the yume nikki remix on j-core masterz vol 3 has uboa hidden as a spectrogram image at the end of the songi brix'd
the yume nikki remix on j-core masterz vol 3 has uboa hidden as a spectrogram image at the end of the song
i brix'd
Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS? This isn't shopped or anything?
I'm sorry if I may offend, but it looks like a poor 'shop.
No, it's true it's really easy to put images into sounds.
Oh sweet heavens, I had foobar open displaying its spectrogram when I was first listening to the remix. When it got to the end, I simultaneously laughed and shat bricks like a madman.Well played, misterCQNZR.
Oh sweet heavens, I had foobar open displaying its spectrogram when I was first listening to the remix. When it got to the end, I simultaneously laughed and shat bricks like a madman.
Well played, misterCQNZR.
I demand an mp3. I need to see this.
just google a torrent for it
>>450>>451It's on this site, dumbfucks.
It's not a shop.
lol fags, not a shop. Uboa is literally hidden in the noise you hear at the end.
use logarithmic scaling and it won't squish like that
Oh wow, Audacity sucks.
>>477Use Foobar~
>>469i don't know how to do that
>>479OH FU-
The spectrogram needs to be set in logarithmic display mode for Uboa to show properly.Aphex Twin did this trick with the formula song off the Windowlicker EP, and Ventian Snares did this in Look, off of Songs About My Cats.
tried this, was awesome :D
wow who made this
>>477Actually you have to change it to LOG to see it properly, Never use the defaults. 200 to max log spectrogram.
Anyone know how to do this? I mean, hide images in the spectrogram?
>>1084Trial and error.
there is actually a script in perl that does it for you
what program are you guys using for the Spectrum ?
foobar2000 will do it. dunno about other free alternatives.