postan from mah DS :3
You're doing what now?
hai guize posting this via microwave
>>5467Fuck, I need to update my microwave now Last edited 11/02/28(Mon)18:45.
Fuck, I need to update my microwave now
Last edited 11/02/28(Mon)18:45.
>>5468I know right? They release a microwave that has everything, only to release a newer, better version with more features the year after.
Hai guise posting this via message in a bottle
Well I guess i'd better get out the ol' homing pigeon.
Hai guise posting this via telepathy
testing how calculator handles internetit's really hard to see the screen
testing how calculator handles internet
it's really hard to see the screen
My orange juice needs new firmware.
Am posting from telegram STOP Need coder port Yume Nikki to telegram machine STOP
Am I too late to post, I just got my toilet back from tech support
(After looking at all the responses)Oh, god. What the hell did I just start here... o.o'
(After looking at all the responses)
Oh, god. What the hell did I just start here... o.o'
>>5507I don't know, but I'm sure I need to update this mug of tea.
Posting from ancient neolithic cave art.
Hey guys posting via smoke signals from my cigarette
..............................(posting in pantomime)
postan from my...air...
posting from the inner depths of my phycheaaaaaaaa
posting from the inner depths of my phyche
Posting from this tree.It's a big tree.
>>5568Pics and Specs of said Tree.I'm in the market for a 3G Tree.
Pics and Specs of said Tree.
I'm in the market for a 3G Tree.
>>5568Is it... an Apple Tree?
Posting... from space
Posting from morse code produced by cracking my knuckles.
I.. I'm posting from an Acer Aspire 6920G, alright?-. .- .... --..-- / .. .----. -- / .--. ..- .-.. .-.. .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-.. . --. .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / .--. --- ... - .. -. --. / ..-. .-. --- -- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . Last edited 11/03/07(Mon)09:08.
I.. I'm posting from an Acer Aspire 6920G, alright?-. .- .... --..-- / .. .----. -- / .--. ..- .-.. .-.. .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-.. . --. .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / .--. --- ... - .. -. --. / ..-. .-. --- -- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
Last edited 11/03/07(Mon)09:08.
Postin from mah dreams
Posting this while sitting in front of my PC while in a deep dream state while having an anneurism.
not postingat all
>>5601Hmm... Why does that sound familiar somehow...?
Postion from my maths... class...
Posting from my ADDPosting from my ADDPosting from my ADDPosting from my ADDPosting from my ADDPosting from my ADD
postan from my diary
Postan again from DS. At 4AM (and also making chocolate pudding, because I've lost control of my life).
>>5640>>5641Fuck your 4chan memes.
Fuck your 4chan memes.
lame chan.posting via seismic activity.
lame chan.
posting via seismic activity.
>>5649Posting from Japan?
Posting via WAR FACE
>>5664lol poly
Posting from inside Reimu's armpits. Giygas says hi.
>>5661naval base Last edited 11/03/13(Sun)21:49.
naval base
Last edited 11/03/13(Sun)21:49.
>>5670DO WANT
posting via fridge magnets