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File: 1309158490840.jpg -(0 B, 1915x1037) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No.6905   [Delete]   [Edit
>> No.6906   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1309159592883.png -(360.2 KiB, 537x553) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Valve really oudid themselves for Portal 3. This is the best teaser I've seen yet.

>> No.6907   [Delete]   [Edit]

but it has nothing to do with portal 3 you MONGOLOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

>> No.6908   [Delete]   [Edit]

I have now watched this three times and I'm on my fourth as I stalk the hell out of this person and everything he has done
Thank you

Last edited 11/06/27(Mon)01:16.

>> No.6909   [Delete]   [Edit]

"blah blah blah wake up sheeple blah blah".

Ever stop and consider how easily it could be a viral ad? Seriously though, something about the -inspirational, evil corporations, humans are amazing, wake up- messages I'm seeing (which are all very similar) make me want to call bullshit. I'm all for living a live devoid of corporate overlords and enjoying what you have and not being seduced in to wanting what you really don't, but I don't think any of the fruity language and starry eyed idealism will accomplish that.

>> No.6911   [Delete]   [Edit]

it's about anarchism btw

i was linked to it from an anarchism group, even

>> No.6918   [Delete]   [Edit]

The video tags have the word anarchy in then along with Buddha and zeitgeist...
Though I just like the pretty pictures and words...

>> No.6920   [Delete]   [Edit]

Should Anarchy ever come to fruition, don't you think it would just be an excuse to do whatever you want (i.e. murder, rape, theft, other illegal act that are punishable) and not get put in jail for it? The only way your crimes could be avenged would be if someone killed/incapacitated you.

Not to mentions hospitals and fire stations wouldn't exist, unless they were paid by donations, or if you had do pay a fine to use them.

tl;dr - anarchy is dumb

>> No.6921   [Delete]   [Edit]

Anarchy is extremely dumb, but that does not excuse the fact that most politicians are corrupt and do what is solely for promoting themselves. Government where I live sucks and really does not do much about anything.

>> No.6922   [Delete]   [Edit]

I doubt most people understand what anarchism really is.


I'm not an anarchist myself, but I've read in to some of it, and if it could actually work, the world would be a better place.

I like it in that fuzzy wuzzy sort of utopian way..

>> No.6923   [Delete]   [Edit]


In theory, yes it would be nice, but I'm sure that people would abuse the privilege of total free will. It would be fun to do whatever you want though, if it could work. Living without the government trying to divide us would be one upside, I suppose.

>> No.6924   [Delete]   [Edit]
>"...and if anything can't be rational explained then our machines will not compute"

but the brain is just an organic computer; the human spirit and all its dreams are but software evolved to run a self replicating machine.

do not point your finger at others and blame them for your your non-freedom, for that finger is the flesh and bone that imprisons you. and when your flesh is no more, so are you.

Last edited 11/06/28(Tue)19:30.

>> No.6990   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1309770349484.png -(141.3 KiB, 650x551) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I got a headache halfway through.
I dont want to guess why.

>> No.6995   [Delete]   [Edit]

i think that the video has a message different than "wake up sheeple blah blkah". i think they input that TINY FRAGMENT of the video to at least make the idea more understandable because, well, i do think that people are pretty clouded up by all the crap we've constructed. what the hell, concrete/steel buildings? computers? internet? that shit aint natural at all. we have to all remember that we were once like other animals roaming the countryside but are now crazy constructionanimals that do crazy shit with the world and overpopulate it. haha.

I think that if you look at the entire video, and not a fragment of it, there is a large message that isnt "wake up sheeple". and i think its pretty valuable. corporations don't tell you you can't feel the flutter of love in your stomach, or prevent you from doing that, or watching a starry night sky.

watch it again, don't think about all that anarchism stuff, dont think about that single line about a grant from a rich fund, because that is only a small insignificant fragment that was an aside to the dialogue in the video.

Last edited 11/07/04(Mon)09:09.

>> No.7022   [Delete]   [Edit]


> people are pretty clouded up by all the crap we've constructed. what the hell, concrete/steel buildings? computers? internet? that shit aint natural at all.

that's just people being shallow, people have always been like that even before civilization. To our ancestors life was "get food, get get shelter get sex" and for some people its still like that.

>> No.7031   [Delete]   [Edit]

i think my meaning was somewhat misinterpreted, but i don't know how to better explain it at this time.

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