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21287 No.1988   [Delete]   [Edit


>> No.1989   [Delete]   [Edit]

I dunno, I find all three games kinda scary.

>> No.1991   [Delete]   [Edit]

it really depends on what you consider 'scary'. alot of people think YN is scary, but many others just say it's just disturbing. Same for .flow and 2kki. everyone has their own definition of "scary"

>> No.2019   [Delete]   [Edit]

So I really am alone in not finding either game scary or disturbing? I've always thought of them as a fun romp through a surreal playland.

>> No.2170   [Delete]   [Edit]

No, you're not. These three games are pretty much the most direct works of "Videogame art" I've seen in my time. That said, art is completely subjective; everyone has their own perception of what they think in beautiful, as mentioned in the few posts before me.

I, myself see the games as a break, as a relaxation method. I'd rather not draw any form of symbolism, because I'd rather let myself experience this game from an entirely non-biased point of view.

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