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No.2897   [Delete]   [Edit

I'd imagine that not much has been changed, since they only just released 0.095a a few days ago.

Last edited 11/08/08(Mon)17:55.

>> No.2900   [Delete]   [Edit]

Actually there is a new area.

>>Go to Red Streetlight World
>>Go to the streetlight with four lamps on it's left side
>>There's a grey streetlight at the left of one of the junctions that teleports you there

Enjoy the weird forest.

>> No.2904   [Delete]   [Edit]

^ Thank you for actually pointing us in the right direction rather than spoiling the whole area. I get so annoyed when people just start posting shitloads of screencaps. :\

>> No.2907   [Delete]   [Edit]

...yeah, actually, caps would be good. I can't find this place for shit.

>> No.2908   [Delete]   [Edit]

Yeah...this place is a bit harder to find than just "To the left of one of the junctions". Just caps of the Streetlight itself would help. ^^;

Also, when looking for this area I found some bizarre place filled with meat babies. Is this new or...?

>> No.2911   [Delete]   [Edit]

Hey guys,

For some reason, I couldn't use any of the effects in the beach with the Wolf Effect. Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me? :?

>> No.2912   [Delete]   [Edit]

Lurk moar, it's been there since around version .94, I believe. And the meat babies are commonly referred to as fetuses (though they're more developed than fetuses, so "meat babies" is probably a better term all around).

Also, did you find the streetlight with the "four lamps on its left side" in the Red Streetlight World? I couldn't even get to that point.

>> No.2915   [Delete]   [Edit]


I know they were probably supposed to represent fetuses, but they reminded me more of animated piles of meat so 'Meat Babies' was what I've been calling them. xD

And yeah, as soon as you enter Red Light world, just keep going left. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

>> No.2916   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1313006007672.png -(9692 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Found it! It's hard for me to give directions on how to get there, but here's a screenshot of it.

>> No.2917   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1313006186558.png -(16.9 KiB, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As soon as you get to the forest, take the upper path and keep taking those/the rightmost paths when you reach forks in the road. You should come to a large clearing with a small sprite in the middle. It warps you here. The music is lovely.

>> No.2918   [Delete]   [Edit]

Also, be warned, there's a godspeed witch in one of the rooms there.

>> No.2919   [Delete]   [Edit]

Stupidly, I don't have the Invisible effect, so I don't know how to get past the crazed witch in the one room. :|

>> No.2920   [Delete]   [Edit]

Okay, nvm the crazed witch in that room, there's nothing of interest in there.

I've basically explored the whole area but I don't want to give anything away, though I hope more people come back here with their discoveries eventually.

>> No.2927   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh, is that just the highway? The shortest way there is going through the giant room (>>161), which if I'm not mistaken can be found in block world.

>> No.2933   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1313064305932.png -(20.2 KiB, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Screw that, they've either changed it or removed the warp. Oh no. Also it seems they've changed the block world ONCE AGAIN and the maze is different, too. Oh no².
By the way, finding that is easier than I expected. Just keep going right until you find the specified post, then go up until you see the rail tracks, move along them until you find the door to babbyworld, then go straight up once you see it.
The lovely map seems to lead you to can't do shit if you can't fly world, or so would I guess because I was in a hurry and didn't get the fairy effect. I didn't find the godspeed witch either, but I found two of those shadow women.

>> No.2935   [Delete]   [Edit]

I had both the Spacesuit and Fairy effects on me and I tried both and neither worked. I'm wondering if maybe Spring is necessary to go through there...

>> No.2937   [Delete]   [Edit]

I checked that map in RPG Maker, and I didn't see anything to let you fly around on it. Or, hell, even anything on the map. Hopefully, it will lead somewhere eventually.

>> No.2943   [Delete]   [Edit]

sleeping pills...but cant sleep...cycling grey road for 30 minutes...no streetlight...map...need a map adsfsadfdasfsdf

>> No.2944   [Delete]   [Edit]

How do you open Yume 2kki in RPG maker?!

>> No.2945   [Delete]   [Edit]

oh hi i am >>2933 would you mind reading me thank you

Carefully, on a Japanese locale. Applocale is your friend.
Just remember to find something about the default location for your games on RPGM's configurations. Point it to the folder where there's a folder with Y2k inside.

>> No.2947   [Delete]   [Edit]

Do they have this version in English yet? I have both an English version and a Japanese version downloaded, but it seems they're both the 86 version.
Also, why can't I ever download anything from loda? I click and click and nothing ever happens. am I clicking the wrong thing? Fuck, I need to learn Japanese.

>> No.2948   [Delete]   [Edit]

Disregard that, I suck cocks. Just figured it out. AUGH.

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