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File: 1290758186876.png -(10.2 KiB, 500x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10444 No.2043   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

bamf. dustin off the old wacom bamboo tablet.

Oekaki Post (Time: 11 min, Painter: Shi Normal)

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File: 1290658832356.png -(162.9 KiB, 400x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
166782 No.2035   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Ohai. Colors.

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File: 1282787295112.jpg -(495.5 KiB, 991x791) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
507374 No.1747   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

I tried to draw lots of people and failed
Didn't know where to post it then I'll just drop it here and forget it ever existed

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>> No.1752   [Delete]   [Edit]

Wow, you must be very dedicated in FG.
You even got my crappy fan char in there. ;u;

I think it's cute~ :'D

>> No.1753   [Delete]   [Edit]

Wow, someone actually answered. I'm impressed at myself. I'm still sad I couldn't fit /every/ char, though. I'll try to do it on a bigger paper size someday.

Thanks! But my normal art kinda sucks since I fail at anatomy. This simple/small style looks satisfactory, though.

She's not crappy okay ;-; I have a very special place in my heart for almost every /fg/

>> No.1754   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1282955886974.jpg -(6750 B, 175x183) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Flattered I am. This is much better than I can do because I am totally suck at drawing groups

>> No.2034   [Delete]   [Edit]

This would be like, the best party ever.

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File: 1290457090616.png -(407.6 KiB, 2000x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
417384 No.2024   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

lol i suck at drawing

>> No.2025   [Delete]   [Edit]

Decent compared to previous pics~

Take it to /o/ though if you please.

>> No.2031   [Delete]   [Edit]

I.....Like it

>> No.2032   [Delete]   [Edit]

The pic was misleading
I like it though <3

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File: 1290473656061.png -(228.9 KiB, 440x580) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
234438 No.2026   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Drew this a while ago.

>> No.2028   [Delete]   [Edit]

trololololol i really like it c:.

high five

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File: 1265128915125.png -(355.4 KiB, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
363905 No.945   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

...don't ask

Oekaki Post (Time: 1 h 9 min, Painter: Shi Pro)

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>> No.957   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1265926931318.png -(14.9 KiB, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oekaki Post (Time: 1 min, Painter: Shi Normal, Source: /o/src/1265580784642.png)

>> No.958   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1265927089057.png -(12.7 KiB, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oekaki Post (Time: 2 min, Painter: Shi Normal, Source: /o/src/1265580784642.png)

>> No.960   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1265927530108.png -(24.5 KiB, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oekaki Post (Time: 6 min, Painter: Shi Normal)

>> No.2022   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1290374501558.png -(3902 B, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

don't ask me either

Oekaki Post (Time: 54 s, Painter: Shi Normal)

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File: 1289732267189.png -(916 KiB, 683x1142) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
937977 No.1998   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

It's supposed to be Madotsuki entering the Nexus for the first time.

See through doors/walls whee~

>> No.2001   [Delete]   [Edit]


Nobodies feet look like that.

>> No.2010   [Delete]   [Edit]

Augh yeah I don't really know how to do feet. I usually practice them in separate drawings. Guess that just means I need to practice them more. xD

>> No.2020   [Delete]   [Edit]

you need to practice your everything.
go back to square one.

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File: 1289890579957.png -(178.2 KiB, 533x529) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
182464 No.2014   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

Drawn on a scribble thing.

>> No.2015   [Delete]   [Edit]

hey, you know this is ment to be in /o/ more preferably the iscribble thread OP.

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File: 1286736288653.png -(43.5 KiB, 426x645) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
44518 No.1992   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

hi hello have a neon monoe

>> No.1993   [Delete]   [Edit]

FFFFFF itz zo bootyvul i want moar >:U

>> No.1994   [Delete]   [Edit]

why doesn't this thread have more posts D:?

>> No.1995   [Delete]   [Edit]


>> No.1996   [Delete]   [Edit]


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File: 1288044120026.jpg -(3.1 MiB, 3648x2736) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3233865 No.1895   [Delete]   [Edit]  [Reply]

looking for critique on my shit.
i'm trying to get out of my animu style, but still for this atleast it's going to be Anime-esque. please go crazy on my work, i really don't mind harsh critique.

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>> No.1902   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1288064107274.jpg -(70.8 KiB, 549x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

'Dem body proportions... The general rule of thumb is that men have narrower hips then their sholders and women's hips and shoulders roughly have the same width. In >>1896 they seem to have the same bodies from the neck down.

>omitting nips (they're never that quite defined)

Wat. Men have nips and you can see them but leaving them out altogether is a good rule to follow if you're drawing a yaoi or something, lol.

Also, if you want to get the anime out of your drawings watch out on how you draw those facial features. When people pick on you for drawing anime all they seem to notice or care about is the face (unless they're wearing a sailor fuku or something etc.) If you were to go for realism the eyes are too big and usually your noses and mouths are really low on the chin. Another tell-tale thing about anime-influenced art is having a really flat-looking head, hair, and face. Eyes, noses, and mouths have a mass and shape to them beyond the usual dashes... heads and hair look good just keep studying irl examples of real people. Also look and pictures of peoples profiles, the proportions are a bit off in the first picture.

Search for some reference images / stock photos on deviantart and draw from those. Find weaknesses in your own drawings and then go online and find images to help you make your picture stronger. Bring a sketchbook with you more often and do more life drawing. If you doodle in class you could try drawing some classmates or something. Just get more practice. You may hear/read this a lot but it's very important.

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>> No.1967   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289250700087.png -(1.4 MiB, 3303x1784) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

bumping with improvement, this is shit for a art project.

>> No.1968   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289250907211.jpg -(3.6 MiB, 2459x3245) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

thank you everyone for the crits given, i know i'm still improveing but your really helping me to do so.

>> No.1988   [Delete]   [Edit]
File: 1289663755801.jpg -(55.9 KiB, 778x584) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

First off, resize your images. They're fuckhuge and it's hard to look at them as a whole when they're so big.

Anyway, I'm seeing some improvement, but you're still having problems with nipple placement on the males. Also, you seem to be having trouble with shoulder/neck areas. Your men and women have equally broad shoulders, which is not true in real life. It's true that some women have broader shoulders than others, and some men less so, but since you're still new learning muscle and bone structure stick with the ideal for now. Look up references of skeletons and muscle charts. Learn them. It's a lot of work yes, but when you can familiarize yourself with basic anatomical structures it makes learning much easier. This is one of the reasons I prefer drawing males, since they tend to have much more prominent musculature under their skin. Don't be afraid to draw from photographs and life.
What bothers me the most is the faces, though. It's pretty obvious you don't really know facial proportions, so the eyes are still much larger than they should be, and the noses and mouths are too far down on the face. Your figures don't really have chins. Also, their features are very flat and look like they're drawn on a flat surface. I understand a lot of this comes from trying to move away from anime, but it's imperative you realize it and try to fix it. Be sure to pay attention to the structural differences between male and female faces.
Also, stop covering up the heads with hair. This is another very anime-esque thing to do. Especially on your women, it looks like you draw part of the face, but don't want to mess it up you cover half of it up with hair. Don't draw hair until you've completed the basic skull shape and facial features.

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