I think I should clarify...
I'm not saying the whole site itself is bad, just this board. It's the /b/ of uboachan, what do you expect? It's SUPPOSED to be shit. It's a place meant for idiocy, porn, mental ejaculations. It's the least "community" part of the whole site.
Especially when some person shows up making 4 threads almost instantly, expecting us to be interested in a random person's life that we don't really care much for (as in, we're not interested).
On top of that, any sort of community on an imageboard is pretty stupid. Their whole purpose is the images, first and foremost, then the discussion. I mean, you kinda get some sort of loose community thing going on, but it ends up pretty mediocre.
Forums (and I know how much people hate those, but still) and chat rooms are MUCH better for that sort of thing.
Of course, this is just MY opinion and kinda reflects the opinion of a few others. Not everyone is as much of an ass as me! =D
And I'd like to apologize to Sino. The thread turned out worse than I thought it would.
Last edited 11/05/05(Thu)01:21.