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15599 No.696   [Delete]   [Edit

I was playing the YN the other day and went to the world with the hands and eyes. There are also severed heads around, which go from one face to Uboa's face. My theory is that Madotsuki or somebody cut the lights and gouged Poniko's eyes out and dismembered her and that the creatures in Uboa-land are the person that killed Poniko, not Uboa. They raped Madotsuki after finishing Poniko.

>> No.3055   [Delete]   [Edit]

I prefer the "Mado is a Lesbian" theory.

>> No.3056   [Delete]   [Edit]

needs more blood. everybody knows that the more murder and rape that happens in your story, the more mature and better it is

>> No.3058   [Delete]   [Edit]

Needs more penis.

>> No.3078   [Delete]   [Edit]

I was playing the YN the other day and went to the world with the Uboa.

And then Poniko was a bloody penis

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