Saw this posted awhile ago, me and my friend are going to Florida-Supecon this June, were cosplaying Masada, and Uboa (Mabye a Poniko.) Any way I was looking for tips on how best to make an Uboa outfit.
<see picMake a frame out of wood and the face out of cloth? Or something? Remember, Uboa is larger than person-size, so you don't need to worry about not fitting inside it.
Thanks for he tip, that might work. But I know nothing of wood work, and have limited time. But your right about Uboa being big, I hadnt thought of that.
It definitely needs some sort of a frame to keep it "inflated". Wire or anything that bends too easily is probably not ideal, but wood might be too heavy...
Making a frame out of boning might be a good idea. You can get some types that aren't very heavy, though I suppose you'd want to think about durability too, so it's tough to say...
Also I dont want to suffocate in the outfit. And visibilit is a factor aswell.
>>303If you use some sort of really light material, you shouldn't have a problem breathing underneath it. I know there's a type of white material used for mascot costumes that you can see through... you could use that for the face? I wouldn't know where to get it, though.
>>303If you use some sort of really light material, you shouldn't have a problem breathing underneath it.
I know there's a type of white material used for mascot costumes that you can see through... you could use that for the face? I wouldn't know where to get it, though.
I found some dense foam stuff that I'm planning to sew onto the inside of what will essentially be a giant, Uboa-shaped pillowcase. I'll let you guys know how that works out.