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File: 1308292003757.png -(3735 B, 192x192) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3735 No.2517   [Delete]   [Edit
>new game
>get all effects in 2 plays (very happy with myself)
>saving, decide to check stats to see what % of wallpapers I got
>96% of effects
>Look in game files
>Bat effect in charset

I realize that this pic's been here since .93d, but maybe they finally implemented it? Does anyone have ANY idea?

I tried every effect on oni musume, the only character I could think of with bat wings, including the phone (she flew away like always) and the chainsaw (she died, lights went out, I could read a book from her bookcase), but other than that, nothing.

I haven't tried the E panel in block world, so I can't confirm or deny getting bat from that giving you bat for the rest of the game (like penguin), but honestly, I'd doubt it.

So, discuss?

>> No.2518   [Delete]   [Edit]

That effect is still in development, so you can't actually get it yet.

You can get it from the E panel, but like the other effects you get from it, you stop using it after you go out of that area.

>> No.2569   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1308783428868.gif -(91.5 KiB, 400x272) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


There's a demon guy in the evil mushroom world with those same wings. He's shaking his head constantly, and I once went there to talk to him after I got the wings from the E panel, thinking maybe he'd react to that. Of course, that's before I had the bright idea of actually checking for events in rpg maker

Maybe he's shaking his head as a way to say "Not yet fucker"

Pic totally related

>> No.2573   [Delete]   [Edit]

Then what effect is new?

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