I never said I didn't like Scanty. She's just not one of my favorite characters. I don't /hate/ Panty either. I don't LIKE her per say, but I don't hate her.
'Their weaboos and they don't have a sense of humor.'
I'm most certainly not a weeaboo and I do have a sense of humor. Everyone has a different one. If I choose not to laugh at the Engrish way Panty says 'Fuck' every episode, I can do that. Opinions.
'They don't like the crude humor, they thing the soundtrack is annoying, they think that the character designs are stupid and they hate the show in general.'
I happen to love the soundtrack (I plan on buying it) and the character designs. I like the show as well. I'm not one for the crude humor, truly, but it's the type of show that can pull it of and give me a few laughs.
Not everyone that hates something you do is a weeaboo.
If you're going to get pissed over someone not liking characters on a show, you're really childish. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.