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126398 No.795   [Delete]   [Edit

/uboa/, i have an epic story for you.

So, i downloaded Yume Nikki about a week ago, knowing about the game and having seen a walkthrough. One of my favorite parts was Uboa, and i wanted to see him on my own. I tried for about half an hour to get him, nothing. So i gave up.

Friday, i had my best friend over, who is just getting into the game. We planned to dress him as Poniko for Katsucon, so i thought i would show him his character. I also told him about Uboa and that it can take a while to get him. I said we would try the lights ten times, then quit.



I sat there is disbelief. He was pretty impressed, but obviously couldn't see why i was amazed. After all that time of trying to get Uboa, i get him just when i'm trying to show him to someone, on one.

The moral of this story, my Poniko-chan is lucky. I can't even imagine what would happen if we tried to find Takofuusen.

And there is the story of my first Uboa.

>> No.796   [Delete]   [Edit]

Since the chance is 1 in 64 (I think), I usually count towards that. Although I have gotten in on my second try before.....

I dunno, sometimes I even have a hard time with the "dream within a dream" thing, it's just one of those things that either works, or doesn't.

>> No.797   [Delete]   [Edit]

Please post pics of trap!poniko once you guys are done making the outfit.

>> No.798   [Delete]   [Edit]

I once got Uboa on my first try. Not kidding. Shat bricks.

>> No.804   [Delete]   [Edit]

I knew what the chances were, but i was way too lazy to count.

Will do! They'll be in the /cos/ board probably. We're still just planning but we're hoping to get some of the clothes soon.

>> No.2488   [Delete]   [Edit]


I literally spent an hour and a half trying to get the "dream within a dream" and even more trying to make Mado fall asleep on Masada's ship, and atleast 50 tries on Uboa.

I showed it to my friend a month later, all of them on the first try. No joke. I was pissed.

Last edited 10/08/13(Fri)13:22.

>> No.2489   [Delete]   [Edit]

A dream within a dream? It's a nightmare marathon... NO, NO wheezes NO!

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