wut if yuba werenet ubya but aschually pokino?
>>3230u drunk?
u mad?
of curose yuba is pokino becus ubya is relly modostuki. also lol yuo spelled yuba worng in the topc title.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
masotuki is seccom damasa, you newb
Hash aynone thought about hwo taffokusen mighght bee Masadas's spess ship?
ya n the korpse on the road is matsudoki's father
n dun forget that modatsaki wuz raped
oh yea n tafusokn is the feetous besauce the red pole thing made the babby formed.
I swear to drunk I'm not god
I'm not as think as you drunk I am!
the torynegen r drunk besauce torynengen drink sakey
No occifer I havent's been drinkings.
is there an occifer problem?Yuboa is the police
is there an occifer problem?
Yuboa is the police
I'd rather have this bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy! FUCK YEAH SAKE :V
save sum fur the turynugin or they sedn you to a bad plase!
::passes it to Pipi and her demented cousins:: COME 'ERE BURD
the boid ppl leik to has pecknooks