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No.2114   [Delete]   [Edit

there seems to be a couple references to severed heas and deformity. Perhaps she could have been desformed (explaining the effects) and her parents didn't accept her, so in desperation she cut off their heads?
Not sure if this is a good theory.

>> No.2115   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>Not sure if this is a good theory.

It isn't. It's fucking stupid.

>> No.2126   [Delete]   [Edit]

This is stupid

>> No.2127   [Delete]   [Edit]

Have you guys ever seen the severed male and female heads in the white dessert? That and how the dream-denizens react to the knife may mean something.
However, I don't think Madotsuki was deformed... I just don't think it makes sense, as there is so much other stuff in the dreamworld that isn't explained by that alone.

But don't be all childish because a theory has no rape, okay?

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