Was looking through my drawer of Pinky St parts today and got inspired.She looks so grouchy. Once I get some better paints, I hope to redo her. All of my mr.color paints dried up, so I was stuck with acrylics.
Was looking through my drawer of Pinky St parts today and got inspired.
She looks so grouchy. Once I get some better paints, I hope to redo her. All of my mr.color paints dried up, so I was stuck with acrylics.
Uh, I thought that it's cute.Just... close her eyes. :3
Well, at least you have some artistic skill than the rest of this imageboard.
If an eyes closed pinky head comes out, I'll use it, but I don't have the confidence to mod a head that extensively. |D
I'm a horrible fan. I noticed Aegis on the background before noticing her eyes were open.
OHMAHGWAD PINKY ST. LOVELOVELOVE.coughi do belive that a eye's closed face has come out, but i may be wrong.i would use a winking bace instead.(i only know the english names for them sorry)what modle face are you useing for her? it looks like mary's to me or sue's.i look forward to her repainting...where might be her hands?
>>981Her hands are there, same peachy color as always.She is PK011 - Rui. There is no closed eyes pinky, although Mayura is winking and PK20 has half-opened eyes which might be more suitable for Madotsuki with some repainting (PK20 has heavy eyeshadow). I don't really want to repaint my pinky heads. Maybe if I have spares in the future.
>>981Her hands are there, same peachy color as always.
She is PK011 - Rui. There is no closed eyes pinky, although Mayura is winking and PK20 has half-opened eyes which might be more suitable for Madotsuki with some repainting (PK20 has heavy eyeshadow). I don't really want to repaint my pinky heads. Maybe if I have spares in the future.
I spy with my little eye, Aigis <3
Oh yeah Aigis <3