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File: 1290018300629.jpg -(79.7 KiB, 450x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
81563 No.4179   [Delete]   [Edit

(Feels like starting a random thread, yeah)

Well, I live in Russia. Any questions?

Last edited 10/11/17(Wed)10:47.

>> No.4181   [Delete]   [Edit]

:U Why are green houses not green?

>> No.4182   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290039966644.jpg -(5828 B, 147x153) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

do russia people like racecars that go fast?

>> No.4183   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290041944620.jpg -(134.9 KiB, 900x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

why do you have so many pedophiles in russia
what does the rest of the population (ie not pedophiles) think about the pedophiles
would you be offended if I referred to you as a ruskie

>> No.4184   [Delete]   [Edit]

Do Russians care about tetris? Are they proud of it?

>> No.4185   [Delete]   [Edit]

what are your gum department stores like?

>> No.4186   [Delete]   [Edit]

how do you say "i love you" in russian

>> No.4190   [Delete]   [Edit]

:U Why are green houses not green?
Dunno ._. But you can build your own greenhouse and paint it green.

do russia people like racecars that go fast?
Only stupid young males who are too proud about their rich families, but can't even drive a car. And professional racers of course. As for me, I am a girl, so I can't clearly answer this question, maybe all men are in love with speed cars.

why do you have so many pedophiles in russia
what does the rest of the population (ie not pedophiles) think about the pedophiles
would you be offended if I referred to you as a ruskie
1) We're don't have THAT much pedophiles in our country. X) There's a lot more pedo men in Japan, you know. I can remember only one really dangerous pedophile maniac - Chikatilo, but he was executed about twenty years ago.
2) "KILL THEM WITH FIRE!!!111eleven". Not that aggressive, but people are not feel sorry for them at all.
3) Nope, in fact it's a regular name for our citizens.

Do Russians care about tetris? Are they proud of it?
I don't know, last time I played tetris on my NES I was about 6 or 7. XD Well, I'll not say everyone is proud of it, most people can't even remember who invented it.

what are your gum department stores like?
Are you talking about GUM (Main Universal Store?)? I'm not living in Moscow now, and I've never been there. T.T You can read about it at Wiki.

how do you say "i love you" in russian
"Я люблю тебя", "Ya lyublyu tebya". Also you can say "Ты мне нравишься" "Tea mne nravish'sya" for "I really like you.".
Any more questions?

Last edited 10/11/18(Thu)08:42.

>> No.4191   [Delete]   [Edit]

do Russian people look like Russia from Hetalia???

>> No.4195   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290191835070.png -(21.4 KiB, 193x226) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

do Russian people look like Russia from Hetalia???
Let me think...Most of ancient Russian people were tall and usually had blond or light brown hair. Facial features (like straight small nose, cheeky face, blue eyes - idk why Braginski have violet eyes) and "heavy" big bones (hope you are understanding me x_X) also was like Ivan's. All I can say: maybe Himaruya-san used ancient Russian drawings as prototype. Or maybe Soviet animation about war and early historical periods... Who knows. Nowadays hair, height and eyes color are same, but men and women became a lot more skinny and less muscular.
As for personality, about 70% of our people are really rude and unfriendly from outside, and no one can do something about it. But in fact, most of us, especially young ones are really nice and open-hearted. And you'll never understand why are we so cold from a glance, unless you'll live in Russia about...10 years, I think. At this point, Himaruya must have swapped personality of Ivan "upside down", but maybe he just wanted to show that Russia have nice and beautiful appearance, but dangerous inside.
And about Vodka, yeah. I know, there's a predication that it is our "national drink", but no. In fact, vodka was introduced to this country in 1910-30 by Poland or Jewish men. Real traditional drinks are kvass, mors and medovukha.


>> No.4203   [Delete]   [Edit]

fffffff can we be friends?

>> No.4204   [Delete]   [Edit]

What are your favorite / least favorite things about your country?
Also, if a tourist visited Russia where would you recommend to visit?

>> No.4208   [Delete]   [Edit]

we should be beer buddies

i really like vodka

it makes me drunk faster

>> No.4241   [Delete]   [Edit]

How does Kvass taste like?
-absolutely random-

>> No.4352   [Delete]   [Edit]

What does Medovukha taste like?

>> No.4476   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1291233414006.jpg -(284.3 KiB, 839x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

c-could you translate this for me
i am curious to what it says but have no idea how to properly translate it

>> No.4525   [Delete]   [Edit]

Нашел чем светить, мудак. В России он живет. Шел бы ты отсюда, петушок.

>> No.4537   [Delete]   [Edit]

Do you enjoy vodka?

I've seen pictures of a shirtless guy up on a roof once, I think he was fixing it or something, but there was snow everywhere, do people around there really not care about snow?

>> No.4587   [Delete]   [Edit]

Well, I'm finally here, sorry for the long absence.

fffffff can we be friends?
I dunno, lol XD If you live somewhere in Moscow - maybe. X)

What are your favorite / least favorite things about your country?
Also, if a tourist visited Russia where would you recommend to visit?
1) Favorites: a) Natural fur here is a little cheaper, than in other countries, especially when the bargain sales season is coming near. b) Siberia. Yes, it's cold and abandoned, but it's really beautiful in spring and summer. When you're in spring tundra, you feel really lonely and calm, and there's plenty of time to think about your life. Just rocks, grass and flowers, and nothing else. c) Very warm and comfortable houses and apartments. For example, it's about -13 C outside, but in my apartment it's +26 C. d) Classical music and old Soviet multiplication. BTW, some of old cartoons was really psychedelic (Caliph-Stork, for example) and dark (there goes any cartoon about WWII), but this was a good way to show how hard and cruel was life back then. You'll never find any Soviet cartoon without morals or made just for entertainment (maybe "Nu, Pogodi!, but there was some morals too).
Least favorite: a) Delinquents, football fans and drunk people.. Delinquents is dangerous, but the rage of angry with something football fans sometimes is equivalent to the rage of the 100 mad elephants. Just imagine that you've got into giant meat grinder. Drunk people are just scary and they're mostly can't do anything harmful. b) Clothes for adults are usually very plain, no special designs (or very stupid ones, like too much sparkles, some stereotypical "cool" prints for dumb girls, like "sexy bitch" or "kiss me"). But there's a good side of this - if you ordering something from other countries, you'll be only one wearing this. c) VERY SLOW mail =_= I've never lost any parcels, but I've read TONS of negative feedbacks from people, who lose/didn't receive/received only half of their parcels. So, if you want to send something expensive to Russia, you'd better don't do that, because customs' workers can steal it. d) Expensive suburban electric trains tickets and absolutely no service or comfort. But there's large amount of con men, hobos and "everything-from-snacks-to-magic-amulets" sellers. Too bad that everything you buying from them not working or terribly outdated. e) People can do anything bad to you just for fun. That's the most awful thing about Russia.

2) Well, the most nice places I ever visited was: a) As I mentioned before, Siberia. b) Diamond Fund, it's just...gorgeous. c) Don't forget about Moscow metro. d) Old Arbat for souvenirs. e) Mother Russia Statue (or "The Motherland is calling!"). 52 meters high + about 33 meters of sword she carrying. Cool, isn't it? f) Petergof - must-visit place. g) St. Basil cathedral and Church of the Savior - those buildings are features unique old Russian style of decorating palaces and houses of the most rich families.

How does Kvass taste like?
-absolutely random-
Don't personally like it, but it tastes like...Black bread with bitterness of Coca-Cola.

What does Medovukha taste like?
I don't know, sorry. XD No one is drinking it today, maybe somewhere in province...But not in towns.

c-could you translate this for me
i am curious to what it says but have no idea how to properly translate it
From left to right:
Upper panel: "Alarmed, they send two Czech pilots from Aldergrove to catch it, but they were immediately withdrawn(or "called back", i don't know how to translate it properly) for no reason. When the case began to investigate, Hamilton refused to comment the version about the meeting group presence. Patrick Dolan didn't even said a word about involved from England! So WHAT happened in Dangwell!?"
Lower panel: "I don't know, I'm just a cashier." "Pizza"

Нашел чем светить, мудак. В России он живет. Шел бы ты отсюда, петушок.
Грубить девушкам, нехорошо, уважаемый. Вам бы на двачи идти.

Do you enjoy vodka?
I've seen pictures of a shirtless guy up on a roof once, I think he was fixing it or something, but there was snow everywhere, do people around there really not care about snow?
1) No, I didn't even tried it. I always thought it's a drink for low-grade losers.
2) Depends on physical health and persistence. I can remember myself living in Yakutia, when I was 10. Average winter temperature was about -35C, but me and my friends was playing around like not feeling cold at all. Of course we were packed in warm clothes and fur coats, but for a normal man it still would be just cold as...i don't know what.
Now I can still go for a short distance somewhere (for ex. to the shop near my apartments) only wearing sweater, pants and sneakers in about 0C to -7C, if it's sunny outside. Must I say something about eating ice cream in -25C? XD

>> No.4589   [Delete]   [Edit]


What is a high-grade drink in there then?

People in here are crazy about the vodka from there haha.

>> No.4636   [Delete]   [Edit]

Do you know anyone called Ivan?

>> No.4653   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1292790356479.jpg -(32.1 KiB, 512x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Как я мог пропустить этот тред? D:

Наври им. Наври-и. Чего-нибудь да наври-и-и. Введи их в заблуждение! Дезинформаций-а-а-а!!! brb, добрые дяди в белых халатиках увозят лечиться на Доброчан

Добре! ^__^

>> No.4668   [Delete]   [Edit]

How do you pronounce "theremin?" Do you know anyone who uses it? Have you ever played it? Is your country proud of it in any way? Do you know what a theremin is?

>> No.4676   [Delete]   [Edit]

I never played one, but I know it's an awesome instrument. :3

>> No.4679   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1292970746589.jpg -(19.5 KiB, 271x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw i came here first time since September and this thread
>> No.4681   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1292973345904.png -(12 KiB, 100x123) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>What does Medovukha taste like?

Very easy-drinking, slightly alcoholic, with the flavor of honey. They say, it does not affect mind, but it can knock you from your feet eventually. I tasted it only once, when I was at the shore of Black sea.
AFAIK, "theremin" is translated as "терменвокс", "termenvoks".

>Do you enjoy vodka?

Actually, never ever. I do not understand the meaning of alcohol. And I must admit, it is not that rare case in Russia, most of my friends are of the same opinion.

>Average winter temperature was about -35C

Good times. -25 and snow storm in Snezhinsk was actually fine too. But it was too long ago.

>> No.4752   [Delete]   [Edit]

I'm trying to learn Russian, but word order and hard=soft signs confuse the fuck out of me. What do they do, how do they work? It's been months, I'm not getting it.
I was also told that word order doesn't matter that much, for example in English it would have to be "I love you" but in Russian, "you I love", or various permutations would be acceptable.

>> No.4763   [Delete]   [Edit]

Ohi, lotsa Russians here and on so many other chanboards, eh?
Как у вас всем дела?

>> No.4764   [Delete]   [Edit]


>What do they do, how do they work?

They tell you how a letter should sound. They're kinda self-explanatory, hard signs make a letter sound "harder" soft ones do the opposite. With the letter 't' as an example, you stick a soft sign after it, and it'll sound 'softer' as if there's nearly an 's' after it. It's hard to explain, but once you get it, it'll be easy.

>I was also told that word order doesn't matter that much

It matters almost as much as in English, and it works about the same. In English it'd be grammatically correct to say "You, I love." but it'd be funny, right? Same thing in Russian.

Also, I'm not even OP, but this is fun.

>> No.4944   [Delete]   [Edit]

Who is the man in the picture? He's...beautiful o-o

>> No.4949   [Delete]   [Edit]

Just world's most famous ice-skater.

>> No.4952   [Delete]   [Edit]

Googled it and got his name thanks!

Last edited 11/01/13(Thu)22:54.

>> No.5244   [Delete]   [Edit]
  1. What sports are popular there? I am curious. Are you guys into soccer?
  2. I took your recommendation and have been watching those old Soyuzmultfilm, and I love them! Are modern-day Russian cartoons that neat?
  3. I know this is stupid, but how do you pronounce "cyrillic"? I've never actually heard someone say it aloud...
  4. What's the difference between Cyrillic "K" and "X"? Is "X" just softer?
>> No.5245   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1297794485509.png -(100.8 KiB, 360x268) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ya like sandvich?

>> No.5246   [Delete]   [Edit]

How popular is Sambo? Is it really easy finding a place to train Combat Sambo? Or is that a military only thing?

>> No.5383   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1298440442626.png -(31.4 KiB, 485x418) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


  1. Into, very into. But hockey, basketball and stuff are very popular too.

Oh, and no baseball.
2. No.
3. "Kirillitsa"
4. "к" is like first "c" in "cancer". And "х" is like "h" in "hi".


Hello, Tekkenfag.

>> No.5384   [Delete]   [Edit]

What? No. I do Judo, BJJ, and MMA. I'm genuinely curious.

And I've never even played Tekken.

Last edited 11/02/22(Tue)22:05.

>> No.6466   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.6482   [Delete]   [Edit]

What's the weather like in Russia RIGHT NOW? 8D

>> No.6522   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1305778905306.jpg -(68.8 KiB, 600x598) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Judo is goood, BJJ is shit.
Aikido is whur it is at for me...
(Well not exactly. I just say Aikido because we are a lot like it. It is actually called Aiki Okami Jiu Jitsu. c:)
Just cool to see another mma fag, I s'pose. c:

>> No.6523   [Delete]   [Edit]

How is BJJ shit and Judo not? They're really similar.

I for one can't take Aikido seriously. No full contact sparring or anything.

>> No.6529   [Delete]   [Edit]

Mine is a little of a cross between Aikido and traditional Jiu Jitsu, I guess. It is a family art. :3c

I prefer judo over bjj because I do not feel judo is as pumped up as bjj.
everybody is doing it and they are treating it like it is the shit of all arts when there are many that can be just as, if not more effective than bjj given two equally skilled fighters.
that, and you dont have wanks walking around on streets bragging because they think they are judo pros.
Just not my art I guess.
But still, you are for mma, so I think that is pretty cool. 8D

Last edited 11/05/19(Thu)17:11.

>> No.6640   [Delete]   [Edit]

The only Russian insult I know is "idi na huy". Can you say a few more? I can read cyrillic.

>> No.6655   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1306789209394.gif -(151.1 KiB, 560x512) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, "Russian abusive language" aka "mat" not actually insults in standard meaning of your language. It's kind a very informal, strong and obscene expression that can be applied in every aspect of your life. Somehow.
Btw, this here is actual insult, a simultaneous interpreting of original movie in English. (It's rare occasion of using of obscene language in translation, since it's "noncommercial").
Ублюдок, мать твою, а ну иди сюда, говно собачье ... решил ко мне лезть, засранец вонючий, мать твою, а? ну иди сюда, попробуй меня трахнуть, я тебя сам трахну, ублюдок, онанист чертов, будь ты проклят, иди, идиот, трахать тебя и всю твою семью, говно собачье, жлоб вонючий, дерьмо, сука, падла, иди сюда мерзавец, негодяй, гад, иди сюда ты говно, ЖОПА.
Have a nice day.

>> No.7428   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1314222204660.jpg -(210.7 KiB, 900x1455) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Translation please?

>> No.7441   [Delete]   [Edit]


>Я вас люблю, чего же боле ? Что я ещё могу сказать ? Ты не любил меня, Онегин. Теперь тебе не сдобровать!


>ЕГЭ Литература

This is a parody on Tatiana's letter from "Eugene Onegin", a novel by our greatest autor Alexander Serge~vich Pushkin.
Young boy in neko-mimi was preparing to Literature Unified State Exam, and he got asleep while reading that book. Indream version of Tatiana says, "I love you, what else ? What else i can say ? You didn't love me, Onegin. Now you'll get troubles! "
I'm not OP, or autor of any upper posts. I hadn't practiced enough english.

>> No.7477   [Delete]   [Edit]


Fuck yeah, Kino's Journey

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