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51597 No.1115   [Delete]   [Edit

GAH, what does "ah not tan need are not tan neet centimeter" mean? Does it actually have significance or is it just a way of making people crazy trying to figure it out!?

>> No.1116   [Delete]   [Edit]

Now that you mention it, I've always wondered what does NEET stands for...

Neat? (lol I'm dumb)

Also, I want to make a zentai suit and cosplay that Uboa from your pic. Dunno if I'll ever get to work on it tho... OTL;

>> No.1117   [Delete]   [Edit]

NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment or Training.
I'm still wondering about ah not tan neet though XD
I think someone put something into Microsoft Sam, he mispronounced it, and they found it funny and put it in that video. Or something like that. Seem likely?

>> No.1118   [Delete]   [Edit]

That seems plausible.

This is all over youtube. It's always associated with Uboa and the Toriningen picnic music for some reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0fPhZkUZbE&feature=related

No one really seems to question what it is. Maybe it means absolutely nothing.

Last edited 09/12/15(Tue)10:53.

>> No.1121   [Delete]   [Edit]

The original video was in japanese with a man saying something. Someone remade the vid with Microsoft Sam singing instead, but since he can't speak japanese, they just used english words so it would sound the closest to the source.

>> No.1122   [Delete]   [Edit]

Goddamn Furfa...
Wait that remix is kinda awesome.

>> No.1123   [Delete]   [Edit]

The truth is, its not uboa at all.
Its a naked seccom with an uboaface :3c

Last edited 09/12/16(Wed)12:26.

>> No.1135   [Delete]   [Edit]

From what I can tell, it's a corruption of "anata ni anata ni SENTIMENTAL!" Saw it on a bunch of japanese fanart and was confused until I read it out loud.

Edit: Just checked over on moontube, and the tag for those videos is "anata ni SENTIMENTAL!" MYSTERY SOLVED.

Last edited 09/12/22(Tue)12:29.

>> No.1176   [Delete]   [Edit]

ah not tan need = anata ni
are not tan neet = anata ni
centimeter = sentimental

phonetically spelled japanese words in an english TTS programme

>> No.1177   [Delete]   [Edit]

Since when was "sentimental" a japanese word?

>> No.1186   [Delete]   [Edit]

That would be English, obviously, but I guess put into Japanese it would sound like centimeter. (Senchimeitoru?)

...I just had a thought. Sentimental is part of Masada's full name, right? Considering this >>1123 , it makes sense there'd be a connection.

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