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47310 No.2683   [Delete]   [Edit

Step 1: Go to the Yume NIkki sound files.

Step 2: Listen to BGM_13

Step 3: Realise the coincidence

Step 4: Shit Brix

Step 5: Hope to god this hasn't been posted before.

>> No.2700   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm not seeing it. Does it have to do with the number 13?

>> No.2707   [Delete]   [Edit]

Is it the fact that it's Uboa's music and it happens to be the 13th track? Since 13 is supposed to be an "evil" number that's often associated with Friday the 13th, I think I see what you're getting at.

EDIT: Also, btw, no bricks were shat in the making of this guess. Really.

Last edited 10/09/15(Wed)13:20.

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