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108752 No.2094   [Delete]   [Edit


>> No.2096   [Delete]   [Edit]

Gosh, it's hard to read. Save as PNG next time.

I was thinking maybe this was some adult or at least older friend (from high school, maybe?) of Urotsuki who got pregnant. She started giving birth in the middle of the street right in front of Uro, and stuff went wrong. They didn't get her to the hospital in time.
...Or something orz

But it being Urotsuki's mother makes sense too. The fact that under some conditions the baby gets bigger and seems to hurt the mother, maybe Urotsuki thinks she's a bad thing for her mother. Maybe Urotsuki was an unwanted pregnancy... I usually hate these theories, but since I got this far, maybe rape.

>> No.2110   [Delete]   [Edit]


>Save as PNG next time.

Better idea: Don't use size 8 font in a picture.

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