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File: 1271536419481.jpg -(37.8 KiB, 725x725) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
38756 No.1428   [Delete]   [Edit

The pink landscape had become quite boring for her. A single, wide window that gaped at the steaming pink spring was starting to get a bit old. The girl, slumping over her neat pastel desk, dropped her eyes to the hard wood. She was exhausted from a day of doing nothing (how it is impossible to be tired and not do anything was beyond her frame of thought). The eternal daylight was her only wake-up call.

Unless she pulled the light switch.

Her small, thin frame buckled with shudders and shivers at the thought of darkness. She knew the beast had its advantage in the twilight. It would be waiting, silently, in the crevices of shadow until an opportunity showed itself. She knew she could not stand against such a force of evil. Though, she was tired - such a crippling exhaustion - she was willing to take the chance.
She eased up slowly from the desk chair, dusty brown skirt grazing the carpet. The girl's blond hair swayed gently in its encasing ponytail with every small baby step toward that forsaken switch that would engulf her small room into darkness.

Her hand hovered over it tentatively, as if rejecting its master's commands. She brought it down, and with a swift "Click" her room tumbled into twilight. She dared not open her eyes. Slowly, slowly, slowly, she turned to face her twin bed. Her ears strained for that telltale dull moan - but it was not there. Not yet.

It had learned from its past experiences with her. It was taught to wait, to wait unless her defenses were low, to strike.

It was then a cold, black tangle of shadow wrapped around her leg.

(crit if you want, nothing serious, just a little somethin somethin. pic unrelated)

Last edited by moderator 10/04/17(Sat)13:33.

>> No.1499   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1505   [Delete]   [Edit]

I like it! Moar?

>> No.1508   [Delete]   [Edit]

More. Now. My Yume Nikki fanfics (If you can call them that) suck in comparsion to this.

>> No.1511   [Delete]   [Edit]

(OH SHUCKS i completely forgot about this. continuing..)

No. No. No. No.

Please, God, let it be in a good mood.
The faint groan erupted in a burst of noise and the creature tugged forcefully on the girl's leg. She tumbled helplessly to the ground. Glimpses of eyes and faces shunning were caught in her vision. The girl wondered if they had any thought about what was happening.

But she needed to focus now. The permanent sneer on the beast's face twitched with what seemed to be childish excitement. Another entrail of darkness burst from its body and wrapped around her waist and she screamed, a low, agonized scream that made the walls shudder in a sort of pity.

She wanted oh so badly to struggle and break free from the monster, but she knew that would mean instant death. She could only wait out the torment until it was over or it got satisfied.

More and more of those dark, encasing fingers.

And then it stopped.
Time seemed to freeze in its placed and in shock the girl just stared at him.
"Wh-" Suddenly it pulled its body (if you could call it that. Nasu knows what it is actually made of.) closer to her and its eyes -its eyes- were cutting into hers like cold knives. It wanted something tonight - and she would have to give it to him.

>> No.1514   [Delete]   [Edit]

well, you may aswell continue, we know where this is going or not.

>> No.1521   [Delete]   [Edit]

Okay, faggin' it up here in this writefag's stead. Hope it's worthwhile.

The trembling started in her belly, and went outwards from there until her entire body was little more than a jittering mess. She hated to fear it, this bogey man, this distorted monster-under-the-bed, but it was that fear that kept her alive in the perpetual tedium of the lonely little house that served as home and prison. Cradle and coffin, if she had been born or could truly die. She wasn't really sure. She died almost every time she turned the lights off.

She always tried to keep her eyes open during these encounters. It wasn't so much about facing her fears as it was about not pissing it off, and closing her eyes usually just yielded a more brutal torment. Poniko didn't like pain, per se, though any onlooker to these moments might beg to differ. It was the sheer rush of terror that she valued, the only ripple in an otherwise still pond that was her day-to-day life. A pair of steely blue eyes searched over it's vague distorted face. What'll it be today?

The inky tendril around her waist squeezed tighter. It liked to kill her in terrible ways. If it had the mental capacity beyond a primal animal, it probably enjoyed watching her die, knowing that she'd just blip back into existence sooner or later so it could continue the games they played-- or rather, the games it played with her. Something snaked up the back of her shirt, slithering up her spine and around her ribs with a force that made her choke. The tip of that appendage drove against her breastbone in a way that made her groan with panic under the muted scream... but why? Why couldn't she look away from it? Why did the hollow white pits in it's face draw her in and render her so pathetically helpless?

Poniko's breath grew shallow. She expected it to either crush her ribs or rip into her chest any second now... but as if heeding her thoughts, it flung her against the dresser, seeming to change it's mind. She didn't move where she crumpled, though she dared to let her eyes close for a good ten seconds before reopening to face the music a second time. Her vision swam momentarily, spots dancing in front of her eyes. The warm, ticklish stream down the back of her neck told her she was bleeding. It rippled over the floor to her again.

A tendril like a fist shot out against her cheek, slamming her back against the wooden surface of the armoire again, before slipping down almost tenderly to twine around her neck. It closed in a second time, it's unchanging expression boring into her. At it's bidding she was lifted to hang limp as a marionette, suspended against the armoire. It's nearly liquid form slid up her ankles, shackling them, and crept up to do much the same to her arms. Poniko's stomach churned while she questioned what it had in store this time. Again the response came shortly, revoltingly-- another appendage slid up her leg, and pushed at the junction between her thighs.

If her eyes could have gone wider in that moment, they would have.

Last edited 10/04/04(Sun)11:55.

>> No.1523   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1525   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1528   [Delete]   [Edit]

oh my god, you can take over
thats better than anything i could have done

>> No.1530   [Delete]   [Edit]

I still <3 you writefaggot.

>> No.1531   [Delete]   [Edit]

I like it. A lot.

>> No.1532   [Delete]   [Edit]


i <3 you too.

>> No.1533   [Delete]   [Edit]

Please. For the love of everything. Continue.

>> No.1534   [Delete]   [Edit]

I will soon, I'm sort of working on the Masada fic I have going in /seccom/ right now + I'm busy with other things. I'll quit being a fag and continue the fanservice soon.

>> No.1537   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270731874318.jpg -(40.4 KiB, 639x483) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Suddenly, Her mom got scared and said "you're movin' to your auntie and uncle in bel-air!"
She whistled for a cab and when it came near, the licence plate said FBI and had Chris Hansen in the mirror. If anything she could say there's no light switch in there, but she though "naw forget it, Yo homes, to Bel-Air!"
She pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and yelled to to driver "Yo homes smell ya later!"
She looked upon her kingdom, she was finally there, to sit on her throne as the fresh prince
of Bel-Air.

EDIT: photoshop is being a dick, so this came out crappy as I did it in paint

Last edited 10/04/08(Thu)06:04.

>> No.1539   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1540   [Delete]   [Edit]



>> No.1542   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1543   [Delete]   [Edit]

Strike you a deal, writefaggot. Since I'm a lazy whore you do however much of the next part you want and I'll pick up where you left off. Let's collaborate.

>> No.1546   [Delete]   [Edit]



Last edited 10/04/07(Wed)20:45.

>> No.1550   [Delete]   [Edit]



>> No.1553   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1270835235811.jpg -(46.1 KiB, 400x299) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Do what you want 'cause a faggot is free,
You are a faggot!
Yarr harr fiddle dee dee
string yourself up from a tree!
Or just send your trolling ass back to the /b/
You are a faggot!

>> No.1557   [Delete]   [Edit]

I lol'd. Very hard.

Also I like this story. I wants more.

>> No.1558   [Delete]   [Edit]

i want to marry this thread.

>> No.1560   [Delete]   [Edit]

i, too, procrastinated. i will take you up on your offer. i also like the bel air ending.. :>

She screamed.
The monster pushed harder at the tight slit, ignoring Poniko's cries of fear and hatred. A curling mass squeezed tighter on her ribs and she ceased. The air was sucked out of her. She could barely breath. The room was so small...so small...
The wretched tentacle entered her. Poniko wanted to vomit, to cry for help, to do something, but that would require air. And strength. The red, oozing liquid was dripping and staining the plush carpet.

The beast roared and quivered and shuddered and two more finger-like tendrils erupted from it black mass of a body. The one already slithering into her cunt was forcefully thrusting in and out, and despite how revolting this whole situation was, it almost felt good. Almost.

One tendril was shoved into her mouth. The girl blinked back flowing, salty tears and struggled for air. The other wrapped around her neck, as if to make sure she would lay still. She bit down hard on the tentacle. She knew this could mean death, but the beast was wrapped up in raping her.

It screamed and thrust its tentacle harder into her cunt, making her cry out in pain.

She was in a predicament.

>> No.1597   [Delete]   [Edit]

The monster becoming jumpy and agitated, its thrust inside her warm, tight opening more frequent and deeper as the minutes ticked by. The revolting truth was she had begun to enjoy it. A warm, fuzzy feeling began from her crotch and spread throughout her body. As if reading her mind, the black body pushed up harder against her, ready for some kind of climax. The carpet around her was soaked with blood, but Poniko didn't care. She was too focused on the sickening pleasure building up inside her. The air in the room was hot and steamy from the friction between the two.

Then it stopped. Uboa buckled, groaned, and let out a mighty roar as a scalding hot, white liquid ejected from its tendrils. Poniko moaned and climaxed, her body buckling and twitching from the pleasure.

And then..
And then..

She was empty. The room was silent. SHe dropped onto the floor with a blunt THUD, cum seeping from her clit and mouth. She was breathless, but managed to stand.

Poniko began cleaning up the blood.

>> No.1635   [Delete]   [Edit]



Erect and confused

>> No.1650   [Delete]   [Edit]

How the fuck is she going to get blood out of a carpet? she doesn't have any cleaning chemicals or even a cloth

>> No.1651   [Delete]   [Edit]


How dare you question Yume Nikki

>> No.1757   [Delete]   [Edit]

She urinates on it.
She licks it off.
or Both...

>> No.1759   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274123614015.jpg -(212.9 KiB, 832x624) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1761   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274123688362.jpg -(217.5 KiB, 832x624) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1762   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1274123720314.jpg -(248.1 KiB, 832x624) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1766   [Delete]   [Edit]

Massive newfag here, what does uboa even do in the game?

>> No.1768   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1776   [Delete]   [Edit]


Scares the hell out of you

>> No.1963   [Delete]   [Edit]

Goddamn now I want some of that uboa sex

>> No.1967   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1974   [Delete]   [Edit]

door is that way >

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