Cat thread, since cats are /n/ material
damn /n/ is slow today.
>>360>damn uboachan is slowfixed
>damn uboachan is slow
Bumping the cat thread
Snickers sleeping on my foot. Now my foot is asleep owowow
>>425 christ on a stick... bumping so i can get this pic when i get home... cathor is superior
This cat is an asshole.
Moi cat.
I wish I could have cats, but I'm allergic to them ;_;
i wish i could have cats, but my mother is a hateful bitch.
I wish I could have cats, but I kill them.
I wish i had cats, but i have 2Wait.
I wish i had cats, but i have 2
I wish I could have cats, but I have already have a bunny.
I wish I had a cat.
catz 4 eva nd eva
My cousin has cats. I, however, am not in the possession of a feline.
My cat.
And here's mine
My cat's a burrito
Isn't uboachan slow in general? Also sage.(pic related, realcats)
Some of mine.
Here's my cat, she was putting her claws into my arms just now.Shit hurts bro.
Here's my cat, she was putting her claws into my arms just now.
Shit hurts bro.
>>1368Hueg cat is hueg
Hueg cat is hueg
My cat, she is in the box as I am typing this.
okay what
This is my cat watching this video: posted this photo somewhere else... asdfMy cat is such a Neet... <3
This is my cat watching this video:
I posted this photo somewhere else... asdfMy cat is such a Neet... <3
whenever i try to draw he always has to sleep on the fuckin paperalways
whenever i try to draw he always has to sleep on the fuckin paper
everyone else has cute catsmine is just a big pile of lard
My super annoying cat.
My cat that couldn't decide whether she hates me or not.