I'm not really sure what will happen if you eat this...uboa sushi thing.But i'll sure as hell eat it without hestiation
it gives you diarrheaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAああああああああああ
tastes funny
So I went to the mall and saw this and I bought it.when you see it, you'll shit brix.p.s. no I didn't take this picture I just stole it off of google because my camera is shit, (but yes I do have the plushie)
So I went to the mall and saw this and I bought it.
when you see it, you'll shit brix.
p.s. no I didn't take this picture I just stole it off of google because my camera is shit, (but yes I do have the plushie)
>>3073How am I supposed to know that.I don't browse /uboa/ often. ;_;
How am I supposed to know that.
I don't browse /uboa/ often. ;_;
is... is that lingerie
SupI Made a Screensaver to freak out those who are away from their computers for a long Time.Uboa Screensaver for you, guys.http://nana-c-lover.deviantart.com/art/Uboa-Screensaver-Yume-Nikki-163668208
I Made a Screensaver to freak out those who are away from their computers for a long Time.
Uboa Screensaver for you, guys.
awesomeness +1
Nice bluescreen font.
I don't see it.
Tah dah~
Ever since i was a kid, i ALWAYS saw a face in missing no and his counterparts. that's why it always freaked me out so much..
...Uboa had a nose?
hey guys! look what i made! :D my buddy let me post it on their ebay, so it's on sale starting for $1
>>1689 yah! i know right? i reposted it, so there's stlil a chance if anyone wants it.
Bumping this thread so i can find it when i get home.. you are still doing them, right? I'd love to have a mado and poniko, and uboa ones. what's the price head?
he doesnt make them any more?
nobody knows?
I was playing with my old legos and suddenly UboaaaaaaAAAAAAAああああああああ
>>2549All I have is a santa figure. And some duplo dinosaurs. OTL
>>2549My sis has like, 30+ or something.(Seriously we lined them all up in a parade once.)
You're a bitch....;_; i wanted to that...
PIXEL PERFECT!I made one too, but since I didn't have legos I just opened up gmod and stacked a shitload of cubes.
I made one too, but since I didn't have legos I just opened up gmod and stacked a shitload of cubes.
must have sprites hnngh
>>1438I tried to make Spongebob's sprites. x-x
>>1397 this scares me alot more then anything uboa...
Sup /uboa/I made this just for you ♥Also, since I'm a noobfag, how do I get a name and password?Also also, excuse the shitty quality, I took it with the only means I had... a camera phone.Also also also, I have 2 more pictures of it that I'm going to upload.
Sup /uboa/
I made this just for you ♥
Also, since I'm a noobfag, how do I get a name and password?
Also also, excuse the shitty quality, I took it with the only means I had... a camera phone.
Also also also, I have 2 more pictures of it that I'm going to upload.
This deserves a bump
>>392So you uh, got no other use for them?
>>2256If you never have any leftover condoms, something is wrong.(Hint: If you can go through an entire box of condoms, you fuck too much.)
>>2258so more then 3 in a lifetime is too much fucking?
Yaaay pumpkins! Mine is the Uboa one, the other one belongs to my friend.
xD awesome, I made an uboa pumpkin too. i'm not so great at carving, but I tried ._.;
>n> mine from Halloween his face sunk in D:''
I gotta do that for next Halloween :O
LOOK! It's the Russian Uboa!
It doesn't drink vodka, doesn't wear ushanka, doesn't play balalaika. What's so russian about it?
look at what you made me make
>>3021I'm in love
dem cows man.