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No.798   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Hey /x/, Marble Hornets season 2 started.

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>> No.804   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.805   [Delete]   [Edit]

I really wonder where they can go from here.

>> No.812   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.813   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm pretty sure everyone thought of Splendorman before that video, which isn't even good.

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3790 No.13   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

W00T! I helped create this board with my personal imput!

Anyway, on to the paranormal.

Do you guys think Uboa's appearances everywhere are coincidental? Looking around my room, I see so many Uboa's, I dont even touch my lightswitch.

Be it possible that Kikiyama noticed all the wierds thing, and didnt create them, hence thats why we see Monoko, Uboa, and other crap everywhere?

Oh yeah, and offtopic, there's a face at my friends house sticking out of a wall. Is that safe?

Pic is my reaction when a freaking face came out of my friend's wall. In fact, screw the sentences above, this thread is now about the face.

Last edited 09/09/19(Sat)22:34.

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>> No.37   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.39   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Human brain has a specific structure to handle recognition of shapes it has seen before, hard-wired to detect human faces and (oddly enough) snakes. In short, your brain is just actively making sense of random patterns - if Uboa looked had a hamster face, you'd probably notice it around too.

Just hope this part of your brain works properly. Hemorrhages in it cause Capgras' disease.

Last edited 09/10/04(Sun)13:01.

>> No.740   [Delete]   [Edit]

Man, all of my ideas in response to a face coming out of a wall are either childish or inappropriate.
I dread to think what might happen to me when my default response to the paranormal is to proposition it.

>> No.747   [Delete]   [Edit]

are you trolling?

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208653 No.4   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

everyone in this board is actually just schizophrenic

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>> No.10   [Delete]   [Edit]

wow me 2 im depresed

>> No.75   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yea most probobly.

>> No.739   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.742   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm just a NEET.

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163596 No.539   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

R.I.P William Cooper:
The U.S. UFO And Alien 1-10


>> No.593   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.741   [Delete]   [Edit]

R.I.P William Cooper: The U.S. UFO And Alien 1-10 http://tinyurl.com/276soay Anonymous 10/09/14(Tue)10:48 No.539 [Delete] [Edit]

R.I.P William Cooper:
The U.S. UFO And Alien 1-10

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1442265 No.524   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]


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>> No.597   [Delete]   [Edit]

So.. it's basically like that retarded megaman spinnoff, the .exe series

>> No.611   [Delete]   [Edit]

N...not really. It's actually a really good movie. But hard to explain. I explained the function of OZ, aka the world, or whatever. The internet basically. The story is a different....story.

It gets hacked. And shit. Goes. Down.

>> No.670   [Delete]   [Edit]

If Uboachan can handle the bunnyman, its a great movie.
After all, when one kid accidently breaks the entire planet, it cant be bad.

>> No.683   [Delete]   [Edit]
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74127 No.417   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]
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>> No.526   [Delete]   [Edit]
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I think i died a little inside

>> No.549   [Delete]   [Edit]
> my reaction
>> No.552   [Delete]   [Edit]
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How about Morso?

>> No.564   [Delete]   [Edit]
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26548 No.3   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

itt: Post your paranormal experiences and/or your friend's stories.

I don't have any to personally share, unfortunately. I live in a small town with nothing known to be haunted in it. Post something hardcore the make up for this lameass first post, guys.

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>> No.509   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1283506444154.png -(116.3 KiB, 567x2344) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This just happened to me not ten minutes ago.

>> No.520   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Oh, exploitable.

(was gonna make good ol' Uboa busting out of the fridge, but that's too easy. couldn't think of anyone else fit for the job, though, so here, you have fun)

>> No.530   [Delete]   [Edit]

One time when I was 9(almost ten, my birthday was that weekend) I was at a huge event that was going on most of the weekend and my parents were helping run the event. Some of my friends were there too, and their parents were helping run the event, too.
On the night after the last day of the event the event staff went to the hotel's bar to have some drinks, and our parents let my friends and I stay in one of the hotel rooms(the event provided the staff with rooms at the hotel).
So we were in my friend Stephanie's hotel room playing video games, when suddenly we hear a thump. We decide to ignore it, but then we decided to play a board game and we suddenly heard more thumping. Now, keep in mind we were 9, 10, and 12, so the idea of it being the people in the room next door was pretty much automatically ruled out. So, Stephanie and I being to short to reach the peephole, had Rachael check.
She looked through the peephole and then turned to us and said she had seen someone with a knife cutting their wrists and getting blood everywhere. Now, like I said before, Stephanie and I were only 9 and 10, so we started panicking, not knowing that the person could be killing themself, and automatically thought they were going to break in and kill us. We scrambled to close the window curtains(what this had to do with anything, I'm not sure, but it sure helped), and we tried calling out parents but no one answered their phones. After a while we calmed down a little, and started playing our games again, and then later that night Rachael's dad comes to get us and we walk out and there was no one there, and no blood or anything. No signs of anyone breaking in or anything.

>> No.536   [Delete]   [Edit]

When I was little, I was lying in bed when I saw the easter bunny. It frankly looked like a woman I saw years ago running an easter race while wearing a pink bunny suit, but it also had this golden glow. Also, it was late - no reason to have glowy bunny-suited strangers in the house.

All she really did was walk up to my door, smile warmly at me, and proceed into the bathroom where I assumed it disappeared. It didn't scare me - in fact, I was filled with this really content feeling.

Probably just me dreaming, to be honest, but everything was so real and detailed. It was completely unlike the dreams I usually have.

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188903 No.40   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]
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>> No.71   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.72   [Delete]   [Edit]


>bawwww why are there are trolls on an imageboard oh i know complaining about them will make them go away
>> No.426   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.457   [Delete]   [Edit]


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225458 No.21   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

We tell strange real life events that happened to our parents/granparents/uncles/etc.

Once when my mom was a girl she was driving back to her small hometown from Mexico with my grandpa one night.The car broke down on the way there so they all got out of the car.Then suddenly my mom[along with everyone else who came along]saw this strange figure in a white cloak,long black hair float through the night air.She said it look kind of like the girl from the ring.She said this happened 2 times.

My uncle once told me that when he spent the night at my great grandparents house he took out the trash late at night and saw some type of shadow come after him.It turned out to be a dream but hes told me other stories in which he`s sensed or has seen a shadow being.

>> No.427   [Delete]   [Edit]

I enjoyed that picture.

our old house, we had a dresser-cart-can-holder thing, we had boxes and a cock pot on it (slow cooker thingger) with a glass lid. Like three times, when no one was in the kitchen, the lid flew off and slammed to the ground. theres raised edges, so it had to be picked Up, it didnt break, though being glass, and the house was liek 200+ years old. Also, heard a growl in the foliage behind the garage once. it wasnt That full of 46296797 plants, we could see in it, but that growl was friggin loud.

>> No.429   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>cock pot
>> No.430   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>cock pot
>> No.431   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Oh god. Thank you guys for not letting me be the first to point that out. That said...

>cock pot

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402277 No.186   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

'Sup Uboa/x/, I've been hearing a lot about Egypt lately and the impossibility of modern architecture being unable to recreate the pyramids. So how does /x/ think they were made?

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>> No.201   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.202   [Delete]   [Edit]
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i don't understand what's going on.

>> No.379   [Delete]   [Edit]


what how


interesting, we're far more advanced and we can't even make a darn pyramid.

>> No.391   [Delete]   [Edit]


Too much free time and the absence of computers and minecraft

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