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57198 No.6168   [Delete]   [Edit

How do you feel about headphones?

I recently bought a headset for some games I play. I bought a cheap ($20) pair of headphones that have a mic attached, didn't get a really expensive one as I didn't think I'd like them but needed them to play better on team missions. At first wearing them annoyed me but after a few hours of "seeing if I get used to it" I did and now prefer them to my speakers for various reasons.

I still live with my (obnoxious) parents and I find wearing them helps to cut off on the background noise that annoys me so much--before I'd rarley listen to music and now I do all the time to kill the background noise. It also gives me a reason to ignore them when they bitch about something without starting a argument on whether or not I'm ignoring them. It also helps with my anxiety over what I listen to and fear of getting strange looks for listening to things out of the norm by family or friends my family drag over. For games I feel they help me to better concentrate again due to the reduction in background noise, and has helped to a extent with my procrastination, but not the sole reason I've gotten better at cutting down on it.

I'm not much of a audio-file-esque person though so I can't tell any sort of quality difference. Sorry if this is more /mp3/ but I looked there for a thread and this is more about discussing headphones' use to avoid social interaction than specific discussion about headphones so I thought it would be better to post here.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6169   [Delete]   [Edit]

Headphones are the only privacy I can get. They can still see my screen perfectly, but they won't hear anything.

>> No.6170   [Delete]   [Edit]

I use them all the time, you can hear more depth in the sound, I feel.
But mine are dying.

>> No.6171   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1303756128197.jpg -(1.6 MiB, 2135x3189) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm always using headphones, in-ears specifically. Atm it's Sennheiser CX-300, they're somewhat expensive but the sound is just crystal-clear, you'll make sure to DL music as FLAC.
The reason i've started using headphones was a different though, i've grown to be audiophile over time. I actually started using headphones due to skype, as people could always hear me listening to some japanese hardcore music, exploding in "YOU HEAR THAT KINDA STUFF? FOR REAL?! AHAHAHA" (Mostly schoolmates), and it really pissed me off, since music shouldnt be argued over anyways. Also, when talking to anybody via skype, they're mostly not considering me being heard by my parents, and go around cussing and flaming, and thats just... awkward.

>> No.6172   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.6173   [Delete]   [Edit]

I can't enjoy headphones like I used to. I'm paranoid as fuck(for good reason, I don't know when my dad is going to bother me or not and he usually decides to want to give me a heart attack if he does bug me, and same with my brother). I need to pay attention to my surroundings and I can't do it with the earbuds I have now.

When I did have headphones they were the headset ones, but those broke somehow. I decided not to use headphones anymore and haven't touched a pair since.

Now... I consider getting a pair because when I have my door open my brother's music overpowers mine and I like having the door open when the windows in the house are open. I live in a very noisy home.

>> No.6175   [Delete]   [Edit]


>listen to j-hardcore
>download flac

Anyway, wearing headphones for me isn't about privacy at all, since I'm a musician. I don't think it ever really did have anything to do with privacy either, since my parents never really cared what I did on the computer. And they never really checked.

>> No.6178   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm similar. I'm always wearing a set. I'm the antithesis to the previous poster, I'm seriously paranoid about what I do on the computer and don't like being watched, even when doing completely innocent things, and I like to constantly listen to music. I have my computer in my room so I don't get bugged too much about that, although for a while my screen was facing the door, and I started quite literally constantly looking over my shoulder. Also the wall between my room and the one next to it is practically paper and sound travels fairly well throughout most of our house. Also I don't want to bug anyone/get questioned whenever I become seized by a strange hysteria that makes me want to listen to hardcore,industrial and or rap. That, or shuffle mode picks a song of similar ilk.

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