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File: 1302578182639.jpg -(265.6 KiB, 1024x1182) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
271947 No.6071   [Delete]   [Edit

Is it just me, or does /ot/ keep getting better and better?

mod edit: no loli. this is a dictatorship.

admin edit: learn to use your shift key properly mods

mod edit: death awaits tigers and jaguars who've lost their fangs. your time in the spotlight is over, sagat

pretzel edit: you're a fucking idiot mob

Last edited by moderator 11/04/11(Mon)21:44.

>> No.6072   [Delete]   [Edit]

It's a thinly-veiled illusion. /ot/ is basically /n/ with less clothing in the pictures.

and nonsensical posts.

>> No.6073   [Delete]   [Edit]

Except for the fap thread. The fap thread is /ot/'s most redeeming factor for sure.

>> No.6089   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1302669417018.jpg -(73.5 KiB, 534x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>/n/ has not enough nude photos

your wish is my command

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