I think you guys are overreacting to my post. very heavily.
you are also causing even more of a disturbance than i am, >>2736 , so that doesn't help the thread much either :p
I skimmed, so what I was discussing was the fact that they asked for very generic critique with no specification of what they were TRYING to do with their art/work. the link doesn't work for me so i cant really trace them back to their other works, as well.
also, see
those posts are way more inflammatory than mine could be interpreted as.
when trying to critique someone, one has to take into account the end goal they're trying to reach; not everyone's is the same, there are so many different things to do with art, art isn't this one set thing that everyone aspires toward, and that is what i was saying. Think of all the different types of imagery from all the different cultures you know of; im sure that an art style sort of represents each culture for you if you think about it (or not).
I think people were being ridiculous to each other before they were being ridiculous to the artist. I said nothing in my post about people being ridiculous to the artist.
most of the things that >>2736 said aren't even in my post and are just very weird assumptions and impressions that they got... not only that but almost all of your argument has little to do with what i said and more to do with what you think of me and my character :/
keep posting art OP.
Last edited 11/06/07(Tue)21:13.