Why aren't you faggots on IRC like us cool kids are?http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/3330484/Ubuuchun
Why aren't you faggots on IRC like us cool kids are?
I get bored of things easily so I don't visit all too often.Not like anyone notices. =v= Last edited 11/03/20(Sun)10:07.
I get bored of things easily so I don't visit all too often.
Not like anyone notices. =v=
Last edited 11/03/20(Sun)10:07.
>>5757Who are you?
Because I prefer having a small amount of people in a conversation instead of a clusterfuck, though they can be hilarious.Plus, I can't find time for it.
Because I prefer having a small amount of people in a conversation instead of a clusterfuck, though they can be hilarious.
Plus, I can't find time for it.
I don't have time to be cool.
>>5771It's usually only ever 5 or 6 people at a time, at most. Most people idle.Different groups are active at different times..
>>5771It's usually only ever 5 or 6 people at a time, at most. Most people idle.
Different groups are active at different times..
>my face when all our users don't understand IRC at all
>eye are see?