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this thread was too big>>2659now deal with it being locked. here's a new one.I still hate you uboachan. I hate you with all my hate. Last edited by moderator 10/10/26(Tue)01:05.
this thread was too big>>2659
now deal with it being locked. here's a new one.
I still hate you uboachan. I hate you with all my hate.
Last edited by moderator 10/10/26(Tue)01:05.
I actually started that thread, I just anoned. That's all.
>>3846BAWWWWW don't hate me T_T
This is what happens when you fuck with gameshark.
>>38572/2: electric boogaloo
Unrelated: >>3857 I'm glad to see there's still someone who plays that...
>>3860This game is awesome. why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't anyone?
welp, I'm going to knock the random images thread back up there.>>3860Why aren't you on IRC yet? That's where everything happens. Last edited 10/10/21(Thu)11:18.
welp, I'm going to knock the random images thread back up there.
>>3860Why aren't you on IRC yet? That's where everything happens.
Last edited 10/10/21(Thu)11:18.
Grumio optimum facit cibum de coquina. Last edited 10/10/22(Fri)15:51.
Grumio optimum facit cibum de coquina.
Last edited 10/10/22(Fri)15:51.
>>3900True, I should be going there... Last time I went to the IRC was, like, during the initial discussions about Solitude. But the web client is bugging on me and I dunno where to get a real irc OTL
>>3910xchat get!I recommend this build: link is in the wiki section.
>>3910xchat get!
I recommend this build: link is in the wiki section.
>>3935That'll make a good OP pic
>>3943What? I don't get...WaitOh jesus christ