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...And thought that maybe Yume Nikki is a darkfic. All the magical creatures in the town are BOUND to scare at least some kids. Madotsuki moved in, spotted a few, and blew it out of proportion. The neighborhood children were kind enough to tell her that the whole town was full of them, and they wouldn't harm her. To Madotsuki, "not harmful" is just another way to say "scary and motionless". They tell her to at least think of coming out again and that they'll always play with her when she's ready.

She gets nightmares, and her diary is the only thing keeping her sane. Toward the end, there are 2 possible explanations:

  1. She decides they aren't so scary, after all, and jumps down her balcony and is caught by Totoro himself before they all go play and have fun. The blood stain at the end isn't really blood, but a red key that represents her finally leaving her room. The jellyfish represent them helping her become brave and outgoing.
  2. She decides they're even worse and scarier than she thought at first, and believes she can't even hide from them in the privacy of her bedroom. She decides to just kill herself and end it all. The jellyfish at the end represent how they caused her demise.


Give me a break. I'm sleep-deprived, bored, and am anticipating a lovely D (if I'm lucky, a C-) on my math exam tomorrow.

Pic unrelated.

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