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File: 1280368766970.jpg -(55.2 KiB, 541x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
56495 No.1379   [Delete]   [Edit

Monoko had epilepsy. Flash a light and she drools, cries. The hands, the belly are a metaphor for convulsions and "knotted stomach."

>> No.1380   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1381   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1280416703740.jpg -(56.5 KiB, 569x470) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1384   [Delete]   [Edit]

Why does this make sense!?

>> No.1388   [Delete]   [Edit]

So why doesn't the Lamp effect do the same thing?

>> No.1395   [Delete]   [Edit]

Because it doesn't have the red/green flashing....? I dunno.

>> No.1396   [Delete]   [Edit]

But you don't have to keep switching between "stop" and "go" to get her to change, you just need to have it on "stop" (and you don't even have to do it in the tunnel where she is found).

>> No.1595   [Delete]   [Edit]


I put that up to the mechanical impracticality of flashing the stoplight effect whilst having to interact with her, since you can't do both at the same time. Moreover it's not the stoplight itself but the idea of flashing colours.

>> No.2097   [Delete]   [Edit]

I prefer my theory that the creature you kill to get to Monoe is Monoko and Monoe's dad, who told them not to play outside because of nearby roadwork, and killing him to get to her was Mado disregarding what he said, and going outside to play anyway, Monoe stared blankly out the window at what happened, she knew what would happen to them and prepared for the worst, that was her way of saying goodbye.

Also there is a sewer because we all have a place in our mind were we put all our filthy thoughts.

Last edited 10/11/22(Mon)19:01.

>> No.2111   [Delete]   [Edit]

what the fuck?

>> No.2112   [Delete]   [Edit]

What does Dave Spector have to do with this?

Also, red lights hurt people, so I approve of OP's theory.

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