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14057 No.958   [Delete]   [Edit

An ordinary day at a business meeting. Steve was drinking his coffee, and Tom was explaing stocks this year for their company.

Then, an explosion happens.

A man with an eyepatch and four cigarettes in his mouth bursts through the glass on the 23rd floor of the building on his flaming motorcycle. He does because he built a blimp out of glass, toothpicks, and the cancer of children. He just LAUNCHES out of the blimp onto said meeting.

He his magical bag, he takes out a pistol. He places it in his pants, with the barrel coming out of his zipper. He attaches a machete to his forehead, a machine gun in on his wrist, a lazer coming out of his eye patch, and there is fire spitting out of his mouth.

Steve:Whu-whu- what the fuck?
Lauren: What the fuck!?
Omar: What in the fuck?
Hiroshi: どのような性交

Me: WHEN A COUPLE OF GUYS WHO WERE UP TO NO GOOD, STARTING MAKE TROUBLE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD! (I say this while I'm firing eye lazers and penis bullets out the window, into my blimp)

I then take a knife out, slice it around the air, and split an atom. However, the knife had a picture of Dr. Manhattan on it, so everything was okay.

Then, some flying sharks on stilts with lazers start flying in and attacking me. I use my wrist machine gun to hit one, and it tramples all the others. I then say "YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY MOTHAFUCKIN TRAP CARD, BITCH" and jump out the window onto my broken glass cancer blimp.

I'll die a hero. I'll die in the name of... America.

>> No.960   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1256731754719.jpg -(112.2 KiB, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

america sucks anyway lol

>> No.961   [Delete]   [Edit]

You probably live in America.

>> No.962   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, it doesn't change the fact that even living there you can say it sucks.

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