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26781 No.7214   [Delete]   [Edit

I really didn't know where to post this, so I figured the Off Topic board would be best

Why the fuck is there an entire website dedicated to some little freeware japanese horror game? It's odd enough to find a chan with a board dedicated to one video game, but this is just beyond odd. I mean, I can't complain, as you guys helped me solve a technical problem with the game (Which I'm about to play for the first time).

Will I understand once I'm finished with the game, or what?

>> No.7215   [Delete]   [Edit]

i think the only reason we're semi-alive is because yume nikki is still pretty popular, and/or the fangames attract a lot of attention/keep the attention of old YN players. me for example, i don't really play YN anymore but I DO like to play lots of good(and sometimes bad) fangames.

random tripcode out of nowhere

EDIT: oh and it's not really ALL YN anymore like it used to be back in the olden days of Uboachan. it's really multi-purpose now. kinda weird since this isnt the first time i've found my place in a community like this

Last edited 11/07/25(Mon)02:17.

>> No.7219   [Delete]   [Edit]

Same reason there's a chan for ponies or homestuck. It's a fandom and we like imageboards.

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