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File: 1304563160320.jpg -(51.4 KiB, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
52584 No.6307   [Delete]   [Edit

Has anyone ever looked through embarrassing things you had without you knowing?

Yesterday I found out that my mom was looking through all my files and folders. She even saw the ones that I removed and deleted from the recycle bin. Most of the pictures I had were of anime girls wearing bikinis and underwear ;_; I am so horribly embarrassed now. You guys are the only ones who would understand.
My mom most likely used a program to recover deleted files. She's also pretty ashamed of me. It was also my computer and I am already quite independent, so I didn't see why she had to go snooping around without telling me.

How about you?

>> No.6309   [Delete]   [Edit]
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>> No.6314   [Delete]   [Edit]

Why is Uboachan so hostile? I spend my time making these nice threads and within seconds I get knocked down.

>> No.6316   [Delete]   [Edit]

You made like 4 threads in seconds.

>> No.6317   [Delete]   [Edit]


because you're annoying as fuck and complaining to people who do not care about you

these are all copypasta anyway

>> No.6318   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304565721202.jpg -(54.5 KiB, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Uboachan is not a nice place to be anymore.

Last edited 11/05/04(Wed)20:22.

>> No.6319   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304565982237.png -(246.9 KiB, 431x326) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well I sympathize. I have been through the same shit with my step dad. he checks the computer pretty regularly, though.
I just never learn.
I have everything.
The loli, the bikinis, the underwear.
But am I ashamed? Embarrassed?
Not really.
My step dad used to be the type of guy that fapped to the punisher and pidey mayng. -cough-
I would say, in a way, I am quite less gay.
So it is okay.

>> No.6323   [Delete]   [Edit]

On topic: I try to take steps to keep this kind of thing from happening, I don't need to do much since most people I know are computer-retarded. My PC is password protected, my (ahem) personal folders are hidden deep in a maze of files including namless invisible folders and the like.

I would want to just drop dead if my father/mother/etc. found their way into my fap folder, they don't have the slightest clue of what kind of weird stuff I'm into and I want to keep it that way to the grave, just the thought of anyone besides me witnessing the contents of that folder makes me cringe.

I really feel sorry for you, Sino, you must be as traumatized as a 7-year-old who just made it to the end of EarthBound.

>> No.6325   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304567762655.jpg -(10024 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Doesn't help when your step dad is an extremely high ranked IT with certifications and the such.

>> No.6327   [Delete]   [Edit]

We don't like dipshits that fill the board with all of their problems.

Also, this is /ot/, there are hardly any rules, and we're assholes when it comes to dumb shit.

I mean, I won't delete or lock the thread but, this isn't the place to go to for pity.

>> No.6331   [Delete]   [Edit]
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Stop posting dammit

>> No.6332   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304568925094.jpg -(34.6 KiB, 554x439) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nigga I don't need no pity.
I am pity
just sayin', shit sucks. :v

>> No.6334   [Delete]   [Edit]

I don't think it sucks.

This really is not...The kind of place for this, sorry.

I mean, you can go ahead and post whatever you want, but it probably won't turn out how you like it. Get a close circle of friends for that shit or something.

Also, anonymity.

It's a lot better in the channel, and I know a lot of people don't think so. But those are the people that expect to go in there and instantly be good friends with everyone, and assume we care about your problems. :VVVVVVV

This kinda shit is earned.

>> No.6335   [Delete]   [Edit]


Yeah, what the fag said.

We all have deep personal problems, but we (and by we I mean the irc folks and I) only share them with our closest and most trusted friends.

Whether or not you think uboachan is some magical place of understanding and acceptance, it is still a child of 4chan and will always remain that way.


edit: don't come on the irc though we don't want you guys there

Last edited 11/05/04(Wed)21:50.

>> No.6336   [Delete]   [Edit]

Parents walking in on your e-pron closet, does indeed and has been proven to, suck.

>> No.6339   [Delete]   [Edit]

I should stay away from forums crammed with drama and 16 year olds then.

>> No.6340   [Delete]   [Edit]
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As much as I want to diagree with this, you're right. I wanted to think that online communities were kind of like families - everyone had an assigned place in each other's relationships. I wanted to think that people would care about you and your wellbeing. In hindsight, this realization is stupid and I should have come upon it ages ago. Even as I write this memorandum, I realise I was senseless to think I could ever belong in a community of you all.

I'm sorry if this note also sounds like a pity plea, and I'm also sorry that I've apparently pissed so many of you off. My misguided attention-seeking has spiraled off into something I would have never wanted. So, Praesul, Mobling, and to all others who I've annoyed, sorry.

Thanks, guys, you've helped me realize something I never wanted to admit to myself.

>> No.6341   [Delete]   [Edit]
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I think I should clarify...

I'm not saying the whole site itself is bad, just this board. It's the /b/ of uboachan, what do you expect? It's SUPPOSED to be shit. It's a place meant for idiocy, porn, mental ejaculations. It's the least "community" part of the whole site.

Especially when some person shows up making 4 threads almost instantly, expecting us to be interested in a random person's life that we don't really care much for (as in, we're not interested).

On top of that, any sort of community on an imageboard is pretty stupid. Their whole purpose is the images, first and foremost, then the discussion. I mean, you kinda get some sort of loose community thing going on, but it ends up pretty mediocre.

Forums (and I know how much people hate those, but still) and chat rooms are MUCH better for that sort of thing.

Of course, this is just MY opinion and kinda reflects the opinion of a few others. Not everyone is as much of an ass as me! =D

And I'd like to apologize to Sino. The thread turned out worse than I thought it would.

Last edited 11/05/05(Thu)01:21.

>> No.6342   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well you're certainly correct in that the quality of the character of users here aren't as great as elsewhere in Uboachan, and isn't as great as it could be relative to other forums/imageboards.

>> No.6344   [Delete]   [Edit]

At least I'm trying to give some compassionate responses and put this place above the quality standards of /b/. :<

That's the main problem with boards like this. You love the idea of having a board where you can discuss anything you want, but it always results in stupidity/porn. Really, the only good thing to come out of this is the awesome and surprisingly serious discussions in the fap thread, but surprise, that one is beginning to crumble under e-cancer as well.

>> No.6345   [Delete]   [Edit]

Jesus fucking Christ on a pogostick will you lot chill the fuck out. There isn't a board for this kind of thing so /ot/ is the last resort I think.

Also, whenever I think someone's going to be using my laptop I put everything on full lockdown. Chrome removed from quick-launch and IE set as default browser, Hidden folders set to invisible, and recent items menu disabled.

>> No.6347   [Delete]   [Edit]

if there isn't a board for it why would you make a thread anyways knowing full well that this isn't the place

>> No.6349   [Delete]   [Edit]

Like I said it's a last resort, off topic means it doesn't fit anywhere else.

And with that I shall comment no more on the matter.

>> No.6350   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304630197639.jpg -(123.6 KiB, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

My computer is in the living room, in the center of the house, and I have 4 younger siblings so I'm almost never home alone, on top of that my step mother dose occasionally check my computer, not that I ever have time to risk downloading something embarrassing.

Side Note: I am 18 and I bought the computer with my own money.

>> No.6360   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm on the opposite side I guess??
My father downloaded porn in my computer and now I don't know if I should delete it or keep it there
feels bad man

>> No.6362   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304671950884.jpg -(461.9 KiB, 1282x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Uboachan is not a nice place to be anymore.

you know, I tried to make it a nice place. just saying.

the other mods just wanted to raise hell about it.

on topic though: sorry dude, tell your guidance counselor at your elementary school

>> No.6363   [Delete]   [Edit]

If you search for other *chans you will certainly find a place more pleasant, and one that doesn't have to compromise on activity either!

>> No.6364   [Delete]   [Edit]

Oh god, Uboachan has never been a "nice place".

Seriously, most of this has to do with the fact that Sino created 4 threads all at once on the worst board possible expecting people to care when it's over the internet and most users are anonymous. I just happened to be one of the few to actually speak up instead of just complaining.

You know what the best part is? Since there's hardly any "community" to be heard of (because it's an imageboard) and this is /ot/, this shit will blow over in no time.The thread will go passed page 1. No one will remember it, no one will care. It's happened a thousand times, and it will continue to happen.

And I'm DONE. Happy fun times now!

Lock/encrypt your folders and files next time. The end.

>> No.6367   [Delete]   [Edit]

Er.. How old are you?

I didn't particuarly worry about whether people cared about me, I just wanted to boost the activity of this board by making threads. I expected people to appreciate something to talk about (like they do on the two smaller *chans I go to), but I basically got a 'Fuck off' instead.

Im sorta offended, but I don't take it personally.. If I posted on 4chan the reception would probably be worse.

All it tells me is that some of the peeps, maybe half, who browse Uboachan's /ot/ are shitposters, is al.

Last edited 11/05/06(Fri)06:59.

>> No.6369   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304710530242.jpg -(23.1 KiB, 460x530) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


You're trying to boost the activity on this board by making four threads at the same time about four shitty topics, and expect us to discuss it like we want to. We don't care. If you were a cool guy who we liked seeing, we would not derail a thread into discussing how annoying you are.

But you are not a cool guy, and that is why we are discussing how annoying you are.

Also everybody who browses uboachan is a shitposter, especially you.

>> No.6371   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304725137802.jpg -(143.5 KiB, 600x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

OP, you are a pathetic faggot

learn to use computers, and grow some balls

>> No.6376   [Delete]   [Edit]

It's mostly pretty nice if you're talking about Yume Nikki on their boards, just like the Touhou imageboard loves to talk about Touhou and Ponychan adores everything pony.

But /ot/ is just a /b/ clone, so the only thing alike is the posters, who really don't give a shit because in a place like /b/, where we're not unified by one thing that we love, we're all just normal shitposting fags.

>> No.6382   [Delete]   [Edit]

Thanks for the tip, I'll stop making threads, instead I will just keep shitposting like the rest of you, climbing the ladder and earning brownie points until I become a 'cool guy' who is accepted in the community.

>> No.6383   [Delete]   [Edit]


That's not what they mean. People give a shit about very few things whether or not they know you more or don't. If the 'cool guy's' post shit their post will be treated as shit. If they post things that are worth it, they will be treated like it's worth it. No matter who you are most of us don't care about life stories here. Sorry, it's the truth.

>> No.6402   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304887465946.jpg -(70.1 KiB, 500x399) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is now a Gary thread.

>> No.6411   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1304933519103.jpg -(13.3 KiB, 243x205) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


I'm in awe of your interpersonal skills, really am

someone who's complaining about his mom finding pictures of cartoon women who aren't even nude on his computer which she was somehow allowed to access, and then crying about it to strangers on the internet, is probably the last person who should be questioning the ages of other posters

anyway what we learned from this is that we don't keep stockpiles of pinup girls in the my documents folder and we do not piss and moan when no one appreciates the emotional depth of our image board threads and expect to be taken for a mature adult with a shred of common sense

>> No.6415   [Delete]   [Edit]

Or you know, if you don't like the thread stop trying to get the last word and adding fuel to the fire.

>> No.6419   [Delete]   [Edit]

After all, that's my job.

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