Uboachan needs a Last.fm group, even though most of you probably never heard of it. So here it is: http://www.last.fm/group/UboachanAnd here's my Last.fm so you can laugh at all my faggy music that isn't vocaloid:http://www.last.fm/user/LastTimeForAll(don't mind the username, it's terrible)If you don't have a Last.fm, which I'm assuming is the case, make one, it's pretty cool and things.Pic is only related to the fact that I used it for the group icon.inb4viralmarketing
sure why nothttp://www.last.fm/user/YouAreTheDemons/
>Uboachan needs a Last.fm group, even though most of you probably never heard of it.What are you, dumb?
>Uboachan needs a Last.fm group, even though most of you probably never heard of it.
What are you, dumb?
I was actually surprised at the amount of people who hadn't heard of Last.fm whenever I told them. They thought it was a pirate radio station.
>>4359Basically, what Stowaway said. Every time I ask someone if they have a last.fm account, they have no clue as to what it is.
Basically, what Stowaway said. Every time I ask someone if they have a last.fm account, they have no clue as to what it is.
I joined.