help you?

Yes, help me.


Uhh, what?

just stop asking

What's wrong?



love you

Then why do you treat me this way?

come on...



Ok, fine.

see ya


>> No.1148   [Delete]   [Edit]



How are you?

>pretty good

You're not so good at writing, are you?


Snappish today.

>im tired

I know.

>no you dont

What do you mean?

>you dont know how tired you are

That sure is ominous.


So what is your name, and how old are you?

>i dont know

Don't know? What do you mean?

>i dont know

Do you want to sleep?


Okay. I'll sleep a little later.

>no now

I'm sorry, I'm busy now

>go away


>> No.1149   [Delete]   [Edit]

tried this.
re-typed and translated into english with the lack of punctuation unchanged for your reading pleasure.

apparently my subconscious is a girl with some anger issues who goes by Felicia.

order is me, her, me, her.



how are you?

i'm fine

so tell me, how does it feel like to be my subconscious?

i like it

it never gets boring?

not really, no

what do you do during the day?


are you never awake?

almost never

is it because you're tired?

no i hate you

that's not a very nice thing to say to someone, you know

i'm sorry

it's okay, i forgive you

thank you sometimes i just get so angry


she's not nice


mom isn't nice to us

no, i guess she isn't

i don't like her

honestly, who does? nobody, that's who

haha, that's true

say, what's your name?


so you and i have different names?

of course you and me aren't the same

but are we anything alike, you and i?

not really, just a little

how are we different?

i sleep

i'm sorry, but i need to go now. we'll have to talk more some other time.

fine you can go

i'll see you later.


>> No.1150   [Delete]   [Edit]

I wanted to try talking with my subconscious just to see the outcome. The conversation was pretty average although it still felt really strange talking to my subconscious.

Me: Hi there

Hello again

Me: What's up?

It's the same thing I said before, nothing

Me: So...this is weird...
writing to you like this I mean...

Maybe, I guess it is.

Me: You write so untidy :/

Not my fault. You don't use your left hand.

Me: Right, my bad. So who are you anyway?

I'm you.

Me: Well yeah, I figured that out.

What else do you want?

Me: Um...what's your name?


Me: Mike? My other self is a guy? Lol

Yeah. What's so funny about that?

Me: Nothing, it's just I'm a girl.

So what?

Me: So it's weird I have a male subconscious!

Not really, I have seen weirder. Maybe it's just you?

Me: What do you mean?


Me: I think I cracked


Me: I mean I'm talking to myself

...you do it all the time (I think that's what it said)

Me: Yes, but I never wrote it down.

So what, it's not that different. I'm you you know (couldn't understand too well again)

Me: No, I'm pretty sure it is. Why do you have to write so untidy :/. It's so hard to read what you write.

Maybe that's a good thing.

Me: What? How is it a good thing?


Me: Is your name really Mike? Are you really a boy? I want to know.

Yes. I am.

Me: But why?

I answered you already.

Last edited 11/07/26(Tue)19:28.

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