Terry Cavanagh/Distractionware.
He makes weird and awesome games. His most famous is VVVVVV.
Long Post ahead, so here's the link to his site: http://www.distractionware.com/
VVVVVV is the only game that you have to pay for (15 USD, iirc), being the best one he's made and all.
Red Sky and Radio Silence are disorentation games. Red sky being visual and Radio Silence being audio.
Bridge is an interpretive story "game". Kinda fun to mess with for a bit.
Judith is a game based of off Bluebeard, the french folklore. It's one of his better games.
Don't Look Back, his second most famous game, is my favorite. You literally venture to Hell and back to save someone.
Pathways is a pretty cool game, it has eight or nine different stories, and it's quite sad.
Best Years is a short co-op game, it's actually fun to play it with someone else.
No idea what Bullet Time and Self Destruct are, but they look descent.
I suggest you at least play Don't Look Back and Pathways, and VVVVVV if you can find a torrent for it somewhere, or...buy the game.