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13656 No.6548   [Delete]   [Edit
>> No.6549   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh I just can't wait for the world to end again.

Still, this'll be nothing compared to next year when the world ends about 20 more times.

>> No.6551   [Delete]   [Edit]

I heard the same guy predicted the world would end in 1994 too.

>> No.6559   [Delete]   [Edit]

what the fuck is this, facebook?

>> No.6560   [Delete]   [Edit]

If we are lucky, enough religious/cultist people will suicide~

>> No.6561   [Delete]   [Edit]

Nah, they'll be too busy using their Jew lawyers as shields while running around throwing stones at veterans and ambiguously-gay people telling them they're going to hell.

Meanwhile Atheists are somehow going to use the fact that some delusional asshole can't predict shit as more "undeniable proof" that religion is bullshit.

Meanwhile agnostics and deists are just going to kick back, watch the shitstorm stir up online, then go on as if nothing happened. Just like the last time the world ended. And the time before that. And the time before that.

>> No.6570   [Delete]   [Edit]

So we're all still here. What a shock.

>> No.6595   [Delete]   [Edit]

well people are flipping their shit because a mother decided to slash her kids throats open and she blamed it on the rapture.

also you know when the rapture it really coming? 5 billion years or so, when the sun burns out and we probably don't have any human life on this planet.

>> No.6598   [Delete]   [Edit]

Try 40 trillion, our Sun has plenty of fuel left.
Although we are going to have a near-miss with a big-assed asteroid in about 45 years. The debris will probably miss/burn up, but then again we'll all be old and won't care anymore by then.

>> No.6603   [Delete]   [Edit]

I love how nobody started talking about it until the day before it was supposed to happen.

>> No.6632   [Delete]   [Edit]

Now he's saying "whoops, my bad, I meant October 31st is the end of the world! For realsies this time!"


>> No.6637   [Delete]   [Edit]

Err, what? It seems that so few people actually know about what's going on. May 21st was supposed to be the Rapture, a relatively nonviolent event where the people who were going to be "saved" would just disappear. People go on and on about it being Armageddon and the end of the world; it's not. That particular afterparty is slated to happen five months later, on October 21st, not the 31st. I don't believe the predictions myself, but before taking a stance on an issue it helps to know both sides first.

On a side note, there's a pretty amazing number of people who are all making smug, snide remarks like "OH GOD IT DIDNT HAPPEN WUT A SURPRISE!!1" Normally I'd expect this kind of I-told-you-so outpouring from a minority that was in the right and the majority was wrong, not the other way around like it is here. From the looks of things ("DID ANYBODY GET RAPTURED YET? YEAH I THOUGHT NOT"), you'd think that Harold Camping's hypothesis was actually the popular opinion. This might just be a taste of the noise that's going to be happening on December 22, 2012.

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